narutojxl / iscloam_noted

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I found the location where map topic published in LaserMappingNode.cpp. Is the topic map published here a local map? #1

Open ldjcrs opened 3 years ago

ldjcrs commented 3 years ago

Hi @narutojxl, thanks a lot for your work! How could I viewed the global map in rviz?

ldjcrs commented 3 years ago

The location where the map topic publised in LaserMappingNode.cpp. if(path_size %20 == 0){ iscloam_map = laserMapping.getMap(); sensor_msgs::PointCloud2 PointsMsg; pcl::toROSMsg(*iscloam_map, PointsMsg); PointsMsg.header.stamp = pointcloud_time; PointsMsg.header.frame_id = "map"; map_pub.publish(PointsMsg); }