nargolg1 / PhD-Shelter-Shrub-Climate

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The relative effects of shelters on m.clim and animal association patterns (across a gradient?) #2

Closed zenrabbit closed 3 months ago

zenrabbit commented 3 months ago


1 can please add the potential title of paper, hypothesis in one sentence, and the predictions you are testing with these data at the top of file.

  1. can you add warning and message = FALSE in rmd chunk
  2. can you add a section called plots for the paper
  3. Can you pls also compile and tidy up all data and just publish as one data package to KNB (see comment below)

big picture

lead with site climate differences (with stations or WClim), then shelter-shrub m.climate effects, then animal associations with structures etc.


shelter important to m.clim and thus animals?


P1 - shelters like shrubs mediate fine-scale climate, ie m.clim
P2 - animals use shelters
P3 - the extent that shelters/shrubs mediate m.clim predicts animal associations?
P4 - shelters are as effective as shrubs if facilitation is mostly driven by climate amelioration?

zenrabbit commented 3 months ago

ok, see there are multiple sites and seasons - need to incorporate into models and plots? see predications above, if you are agree, give it an edit

zenrabbit commented 3 months ago

Main findings

sites differ in climate (station or WClim data) - not a prediction (just an assumption you need to test)

then shelters influence m.clim like shrubs do animals associate with shrubs and shelters... the same.. shelters and shrubs buffer m.clim relative to the open and the extent predicts associations of animals

the gradient across sites/does or does not predict animal association patterns (like Mario's, do site-level means for shelter, shrub, open etc and test site-level climate effects).

zenrabbit commented 3 months ago

site-level data

zenrabbit commented 3 months ago



Make a new simple data package, just one, on KNB and put all data files (except site one above) together.

metadata.csv m.clim.csv observations.csv

m.clim: cite EDI but ideally put all data together for three sites into one file and just add site_code col (and put in KNB data package

animal associations: knb data call it animals.csv or observations.csv and have the site_code col.

zenrabbit commented 3 months ago


ok I think I found it all, I would tidy up as proposed above Data citations

site station climate

animal observations

m.clim winter 2023

not sure what this one is

2022 all?