nasa-jpl / ION-DTN

NASA Open Source ION Software implementation of Delay Tolerant Networking. ION development is managed by the Jet Propulsion Lab; regression testing and code management are provided by Ohio University.
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CRC Check on Extension Blocks Failure #33

Closed martinoo31 closed 3 months ago

martinoo31 commented 3 months ago

I am currently using ION 4.1.2, and I am carrying out interoperability tests with other BP implementations. I modified the file "/bpv7/library/ext/bpextenstions.c" to add CRC16 to extension blocks.

// line 239 Original code
static ExtensionSpec extensionSpecs[] = {
    { PreviousNodeBlk, 0, NoCRC },
    { QualityOfServiceBlk, 0, NoCRC },
    { BundleAgeBlk, 0, NoCRC },
    { SnwPermitsBlk, 0, NoCRC },
    { ImcDestinationsBlk, 0, NoCRC },

    #if RGREB
        { RGRBlk, 0, NoCRC },

    #if CGRREB
        { CGRRBlk, 0, NoCRC },
    { UnknownBlk, 0, NoCRC }
// line 239 Modified code
static ExtensionSpec extensionSpecs[] = {
    { PreviousNodeBlk, 0, X25_CRC_16 },
    { QualityOfServiceBlk, 0, X25_CRC_16 },
    { BundleAgeBlk, 0, X25_CRC_16 },
    { SnwPermitsBlk, 0, X25_CRC_16 },
    { ImcDestinationsBlk, 0, X25_CRC_16 },

    #if RGREB
        { RGRBlk, 0, X25_CRC_16 },

    #if CGRREB
        { CGRRBlk, 0, X25_CRC_16 },

    { UnknownBlk, 0, X25_CRC_16 }

and "/bpv7/library/libbpP.c" to add CRC16 to the payload block.

// Line 62 Original Code
// Line 62 Modified Code

But then the generated bundle does not get accepted by ION, neither by itself or a completely different ION instance. If I remove the CRC from extensions block the bundle then gets correctly delivered. In ion.log it is stated "CRC check failed on extension block". However, the bundle gets correctly dissected by Wireshark and it is accepted by other BP implementations such as Unibo-BP and ESA BP. Bundle by ESA BP with CRCs on every block are correctly delivered to ION. I have attached the .dmp files I examined with Wireshark. Ion-Ion-CRC16.dmp Ion-Esa-CRC16.dmp Ion-Esa-CRC32.dmp

iondev33 commented 3 months ago

Thank you, Martin, for reporting this. We will investigate it.

We are in the final stage of releasing 4.1.3, so the fix may not be available in time. However, 4.1.4 is planned for the end of summer/early fall. We will try to resolve this as soon as possible.

iondev33 commented 3 months ago

For clarification, if we understand correctly, you indicated that:

Additional questions for you:

  1. Which extension blocks are generated by ESA BP to send to ION?
  2. Which extension blocks are generated by ION (modified) to send to ESA BP?

If you could confirm and answer these questions, it would be most helpful. Thank you!

martinoo31 commented 3 months ago

Yes, you have understood correctly. I have also done another test, with CRC16 only on the primary block from ESA BP to ION and the bundle was correctly delivered.

While on the matter of extension blocks, all the analysis I am carrying out are based on the packet captures linked above:

The bundle from ION were sent using bptrace like in the example below

bptrace ipn:1.1 ipn:2.1 ipn:1.0 60 0.0 "Hello ESA"

Node 1 is ION, Node 2 is ESA BP.

iondev33 commented 3 months ago

Also just a quick check in your code snippet, you do mean X25CRC16 instead of X25_CRC_16, correct?

martinoo31 commented 3 months ago

Yes, it is X25CRC16

iondev33 commented 3 months ago

@martinoo31 We believe the problem is with a bad block processing control flag mask. Our testing now passes here. Please try this:

In file: bpv7/library/bpP.h


#define BLK_PROC_FLAGS_MASK     (475239)


#define BLK_PROC_FLAGS_MASK     23

Let us know if this resolves the issue you observed. Because we are integrating 4.1.3 right now, this fix won't be incorporated until the 4.1.4 release, due out later in the summer.

martinoo31 commented 3 months ago

I done some tests and the fix is working correctly. Though, I have only tried with CRC16.

type6six commented 3 months ago

Thanks for confirming CRC16. If you encounter the same issue with CRC32 later, please feel free to submit another ticket. Closing this issue for now.