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Healpix doc #2498

Open Vidushi-GitHub opened 1 month ago

Vidushi-GitHub commented 1 month ago


Add document for parsing and using HEALPix docs

Explaining what it represents, how one can understand a skymap

Resolves: #2035

lpsinger commented 1 month ago

Please fix the following build error:

css-bundle-entry-module:__remix_cssBundleEntryModule__:45:25: ERROR: [plugin: remix-mdx] Could not parse import/exports with acorn: SyntaxError: Unexpected token [plugin css-bundle-plugin]

The cause of this error is the imports in your Python sample code, which is enclosed in triple quotes ('''). Triple quotes don't do anything in Markdown, so the MDX parser is attempting to interpret those lines as JavaScript imports. The correct delimiter for a code block in Markdown is triple backticks (```).