narcode / codeklavier

Programming with the piano as interface
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CK- dev testing bugs #82

Closed wooloogooloo closed 5 years ago

wooloogooloo commented 5 years ago

Dear CK tennis superstar,

Thank you for your amazing work on the CK_dev branch.

The majority of it is working well !

One thing I noticed is that the conditionals, particularly the one off conditional, allows you to have multiple time periods. For example: setting up a conditional: IF number of \nnotes played is more than 100 in... if true -> if true -> play huygens sample, if false -> play huygens sample more than 100 notes played in the next 27 seconds? ~tremoloM2 = 6 ~tremoloL1amp = 1 ~tremoloM2 = 24 more than 100 notes played in the next 8 seconds? more than 100 notes played in the next 14 seconds? more than 100 notes played in the next 13 seconds? more than 100 notes played in the next 14 seconds? ~tremoloH2 = 13 more than 100 notes played in the next 13 seconds? more than 100 notes played in the next 14 seconds? ~tremoloH2 = 3~huygens.s tuk()~

so i ended up setting the period like 6 times in this case (other times it was closer to 3).

I also had the feeling that the tremolo recognition is more sensitive than usual. When i play a chord (or cluster really) it often finds a tremolo within that whilst I only play the chord once. Perhaps it's not excluding the same interval on different notes?

Tomorrow i will also test the display.

Cheers, your trusty tester/breaker

narcode commented 5 years ago

Fixed queen of the bellies !