narfindustries / http-garden

Differential testing and fuzzing of HTTP servers and proxies
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Grid view not accurate #31

Open tstOutpost24 opened 3 months ago

tstOutpost24 commented 3 months ago

In this commit there may be a typo in the comparison between j and i. Perhaps I am misunderstanding the intent behind this code, but it causes the grid view not to work in "both" directions?

When the line 101 = if j <=i: j is less than or equal to i

When the line 101 = if j == i: j is equal to i

Payload was set to "payload 'POST / HTTP/1.1\r\nHost: a\r\nTransfer-Encoding: chunked\r\n\r\n0\n\r\n'"


kenballus commented 3 months ago

Yeah; I probably should have documented that change :)

I got rid of the duplicated entries because they cluttered the view.

kenballus commented 3 months ago

In other words, this is intentional. I'm going to close this issue and update the README to match the current output from grid.

pajod commented 3 weeks ago

I found showing both pairs while swapping count/status __eq__ for __gt__ more eye-friendly at spotting which one I should investigate from moderate to large grids. e.g. in this screenshot tornado simply does not want to play, but the way in which nginx is being funny would otherwise not be as clear as it is for werkzeug - the uninterrupted column (or line) really helps:

arrows up and down distinguishing duplicate intersections in the grid

If that sounds interesting, I'll extract & send my local change.

kenballus commented 3 weeks ago

I'm having difficulty understanding the meaning of the arrow characters in that output.

I'd be interested in seeing your local changes :)