narzoul / DDrawCompat

DirectDraw and Direct3D 1-7 compatibility, performance and visual enhancements for Windows Vista, 7, 8, 10 and 11
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Alien Nations 2 PL not working with version above #337

Open s18290 opened 4 days ago

s18290 commented 4 days ago

Alien Nations 2 PL not working with version above

"Cannon initialize graphics"

cannot initialize

On version game working almost perfectly - it's just don't launch on main screen but on second one and cannot change it.

And what is important - Alien Nations 2 PL !=The Nations Gold Edition from GoG

narzoul commented 4 days ago

Please enable LogLevel=debug in DDrawCompat.ini, use the latest release (v0.5.3) to reproduce the issue, then upload the resulting log file.

Bezimienny111 commented 3 days ago

narzoul commented 1 day ago

I'm confused. @Bezimienny111 Are you related to the topic opener? Your logs seem to show a game with working rendering that you keep alt-tabbing(?) out of. I can't find any sign of that error dialog box that was shown in the opening post either.

Could you record a video along with the debug logs to show what's happening? Does the game not immediately abort at start, but at some later point?

Is the problem resolved if you attach only one monitor to your desktop?

Your logs do seem to indicate the game is running on the right side monitor. Is that one configured as your main display in your Windows display settings? Generally, these old games don't have any options to select which display to use, and will tend to choose the main display by default.

Bezimienny111 commented 1 day ago

@narzoul sorry for a confiusion :) s18290 is my account from university and I just didin't saw I made it from that one :D

Maybe I will write it more clear and longer.

On there is problem only with game starting on side monitor. Right one is not my main - windows options shows that it is number 3.

On above version the game well. The game trying to start. There is small black window on right screen, and main middle screen is all black. When I click mouse anywhere game minimize and stopps responding. The dialog box is not showing always. sometimes when I stop game by force. Those "you keep alt-tabbing" was because while i made those logs for you, i can't get to controll panel to kill game proces ( small black window on right screen and black main screen)

As soon as it will be possible I will made a video.

Bezimienny111 commented 1 day ago

I made test on only one monitor - game works perfectly. Why then, when there is more than one monitor it tries to start not on my main screen ( whatpossible is the reason it fails to start because of it)?