narzoul / DDrawCompat

DirectDraw and Direct3D 1-7 compatibility, performance and visual enhancements for Windows Vista, 7, 8, 10 and 11
BSD Zero Clause License
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God of Nea, we still need your help #143

Closed FaustGoN closed 1 year ago

FaustGoN commented 1 year ago

Hi narzoul,

I don't know if you remember but you helped me a few years ago for my game God of Nea (an old game that uses DirectX7 and DirectDraw). You had produced a ddraw.dll adapted to this game, so that players with Windows 10 can play properly with a very low drawing and therefore a fluid game! We use this ddraw.dll (I can't remember what version number is attached to this dll, but we also tried with the latest version available here) .

The problem:

The player under Windows 10 with multiple screens AND who uses the ddraw.dll, obtains a black screen when he opens the game. If he removes the dll, the screen is no longer black, but once in game, the drawing is too high (50ms).

Do you have any idea how to proceed to be able to use the dll + have multiple screens?

Best Regards, Faust,

17:12:38.489 Process path: D:\Program Files (x86)\God of Nea\gon.exe
17:12:38.490 Environment variable __COMPAT_LAYER = ""
17:12:38.490 Loading DDrawCompat statically from D:\Program Files (x86)\God of Nea\DDRAW.dll
17:12:38.514 DDrawCompat loaded successfully
17:12:38.584 Installing display mode hooks
17:12:38.591 Installing registry hooks
17:12:38.591 Installing Direct3D driver hooks
17:12:38.591 Installing Win32 hooks
17:12:38.598 Hooking user mode display driver: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\u0382658.inf_amd64_03ff8c2b52214376\B382613\aticfx32.dll+0x5dcb0
17:12:38.653 Dynamic vertex buffers are available
17:12:38.653 Dynamic index buffers are available
17:12:38.658 Checking source color key support: failed (test result pattern is incorrect: 0xfa9f)
17:12:38.664 Incorrect z-buffer bit depth capabilities detected; changed from "16, 32" to "16, 24"
17:12:38.668 Installing DirectDraw hooks
17:12:38.669 Installing Direct3D hooks
17:12:38.672 Installing GDI hooks
17:12:38.682 Finished installing hooks
narzoul commented 1 year ago

Sorry, I don't support online games anymore.