narzoul / DDrawCompat

DirectDraw and Direct3D 1-7 compatibility, performance and visual enhancements for Windows Vista, 7, 8, 10 and 11
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Support for portrait screens. #228

Closed mkultrasion closed 8 months ago

mkultrasion commented 1 year ago

Support for portrait screens.

Hi, I don't know if it would be possible, because I've already tried everything and I've given up. I have several portable devices with screens in portrait mode, that is, rotated and of course the old games do not start due to this. For example, when I connect the Steam Deck (which is the device I use the most right now) to an external monitor they work and start without problems (I have Windows 10 and Windows 11), with versions v0.3.2 and v0.4.0, but using the 7-inch screen that has a resolution of 800x1280 is impossible. I have tried to modify the configuration file in both versions and nothing, without results.

The games I'm trying to get working are Jane's saga, F15, Longbow 2, IAF, etc. It would be great to be able to play them in portable mode as they work perfect on all windows 10/11 PCs and I no longer need my old Windows Me/98 laptop to play.

Greetings and thanks for the tremendous effort and time that this project will surely have taken you and that has made so many old school people happy (45 years and upwards... hahaha).

In spanish:

Soporte para pantallas retrato.

Hola, no se si seria posible, porque ya he probado todas las cosas y me he dado por vencido. Tengo varios dispositivos portatiles con pantallas en modo retrato, o sea, giradas y claro los juegos antiguos no arrancan debido a esto. Por ejemplo, cuando conecto la Steam Deck (que es el aparato que mas uso ahora) a un monitor externo funcionan y arrancan sin problemas (tengo WIndows 10 y Windows 11), con las versiones v0.3.2 y v0.4.0, pero usando la pantalla de 7 pulgadas que tiene una resolucion de 800x1280 es imposible. He intentado modificar el archivo de configuracion en ambas versiones y nada, sin resultados.

Los juegos que estoy intentando hacer funcionar son lo de la saga Jane´s, F15, Longbow 2, IAF, etc. Seria genial poderlos jugar en modo portatil ya que funcionan perfectos en todos los PCs con windows 10/11 y ya no necesito mi viejo portatil con Windows Me/98 para jugar.

Un saludo y gracias por el tremendo esfurerzo y tiempo que seguramente te habra llevado este proyecto y que ha hecho feliz a tanta gente de la vieja escuela (45 años y subiendo....jajaja).

narzoul commented 1 year ago

I don't have any portable devices, but I imagine it should be possible, as long as you keep the default FullscreenMode=borderless (not sure if needed) and DisplayResolution=native settings, and make sure the display resolutions used by the game are added to SupportedResolutions.

But why are you trying to play in portrait mode to begin with? Wouldn't it be better to switch Windows to landscape mode?