narzoul / DDrawCompat

DirectDraw and Direct3D 1-7 compatibility, performance and visual enhancements for Windows Vista, 7, 8, 10 and 11
BSD Zero Clause License
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Cannot get to work on Janes F-15 in W11 #178

Open witchiewoman opened 1 year ago

witchiewoman commented 1 year ago

So this wrapper 4.0 will not work on this sim for me on windows 11. It runs in processes but wont start,

I tried your 3.2 ddraw and this one works, I can see menus, however when I enter the cockpit the screen goes totally black and I cannot see.

witchiewoman commented 1 year ago

Heres my log for f15, black screen when hitting fly so cannot see when in the cockpit.


I also lose sound on 4.0 of this ddraw but sound is intact on 3.2

It works perfectly in software mode but not in glide with DGvoodoo or nglide installed. Very weird

narzoul commented 1 year ago

Could you please clarify what is the issue here? In your original post you wrote "It runs in processes but wont start" (so I assumed the game doesn't start up at all), but in your second post you wrote that it runs into a black screen only after pressing fly, and that there are sound issues.

Direct3D hardware rendering mode doesn't work for me either currently, though at least I get the following error message when trying to start a mission: "Direct Draw Initialization Failure Code [380]". Same error with v0.3.2 and v0.4.0. Strangely, I don't see the same error message in your logs though.

DDrawCompat doesn't touch anything audio related, maybe the sound issues are caused by some generic heap corruption or some such. I'll try to look into that too since I also have the issue with DDrawCompat v0.4.0, but not with v0.3.2 or native ddraw.

Do you have the v1.17f patch installed for the game?

witchiewoman commented 1 year ago

menus work but once you hit fly in a campaign, mission or training the game goes to a black screen, I can hear the sim running but cannot see as posted previously. I then hit escape an hit Y for yes and it jumps back to the menus as it should and I can see again. Its only when I am in the plane that everything goes black. Im trying to get it to work in glide I have nglide and dgvoodoo installed. Software mode works but looks ugly. Sounds working in 4.0 its just the issue above now.

Yes, the game was patched to 1.17f.

Log below,


witchiewoman commented 1 year ago

Tested again by taking your ddraw out of the folder. It works in glide now but because your ddraw is missing I cannot see the UI windows text so it has to be a problem in the ddraw file. With ddraw 4,0 the menu ui text is fixed but the screens black in cockpit (cannot see) and without ddraw I can see when im in the cockpit but of course the menus are jacked up which has always been the probem for everyone for years.

narzoul commented 1 year ago

Oh, are you trying to use both DDrawCompat and nGlide/dgVoodoo? If yes, then as the readme says, that's not supported. You'll probably need a simpler ddraw wrapper then, like PCGamingWiki suggests:

I can only support Direct3D mode here, so I'll keep this open for debugging that issue.

witchiewoman commented 1 year ago

OK thanks Nar, I really appreciate you focusing on windows 11 as most wrappers seem to only support 10 and back.

For now the ddraw you suggested with the cfg file set does work fine when I use Dxwnd for glide so we are good.