nasa-petal / PeTaL

Artificial Intelligence and Natural System Design Tool
The Unlicense
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Reframe/abstract/biologize design challenges/problem statements. #133

Closed bruffridge closed 1 year ago

bruffridge commented 1 year ago

Context: Use a LLM like GPT-3 Davinci to suggest translations to automate this step of the biomimicry process.

User feedback - "I’d like to understand where PETAL wants to fit into the BID process. I think it could help engineers with reframing a problem if it used NLP or another tool to take in problem statements and suggest various options for re-framing the wording of a problem to make it more generalized or abstracted, which helps with then finding inspiring biological systems. I have no idea the technical difficulties with achieving that, but as someone who is a target for these tools, that would be helpful for me. I love the conversational aspects of chatgpt where you can go back and forth. That would certainly be cool and intuitive."

Example prompt: Often times there are a variety of ways to biologize a design question. Here’s an example showing a variety of ways to break down a night-time cycling design question into functions and contexts from which multiple “How does nature…” questions can be derived.

Design question: How might we make urban cyclists more visible to drivers at night? Functions: [enhance visibility; produce light; reflect light; sense/send signals] Context: [dark, low light; chaotic, busy environment; moving quickly] Biologized questions: How does nature ...

Design question: How might we reduce stormwater runoff and flooding in cities?