nasa-jpl / COVID-19-respirators

JPL designed 3D and tested printed respirators to help with the COVID-19 pandemic response.
Apache License 2.0
129 stars 20 forks source link

Got an idea? Let us know... #2

Open ericdcontreras opened 4 years ago

ericdcontreras commented 4 years ago

Different applications can lead to different requirements. We have started to collect feedback from our local users and would like to hear from anyone that can have an idea or issue that we may be able to help with. Wearing a respirator might just become part of the norm for now so let's get creative and make the best of things.

Examples; Styling Voice Module Active mood emojis Respirator status monitoring Accessories

Hope to hear from you!!

robotmischief commented 4 years ago

Kudos! How about going bluetooth and using the mobile phone's processing capacities for voicing? or maybe its screen (although wearing a mobile phone as a neckless seems uncomfortable)

ericdcontreras commented 4 years ago

@robotmischief This is a great idea, we joked before about just using AirPods and calling people to communicate, and then we moved on to standalone sound amplifiers but... as you said. We can capitalize on the fact that most people have to carry a cellphone. Voice processing would be a great idea for the hard of hearing or def a bit complex, secondly, we can use the phone as a mini PA system using your AirPods as a microphone just pacing one of them on the mask. The only limitation would be airpod battery life but if you got two maybe you can swap in between charge. you would need an App to use phone as a megaphone quick search shows that they have one for wired microphones only. Will look further into this....

robotmischief commented 4 years ago

I didn't know you can use AirPods as a mic, thanks for the heads ups!. I guess it is possible to quickly prototype an App using MIT's App Inventor before moving onto coding. I will try to find what is possible with cheap AirPods-like for android...

ericdcontreras commented 4 years ago

@robotmischief Looking more into this I have not found Compatability with wireless Airpods for either sound application or transcribing, it might be a hardware deal there are however a couple with wired earbuds out there non-let you use phone speaker which is silly seems to me its a software thingy, but you can use a bluetooth speaker and send voice over. But what's really cool there one app and perhaps just one... because they charge $10 dollars for it that does real-time on-screen transcribing and it's meant for the hearing impaired... this one does support wired earbuds too. I did a quick test and its pretty good. This could be used with any respirator or mask. The microphone on the wired earbuds is on the volume control attachment. check it out!!


robotmischief commented 4 years ago

Hey @ericdcontreras that is a great idea for the hearing impaired!! Let me try to quickly prototype something open sourced... it seems odd that there is only one app, and it is a paid one… I have some experience with text to speech commanding IoT stuff but never thought the other way round… hopefully, it is not an issue like trying to use the mobile phone’s speaker…

I found a cheap monaural AirPod-like with a 3 hour battery autonomy but ended with the same problem as you… the only workaround I could think of is to buffer what you talk and play it back… but I’m guessing that the brain won't accept the slightest delay on an in person conversation… didn’t give up on this yet. It is a challenging thing to work on but, as you said, it may be a hardware-software limitation… it is like when they invented the phone they thought you don’t want to hear yourself on a conversation =)

Hope to get back soon with some proto to check!!

robotmischief commented 4 years ago

@ericdcontreras really happy to share a working quick-prototype!! Here is an APK to download and install on Android phone:

But it will feel safer if you can head to MIT App inventor website and install from there:

We can go a little more pro and really code an App, but it will be cool to share via MIT APP so others can mashup and build from there... also it is awesome to just prototype this quick... I don't have an iPhone here, but someone with one can pick up the project and build for IOS

We can fine tune the UX a little (like not opening a google window and handling all in the app) Hope it helps, let me know what can be improved!!

ericdcontreras commented 4 years ago

@robotmischief it looks great! One one of the neat features about the paid app I tried is it transcribes real-time with an open mic no need to start function, ability to scroll as you continued talking, you can set the settings on the size of the text on the screen to make it really easy to read. and it has a clear screen button to reset continuous log.

Really like how fast you got something together... got an idea you too. especially for presentation purposes.... what if you can Airplay or chrome cast transcription to an external screen. That would bring lots of utility for this app!!

The reason I felt that this was the only app tailored to hard of hearing its because of those options. most of the ones out there are meant for transcribing language into the text for dictation and is probably why they can charge 10 bucks for app.. it had plenty of good reviews.. but.. if you could implement further accessibility options I think you'll have something there.

Niche it up Mr.Robot

robotmischief commented 4 years ago

Hey really thanks for all that feedback @ericdcontreras !! Will iterate and see how far technical limitations of MIT’s app inventor can be pushed to accomplish all those cool features.

douglundin commented 4 years ago

What about posting your printer-specific files? That way, Taz 6 owners could more easily print these awesome masks out.

robotmischief commented 4 years ago

Hi @ericdcontreras thanks again for all the feedback. I’m just getting back with some improvements to the quick prototype App (not so quick this time, work was heavy busy these days, sorry for the delay)

I had to use an external library to hack the time limit the phone system puts to the “listen > go web > translate to text” process.

The app inventor site won’t let me share the App openly (seems for security, as an external library is involved) so I’m posting an animated gif to share the user interaction: appv3test

The next step is to try and push how far this app inventor can go to cast to devices. I really like that suggestion, thanks!

I’m still trying to find a workaround to directly stream audio from an Airbud to the phone’s speaker, but that will end being a real coded App.

One question about the Comfort Respirator, for when you have the time please: Will it be Ok (safe, breathable... ) to use the multiport configuration with only one filter? I’m thinking of using the other side port for housing a Mic… cof cof maybe a voice changer like Darth Vader DIY electronic cof cof

Thanks for all the feedback, stay safe!

ericdcontreras commented 4 years ago

@robotmischief Awesome great work!!! I would recommend against using a single small filter on the comfort mask, but you can replace it with the single larger filter, or adding you can use the front port for the secondary filter or voice module. One of the sound modules I made is basically a smaller modded cartridge filter with a potted seal around the cable. Ohh and FYI if you consider taking this further especially for distribution there is a lot of complications with the use of the Private Caltech JPL logo and Public NASA logo its one of the reasons we don't even include either in our work. Lots of bureaucracy involved.

robotmischief commented 4 years ago

@ericdcontreras thanks for the quick reply! Never thought about the logos in that way thanks for the advice, will remove them. They were added just for awesome effect =)

I cannot fully understand the term "potted seal" but I think I get the idea. Thanks again for all the feedback, much appreciated.

ericdcontreras commented 4 years ago

@robotmischief Basically you cover the interface area of the cable and housing with a type of curable adhesive/resin/hot glue sealing areas of possible leaks. A common practice for insulating electronics from elements.