narzoul / DDrawCompat

DirectDraw and Direct3D 1-7 compatibility, performance and visual enhancements for Windows Vista, 7, 8, 10 and 11
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Interpolation behavior/issue (look at closed issue #104) #208

Closed eugene-s-nesdev closed 7 months ago

eugene-s-nesdev commented 1 year ago

Hello Narzoul! I have a question about my past topic:

DDraw compat (release version 0.4.0) has much more blurry and worse interpolation compared to dll (27-june-2021) you compiled for me for testing:

Interpolation comparsion. Emulators output image must look like left picture:


Is there a setting for going back to the old interpolation method?

narzoul commented 1 year ago

It looks like the right side uses sRGB gamma-corrected filtering. It was only meant to be used by the display scaling filters, but I think it can accidentally get enabled for some blits too.

Does this quick fix solve it? (diff.txt compared to v0.4.0)

Note: this also disables gamma correction for the display scaling filters (not relevant for windowed mode).

eugene-s-nesdev commented 1 year ago

Yes, this fix solved the issue

narzoul commented 7 months ago

Fixed in v0.5.0.