nareal / nastatement

Quarto extension that provides a PDF template for a short statement letter
MIT License
4 stars 1 forks source link

Issue with fontawesome #1

Closed baarthur closed 8 months ago

baarthur commented 8 months ago

Hey Nelson, thanks for the great template!

I am trying to render your demo file and I am facing some difficulties, mostly related to fontawesome. Could you help me?

First, I got an error message associated with the font NewsGotT. Since I don't have this font, I just changed it to one I have, no problem.

 kpathsea: Running mktexmf NewsGotT

  ! I can't find file `NewsGotT'.

But the problem persists with FontAwesome. I don't know if this is an issue with my installation, I'm not great with LaTeX either... What I tried to do was to manually install fontawesome (tlmgr install fontawesome), it did install, but it didn't work as well. I also manually added fontawesome to my system fonts (, but it was of no help.

I use tinytex, I am now installing the full TeXLive (which is taking an eternity) to see if it works

Here's the error message when I try to render the .qmd:

  to: latex
  output-file: template_nareal.tex
  template: _extensions/nareal/nastatement/template.tex
  standalone: true
  pdf-engine: xelatex
    graphics: true
    tables: true
  default-image-extension: pdf

  block-headings: true
  title: To whom it may concern
  fromname: Nelson Areal
  fromtitle: Associate Professor
  fromWWW: ''
  fromphone: +351 253 601 923
  fromaddress: |
    | School of Economics and Management
    | University of Minho
    | Campus de Gualtar
    | 4710-057 Braga - Portugal
  closing: 'Best regards,'
  spacing: 1.4
  lang: en-GB
  babel-lang: british

running xelatex - 1
  This is XeTeX, Version 3.141592653-2.6-0.999995 (TeX Live 2023) (preloaded format=xelatex)
   restricted \write18 enabled.
  entering extended mode

  kpathsea: Running mktextfm FontAwesome
  /usr/local/texlive/2023basic/texmf-dist/web2c/mktexnam: Could not map source abbreviation  for FontAwesome.
  /usr/local/texlive/2023basic/texmf-dist/web2c/mktexnam: Need to update ?
  mktextfm: Running mf-nowin -progname=mf \mode:=ljfour; mag:=1; ; nonstopmode; input FontAwesome
  This is METAFONT, Version 2.71828182 (TeX Live 2023) (preloaded base=mf)

  kpathsea: Running mktexmf FontAwesome

  ! I can't find file `FontAwesome'.
  <*> ...r; mag:=1; ; nonstopmode; input FontAwesome

  Please type another input file name
  ! Emergency stop.
  <*> ...r; mag:=1; ; nonstopmode; input FontAwesome

  Transcript written on mfput.log.
  grep: FontAwesome.log: No such file or directory
  mktextfm: `mf-nowin -progname=mf \mode:=ljfour; mag:=1; ; nonstopmode; input FontAwesome' failed to make FontAwesome.tfm.
  kpathsea: Appending font creation commands to missfont.log.

updating tlmgr

updating existing packages
finding package for FontAwesome(-(Bold|Italic|Regular).*)?[.](tfm|afm|mf|otf|ttf)
finding package for FontAwesome
finding package for mktextfm
> 2 packages to install
> installing fontawesome (1 of 2)
> installing texlive-scripts (2 of 2)
  This is XeTeX, Version 3.141592653-2.6-0.999995 (TeX Live 2023) (preloaded format=xelatex)
   restricted \write18 enabled.
  entering extended mode

  kpathsea: Running mktextfm FontAwesome
  /usr/local/texlive/2023basic/texmf-dist/web2c/mktexnam: Could not map source abbreviation  for FontAwesome.
  /usr/local/texlive/2023basic/texmf-dist/web2c/mktexnam: Need to update ?
  mktextfm: Running mf-nowin -progname=mf \mode:=ljfour; mag:=1; ; nonstopmode; input FontAwesome
  This is METAFONT, Version 2.71828182 (TeX Live 2023) (preloaded base=mf)

  kpathsea: Running mktexmf FontAwesome

  ! I can't find file `FontAwesome'.
  <*> ...r; mag:=1; ; nonstopmode; input FontAwesome

  Please type another input file name
  ! Emergency stop.
  <*> ...r; mag:=1; ; nonstopmode; input FontAwesome

  Transcript written on mfput.log.
  grep: FontAwesome.log: No such file or directory
  mktextfm: `mf-nowin -progname=mf \mode:=ljfour; mag:=1; ; nonstopmode; input FontAwesome' failed to make FontAwesome.tfm.
  kpathsea: Appending font creation commands to missfont.log.

finding package for FontAwesome(-(Bold|Italic|Regular).*)?[.](tfm|afm|mf|otf|ttf)
finding package for FontAwesome
finding package for mktextfm

compilation failed- package installation error
Package fontspec Error: The font "FontAwesome" cannot be found.

For immediate help type H <return>.


I am also attaching the full log.



nareal commented 8 months ago

Thanks so much for opening the issue, and all the details.

Can you please check the new version of the extension and let me know if it fixed the issue?

baarthur commented 8 months ago

Thanks, Nelson! Runned smoothly now, I didn't even had to change from tinytex to texlive.

nareal commented 8 months ago

Great! I'm glad it works.