nasa-jpl / its_live_production

A NASA MEaSUREs project to provide automated, low latency, global glacier flow and elevation change datasets
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Recompute stable shift and errors for all S1, S2, and L8 V2 image-pair data #9

Closed alex-s-gardner closed 2 years ago

alex-s-gardner commented 3 years ago

Yang has provide this code for patching

!/usr/bin/env python3


Yang Lei, Jet Propulsion Laboratory

November 2017

​ import argparse import isce import isceobj import numpy as np import shelve import os import datetime from isceobj.Constants import SPEED_OF_LIGHT import pdb import logging from imageMath import IML from scipy import signal import as sio import rioxarray import xarray from osgeo import osr,gdal ​ ​ def cmdLineParse(): ''' Command line parser. ''' ​ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description='Converting netcdf variables to geotiff') parser.add_argument('-i', '--nc', dest='nc', type=str, required=True, help = 'input netcdf file path') parser.add_argument('-vx', '--vx', dest='VXref', type=str, required=True, help = 'input reference velocity x file path') parser.add_argument('-vy', '--vy', dest='VYref', type=str, required=True, help = 'input reference velocity y file path') parser.add_argument('-ssm', '--ssm', dest='SSM', type=str, required=True, help = 'input stable surface mask file path') parser.add_argument('-o','--out', dest='output', type=str, required=True, help = 'Variable to output')

parser.add_argument('-e','--epsg', dest='epsg', type=int, default=3413,

help = 'EPSG code')

return parser.parse_args()

​ ​ ​ def v_error_cal(vx_error, vy_error): vx = np.random.normal(0, vx_error, 1000000) vy = np.random.normal(0, vy_error, 1000000) v = np.sqrt(vx2 + vy2) return np.std(v) ​ ​ ​ ​ if name == 'main': ​

Parse command line
inps = cmdLineParse()

​ xds = xarray.open_dataset( VX = xds['vx'].data VY = xds['vy'].data V = xds['v'].data V_error = xds['v_error'].data if xds.attrs['scene_pair_type'] == 'radar': VR = xds['vr'].data VA = xds['va'].data M11 = xds['M11'].data xds['M11'].dr_to_vr_factor M12 = xds['M12'].data xds['M12'].dr_to_vr_factor VXP = xds['vxp'].data VYP = xds['vyp'].data VP = xds['vp'].data VP_error = xds['vp_error'].data

if np.logical_not(np.isnan(xds['vx'].stable_shift)):
    VX += xds['vx'].stable_shift
    VY += xds['vy'].stable_shift
    if xds.attrs['scene_pair_type'] == 'radar':
        VR += xds['vr'].stable_shift
        VA += xds['va'].stable_shift
        VXP += xds['vxp'].stable_shift
        VYP += xds['vyp'].stable_shift

ds = gdal.Open(inps.VXref)
band = ds.GetRasterBand(1)
tran = ds.GetGeoTransform()
xoff = int(round((np.min(xds['vx'][0]-tran[1]/2)/tran[1]))
yoff = int(round((np.max(xds['vx'][3]-tran[5]/2)/tran[5]))
xcount = VX.shape[1]
ycount = VX.shape[0]


VXref = band.ReadAsArray(xoff, yoff, xcount, ycount)
ds = None
band = None

ds = gdal.Open(inps.VYref)
band = ds.GetRasterBand(1)
VYref = band.ReadAsArray(xoff, yoff, xcount, ycount)
ds = None
band = None

ds = gdal.Open(inps.SSM)
band = ds.GetRasterBand(1)
SSM = band.ReadAsArray(xoff, yoff, xcount, ycount)
SSM = SSM.astype('bool')
ds = None
band = None


if xds.attrs['scene_pair_type'] == 'radar':
    VRref = M11 * VXref + M12 * VYref
    VAref = VRref * 0.0

​ NoDataValue = -32767 ​

VX and VY stable shift

stable_count = np.sum(SSM & np.logical_not(np.isnan(VX)))

V_temp = np.sqrt(VXref**2 + VYref**2)
    V_temp_threshold = np.percentile(V_temp[np.logical_not(np.isnan(V_temp))],25)
    SSM1 = (V_temp <= V_temp_threshold)
except IndexError:
    SSM1 = np.zeros(V_temp.shape).astype('bool')

stable_count1 = np.sum(SSM1 & np.logical_not(np.isnan(VX)))

vx_mean_shift = 0.0
vy_mean_shift = 0.0
vx_mean_shift1 = 0.0
vy_mean_shift1 = 0.0

if stable_count != 0:
    temp = VX.copy() - VXref.copy()
    temp[np.logical_not(SSM)] = np.nan
    vx_mean_shift = np.median(temp[np.logical_not(np.isnan(temp))])-0.0

    temp = VY.copy() - VYref.copy()
    temp[np.logical_not(SSM)] = np.nan
    vy_mean_shift = np.median(temp[np.logical_not(np.isnan(temp))])-0.0

