nartc / angular-three

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NgtGizmoHelper disappear when resetting scene background #101

Closed yywf77 closed 2 years ago

yywf77 commented 2 years ago

NgtGizmoHelper disappear when resetting scene background or used NgtEffectComposer.

IRobot1 commented 2 years ago

Please provide example of how you are resetting scene background. Also, does just adding NgtEffectComposer with no effects cause it to disappear? Is your app using routes and modules?

yywf77 commented 2 years ago

Thanks so muth! The problem has been solved, Because it belongs to different scenes,So when I update the main scene, I also update the scene where it is, and the problem is solved。

<ng-container ngIf="true"> <ngt-soba-gizmo-helper name="GizmoHelperViewCube" ngIf="mode === 'viewcube'" [alignment]="alignment" [margin]="margin" [scale]="0.75" (ready)="ready.emit($event)"> <ngt-soba-gizmo-viewcube font="4rem Inter var, Arial, sans-serif" [faces]="['右', '左', '上', '下', '前', '后']" [opacity]="0.8" color="#00c8d6" strokeColor="#00b0bd" textColor="black" hoverColor="#00b0bd"> <ngt-soba-gizmo-helper name="GizmoHelperViewPort" *ngIf="mode === 'viewport'" [alignment]="alignment" [margin]="margin" (ready)="ready.emit($event)"> <ngt-soba-gizmo-viewport [axisColors]="['red', 'green', 'blue']" labelColor="black" [hideNegativeAxes]="false">

import { ChangeDetectionStrategy, Component, EventEmitter, Input, Output } from '@angular/core'; import { Camera, Color, Scene } from 'three'; import { Editor, EditorService } from '../../editor';

@Component({ selector: 'sm-gizmo-helper', templateUrl: './gizmo-helper.component.html', styleUrls: ['./gizmo-helper.component.scss'], changeDetection: ChangeDetectionStrategy.OnPush, }) export class GizmoHelperComponent{ @Input() mode: 'viewport' | 'viewcube' = 'viewcube'; @Input() alignment: | 'top-left' | 'top-right' | 'bottom-right' | 'bottom-left' = 'top-right'; @Input() margin: [number, number] = [80, 80]; @Output() ready = new EventEmitter();

editor!:Editor; constructor(private editorService:EditorService){ }

ngAfterViewInit(): void { this.editorService.getEditor().subscribe(editor=>{ editor.scene.onAfterRender = function(){ const gizmoScene = editor.gizmoHelper.parent; if(gizmoScene && gizmoScene instanceof Scene){ const camera = gizmoScene.children.find(o=>o instanceof Camera); if(camera && camera instanceof Camera){ editor.renderer.render(gizmoScene,camera); } } } }) }


yywf77 commented 2 years ago

I have another question to ask,When I use the ngt-shadow-material like below,I didn't get the shodow。 <ngt-canvas id="ngtcanvas" [shadows]="true" [gl]="{ alpha: true, antialias: true,logarithmicDepthBuffer: true}" [camera]="{position: [-500,500,500],far:200000, fov: 750}" (mousedown)="mousedown($event)" (mouseup)="mouseup($event)" (mousemove)="mousemove($event)" (created)="onCreated($event)"> <ngt-grid-helper [args]="[size, size/segment, axisColor, color]" (ready)="object = $event"> <ngt-mesh [rotation]='[-0.5|pi, 0, 0]' [visible]="true" [receiveShadow]="true" (click)="click.emit($event.point)"> <ngt-plane-geometry [args]="[size,size]"> <ngt-shadow-material [parameters]="{color:'#171717'}">

<ngt-ambient-light name="AmbientLight" [intensity]="0.8" [args]="['#505050',2]" (ready)="ready.emit($event)"></ngt-ambient-light>
    [position]="[0, 600, 1000]" 
    [args]="['#ffffff', 2]" 
    [shadow]="{ mapSize: [10000, 10000] | vector2 }"

<ngt-soba-loader *ngIf="false">

yywf77 commented 2 years ago
IRobot1 commented 2 years ago

Do you mean the gizmo doesn't cast a shadow on the shadow material or any mesh in general doesn't cast a shadow on the shadow material?

yywf77 commented 2 years ago

any mesh

nartc commented 2 years ago

@yywf77 ShadowMaterial does not determine whether to show shadows of your mesh or not. You'd need to use castShadow and/or receiveShadow on the Mesh/Light. ShadowMaterial is just a transparent material but can reflect shadows (if they're casted on it), usually used for Floor.