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General Coordinates Network (GCN) web site
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Downloadable GCNs for just one object, ability to read all GCNs for one object. #2229

Open GabrielF98 opened 4 months ago

GabrielF98 commented 4 months ago


When searching for a specific transient, it would be nice to be able to download all GCNs relating to just that transient, right now you can only download all GCNs or view GCNs one by one. It would also be nice to have a view of the content all GCNs for one object on the website, so people can follow along with a new transient more easily. I know right now you can filter by object and see all the GCNs, but it would be nice to be able to read them all in one place.

Acceptance criteria

There should be a way to download text files of all GCNs for one object.
There should be a way to bulk-export the bibtex for all GCNs for one object. There should be a way to read all the GCNs for one object on one page.

lpsinger commented 4 months ago

Nice idea! We are working on a feature to group GCN Circulars by event in the archive. A per-event download feature would be a nice addition too.