nardo / Equal.Vote

Equal Vote Coalition
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Sentance edit #10 #13

Open SaraWolf opened 7 years ago

SaraWolf commented 7 years ago

From the homepage: I like this part a lot. Minor changes! SUGGESTION: The Solution: One Fair Election

What if we could have a single inclusive election that provides us all an equal say, accurately reflects of the will of the people, is simple for voters and elections officials to understand and use, and allows us to expressively share our honest opinions about each candidate instead of always having to strategically choose the lesser evil?

Until recently, such an election system did not exist. Various competing reforms such as Instant Runoff, Top Two Runoff, Approval, and Score Voting were all improvements on our current system, but none of them fully encouraged voter honesty and each came with it's own trade-offs and pit-falls.