nasa-jpl / autoRIFT

A Python module of a fast and intelligent algorithm for finding the pixel displacement between two images
Apache License 2.0
218 stars 53 forks source link AttributeError: 'Geogrid' object has no attribute 'pOff' #55

Closed guangbaoshen closed 2 years ago

guangbaoshen commented 2 years ago

Hi, everyone, I use isce2.4.2 to run, and I met the error below, is there anyone has met the error before? thank you for your help.

theone@noone:~/AutoRIFT$ -m ./fine_coreg/ -s ./secondary -d ./dem/demLat_N38_N40_Lon_E116_E118.dem.wgs84 This is the Open Source version of ISCE. Some of the workflows depend on a separate licensed package. To obtain the licensed package, please make a request for ISCE through the website: Alternatively, if you are a member, or can become a member of WinSAR you may be able to obtain access to a version of the licensed sofware at

Radar parameters: Range: 902593 2.32956 Azimuth: 79933.9 486.486 Dimensions: 25399 12261 Incidence Angle: 44.1745

Map inputs: EPSG: 4326 Smallest Allowable Chip Size in m: 240 Repeat Time: 1.0368e+06 XLimits: 116.089 117.426 YLimits: 38.016 39.6604 Extent in km: 0.00133725 0.00164443 DEM: ./dem/demLat_N38_N40_Lon_E116_E118.dem.wgs84

Outputs: Window locations: window_location.tif Output Nodata Value: -32767

Starting processing .... Xlimits : 116.089 117.426 Ylimits : 38.0158 39.6606 Origin index (in DEM) of geogrid: 320 1222 Dimensions of geogrid: 4815 x 5921 Ground range pixel size: 3.34301 Azimuth pixel size: 15.6095 Traceback (most recent call last): File "/home/theone/isce2/install/isce/components/contrib/geo_autoRIFT/", line 378, in main() File "/home/theone/isce2/install/isce/components/contrib/geo_autoRIFT/", line 374, in main runGeogrid(metadata_m, metadata_s, inps.demfile, inps.dhdxfile, inps.dhdyfile, inps.vxfile, inps.vyfile, inps.srxfile, inps.sryfile, inps.csminxfile, inps.csminyfile, inps.csmaxxfile, inps.csmaxyfile, inps.ssmfile) File "/home/theone/isce2/install/isce/components/contrib/geo_autoRIFT/", line 264, in runGeogrid 'xoff': obj.pOff, AttributeError: 'Geogrid' object has no attribute 'pOff'

leiyangleon commented 2 years ago

@guangbaoshen please refer to the Geogrid instructions here, where it requires a northing/easting Cartesina coordinate DEM (lat/lon as directly used by ISCE is not supported). You can do gdalwarp on that file and save it as a geotiff image. Then running testGeogrid should work.