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Incorrect BAT trigger number in Bat light curve notices for GRB 240805A #2507

Open DrPhilEvans opened 1 month ago

DrPhilEvans commented 1 month ago

For GRB 240805A = Swift-BAT trigger 1246907; the GCN/SWIFT_BAT_LIGHTCURVE emails from the old GCN classic system all contained the wrong information in the email body. The fields (trigger no, date, position etc) were all from the previous BAT GRB trigger (GRB240730A = trigger 1245636). The email attachments, however, were correct, as was the BAT position and scaled map notice (and the XRT notices).

Current behavior

Email body for BAT lightcurves contained previous triggers' details.

Expected behavior

Email body for BAT lightcurves should contain current triggers' details.

Steps to reproduce