​ if stable_count1 != 0: temp = VX.copy() - VXref.copy() temp[np.logical_not(SSM1)] = np.nan vx_mean_shift1 = np.median(temp[np.logical_not(np.isnan(temp))])-0.0

    temp = VY.copy() - VYref.copy()
    temp[np.logical_not(SSM1)] = np.nan
    vy_mean_shift1 = np.median(temp[np.logical_not(np.isnan(temp))])-0.0

​ if stable_count == 0: if stable_count1 == 0: stable_shift_applied = 0 else: stable_shift_applied = 2 VX = VX - vx_mean_shift1 VY = VY - vy_mean_shift1 else: stable_shift_applied = 1 VX = VX - vx_mean_shift VY = VY - vy_mean_shift ​ ​

VX and VY error

if stable_count != 0:
    temp = VX.copy() - VXref.copy()
    temp[np.logical_not(SSM)] = np.nan
    vx_error_mask = np.std(temp[np.logical_not(np.isnan(temp))])
    vx_error_mask = np.nan
if stable_count1 != 0:
    temp = VX.copy() - VXref.copy()
    temp[np.logical_not(SSM1)] = np.nan
    vx_error_slow = np.std(temp[np.logical_not(np.isnan(temp))])
    vx_error_slow = np.nan
if stable_shift_applied == 1:
    vx_error = vx_error_mask
elif stable_shift_applied == 2:
    vx_error = vx_error_slow
    vx_error = xds['vx'].vx_error_modeled

​ if stable_count != 0: temp = VY.copy() - VYref.copy() temp[np.logical_not(SSM)] = np.nan vy_error_mask = np.std(temp[np.logical_not(np.isnan(temp))]) else: vy_error_mask = np.nan if stable_count1 != 0: temp = VY.copy() - VYref.copy() temp[np.logical_not(SSM1)] = np.nan vy_error_slow = np.std(temp[np.logical_not(np.isnan(temp))]) else: vy_error_slow = np.nan if stable_shift_applied == 1: vy_error = vy_error_mask elif stable_shift_applied == 2: vy_error = vy_error_slow else: vy_error = xds['vy'].vy_error_modeled ​

V and V_error

V = np.sqrt(VX**2+VY**2)
V_error = np.sqrt((vx_error * VX / V)**2 + (vy_error * VY / V)**2)

​ VX[np.isnan(VX)] = NoDataValue VY[np.isnan(VY)] = NoDataValue V[np.isnan(V)] = NoDataValue ​ VX = np.round(np.clip(VX, -32768, 32767)).astype(np.int16) VY = np.round(np.clip(VY, -32768, 32767)).astype(np.int16) V = np.round(np.clip(V, -32768, 32767)).astype(np.int16) ​ v_error = v_error_cal(vx_error, vy_error) V_error[V==0] = v_error V_error[np.isnan(V_error)] = NoDataValue V_error = np.round(np.clip(V_error, -32768, 32767)).astype(np.int16) ​

Update nc file

xds['vx'].attrs['vx_error'] = int(round(vx_error*10))/10
if stable_shift_applied == 2:
    xds['vx'].attrs['stable_shift'] = int(round(vx_mean_shift1*10))/10
elif stable_shift_applied == 1:
    xds['vx'].attrs['stable_shift'] = int(round(vx_mean_shift*10))/10
    xds['vx'].attrs['stable_shift'] = np.nan

​ xds['vx'].attrs['stable_count_mask'] = stable_count xds['vx'].attrs['stable_count_slow'] = stable_count1 if stable_count != 0: xds['vx'].attrs['stable_shift_mask'] = int(round(vx_mean_shift10))/10 else: xds['vx'].attrs['stable_shift_mask'] = np.nan if stable_count1 != 0: xds['vx'].attrs['stable_shift_slow'] = int(round(vx_mean_shift110))/10 else: xds['vx'].attrs['stable_shift_slow'] = np.nan

if stable_count != 0:
    xds['vx'].attrs['vx_error_mask'] = int(round(vx_error_mask*10))/10
    xds['vx'].attrs['vx_error_mask'] = np.nan
if stable_count1 != 0:
    xds['vx'].attrs['vx_error_slow'] = int(round(vx_error_slow*10))/10
    xds['vx'].attrs['vx_error_slow'] = np.nan

