narzoul / DDrawCompat

DirectDraw and Direct3D 1-7 compatibility, performance and visual enhancements for Windows Vista, 7, 8, 10 and 11
BSD Zero Clause License
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Janes F-18 HUD graphic problem #175

Closed ahmadmuzaffarzafriy closed 8 months ago

ahmadmuzaffarzafriy commented 1 year ago

The ddraw file runs the game fine, but the cockpit HUD in-game has some slight problem...

Also, why is it when trying to print screen the game when using the ddraw, the clipboard is either blank or black...

narzoul commented 1 year ago

Do you mean the unreadable text in the top-middle part? janesfa18

Screenshots should work just fine with v0.4.0, as you can see. Did you modify the default DDrawCompat settings perhaps?

The HUD seems to render correctly with v0.3.2, but screenshots won't work with that (since it only supports exclusive fullscreen mode). I'll try to find what broke the HUD in v0.4.0.

narzoul commented 1 year ago

I found the culprit. The game uses automatically generated texture coordinates, which is incompatible with an optimization I implemented in v0.4.0. For now, I'll just disable that optimization as a quick fix, but I'll try to do something more sophisticated for the next release: (diff.txt compared to v0.4.0)

narzoul commented 8 months ago

Fixed in v0.5.0.