narc0tiq / LiquidUU

Minecraft mod for turning IC2's UU-matter into a Buildcraft-compatible liquid.
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Stack destruction in SlotUUM #37

Closed narc0tiq closed 10 years ago

narc0tiq commented 11 years ago

If you use the hotbar number key shortcuts (i.e. 1-9) to take stuff out of the UUM slot of an accelerator, instead of getting a stack of however many you had had in the slot, you get a stack of 0 (!).

To reproduce:

  1. Spawn a stack of 64 UUM and put it in the accelerator
  2. Hover your mouse over the accelerator UUM slot
  3. Hit 1-9 on the main keyboard (not the keypad)

Note that if you hit the number of a slot that already had something in it (not UUM), the item will be correctly rejected and returned to your inventory, but the stack of UUM that comes out of the accelerator slot will have a stack size of zero (tested by Ctrl+clicking with NEI active -- it filled the stack by giving me 64 UUM, not 63).

Further note that if you hit the number of a slot that already has UUM in it, the stack is destroyed altogether, and only the size 0 stack will reappear in your hotbar.