​ ​ xds['vy'].attrs['vy_error'] = int(round(vy_error10))/10 if stable_shift_applied == 2: xds['vy'].attrs['stable_shift'] = int(round(vy_mean_shift110))/10 elif stable_shift_applied == 1: xds['vy'].attrs['stable_shift'] = int(round(vy_mean_shift*10))/10 else: xds['vy'].attrs['stable_shift'] = np.nan

xds['vy'].attrs['stable_count_mask'] = stable_count
xds['vy'].attrs['stable_count_slow'] = stable_count1
if stable_count != 0:
    xds['vy'].attrs['stable_shift_mask'] = int(round(vy_mean_shift*10))/10
    xds['vy'].attrs['stable_shift_mask'] = np.nan
if stable_count1 != 0:
    xds['vy'].attrs['stable_shift_slow'] = int(round(vy_mean_shift1*10))/10
    xds['vy'].attrs['stable_shift_slow'] = np.nan

​ if stable_count != 0: xds['vy'].attrs['vy_error_mask'] = int(round(vy_error_mask10))/10 else: xds['vy'].attrs['vy_error_mask'] = np.nan if stable_count1 != 0: xds['vy'].attrs['vy_error_slow'] = int(round(vy_error_slow10))/10 else: xds['vy'].attrs['vy_error_slow'] = np.nan ​ xds['vx'].data = VX xds['vy'].data = VY xds['v'].data = V xds['v_error'].data = V_error ​ ​ if xds.attrs['scene_pair_type'] == 'radar':

    #   VR and VA stable shift

    vr_mean_shift = 0.0
    va_mean_shift = 0.0
    vr_mean_shift1 = 0.0
    va_mean_shift1 = 0.0

    if stable_count != 0:
        temp = VR.copy() - VRref.copy()
        temp[np.logical_not(SSM)] = np.nan
        vr_mean_shift = np.median(temp[np.logical_not(np.isnan(temp))])-0.0

        temp = VA.copy() - VAref.copy()
        temp[np.logical_not(SSM)] = np.nan
        va_mean_shift = np.median(temp[np.logical_not(np.isnan(temp))])-0.0

    if stable_count1 != 0:
        temp = VR.copy() - VRref.copy()
        temp[np.logical_not(SSM1)] = np.nan
        vr_mean_shift1 = np.median(temp[np.logical_not(np.isnan(temp))])-0.0

        temp = VA.copy() - VAref.copy()
        temp[np.logical_not(SSM1)] = np.nan
        va_mean_shift1 = np.median(temp[np.logical_not(np.isnan(temp))])-0.0

    if stable_count == 0:
        if stable_count1 == 0:
            stable_shift_applied = 0
            stable_shift_applied = 2
            VR = VR - vr_mean_shift1
            VA = VA - va_mean_shift1
        stable_shift_applied = 1
        VR = VR - vr_mean_shift
        VA = VA - va_mean_shift

    #   VR and VA error
    if stable_count != 0:
        temp = VR.copy() - VRref.copy()
        temp[np.logical_not(SSM)] = np.nan
        vr_error_mask = np.std(temp[np.logical_not(np.isnan(temp))])
        vr_error_mask = np.nan
    if stable_count1 != 0:
        temp = VR.copy() - VRref.copy()
        temp[np.logical_not(SSM1)] = np.nan
        vr_error_slow = np.std(temp[np.logical_not(np.isnan(temp))])
        vr_error_slow = np.nan
    if stable_shift_applied == 1:
        vr_error = vr_error_mask
    elif stable_shift_applied == 2:
        vr_error = vr_error_slow
        vr_error = xds['vr'].vr_error_modeled

    if stable_count != 0:
        temp = VA.copy() - VAref.copy()
        temp[np.logical_not(SSM)] = np.nan
        va_error_mask = np.std(temp[np.logical_not(np.isnan(temp))])
        va_error_mask = np.nan
    if stable_count1 != 0:
        temp = VA.copy() - VAref.copy()
        temp[np.logical_not(SSM1)] = np.nan
        va_error_slow = np.std(temp[np.logical_not(np.isnan(temp))])
        va_error_slow = np.nan
    if stable_shift_applied == 1:
        va_error = va_error_mask
    elif stable_shift_applied == 2:
        va_error = va_error_slow
        va_error = xds['va'].va_error_modeled

    #   V and V_error
    VR[np.isnan(VXP)] = NoDataValue
    VA[np.isnan(VYP)] = NoDataValue

​ VR = np.round(np.clip(VR, -32768, 32767)).astype(np.int16) VA = np.round(np.clip(VA, -32768, 32767)).astype(np.int16) ​

Update nc file

    xds['vr'].attrs['vr_error'] = int(round(vr_error*10))/10
    if stable_shift_applied == 2:
mliukis commented 2 years ago

@alex Do you have original script (actual file) as Yang provided it?

jhkennedy commented 2 years ago

@mliukis I believe it's this one:

mliukis commented 2 years ago

Done, all granules have been fixed.