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This is a AI Based Smart Exam Proctoring System using python flask, mysql as database, yolov4
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gaze_tracking #32

Open sai-sasidhar opened 2 years ago

sai-sasidhar commented 2 years ago

how do I install gaze tracking itis not at all installing. do I need to have GPU for it or will it work without it also also what about dlib every time I install it it exited with some subprocess error

hovhikyan2009 commented 1 year ago

I also have an error with gaze tracking and can you say you have no error with wtforms.fileds.html5?

NicolasSM-001 commented 7 months ago

if you are not able to install dlib, use a precompiled dlib build whl file that matches your python version. has the instructions and files. If you need for python 3.10 or 3.11, just look into the pull request section. Its there and it works

NicolasSM-001 commented 7 months ago

how do I install gaze tracking itis not at all installing. do I need to have GPU for it or will it work without it also also what about dlib every time I install it it exited with some subprocess error

also, gaze_tracking refers to the .py file in the gaze tracking folder if im not wrong. If you are facing issues with the import, just drop the python files in the gaze tracking folder into ur main folder