narendraraghu / ppt

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Open narendraraghu opened 8 years ago

narendraraghu commented 8 years ago

20130418-thymeleaf-130418151812-phpapp02 (2) (1).pptx

narendraraghu commented 8 years ago
  1. 2.




There are a few things that we can notice:

-This is an html file! You can actually preview it as a static file in your web browser. This feature is great for prototyping [1].

We are using a dedicated namespace in order to turn static html pages into dynamic views. All parts that require dynamic processing are prefixed with “th:”.

It’s simple to refer to the context path using ‘@{…}’. This is very easy to get wrong in plain JSPs [2].

${users} is resolved using Spring Expression Language. If I had a form, I would have used expressions such as *{} to refer to form elements.

[1] We will not discuss prototyping any further in this article. However you can read this tutorial ( if you would like to know more about it.

[2] In the first part of this article, when using , I had to use a relative path “../menu.jspx”. This will lead to a broken link on the day I’ll move my JSP file to a different folder.