Open jordancaraballo opened 1 year ago
Updated TOA coefficients
Abandon status filter in query and/or enable option to check file existence on disk instead
Address duplicate file issue that still exists
Option to check for final toa output before running strip to skip unneeded processing
Option/method to check if strip is being processed elsewhere to enable processing same list of outputs on multiple nodes concurrently (currently looking in 1-bands dir but this can be messy e.g. if processing gets hung/restarted)
Pansharpen updates: 6a. Potentially re-evaluate pansharpen scene selection process (IIRC current process runs all scenes in a strip rather than only those matching the MS scenes being processed) 6b. Potentially re-evaluate the way pansharpen process finds scenes (e.g. enable option to supply pan file paths to command, bypassing database query, to avoid having to rely/wait on archive ingest) 6c. Potential issue with pansharpen process not skipping if processing error (e.g. when duplicates are included). Regular ToA process does this, pansharpen process should as well 6d. Output file renaming:
Using this issue to document EVHR next release suggestions/requirements.