nasa-petal / PeTaL

Artificial Intelligence and Natural System Design Tool
The Unlicense
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Qualification tests for MTurk #95

Closed CkUnsworth closed 3 years ago

CkUnsworth commented 3 years ago

Summary of Issue

<A brief summary of the issue (used for release notes).>

Issue Type


For bugs, explain what is happening and how it differs from the expected behavior.

For enhancements, include a description of the proposed enhancement.


For bugs, if at all possible, provide a short snippet which reproduces the issue. Or if it is a user interface issue, include the steps needed to cause the bug and include screenshots as needed.

For enhancements, if possible, give some suggestions for fixes. This could be in the form of code or UI mockups.


<For bugs, list the environment where the bug was noticed. Can say "All" if the bug is not environment specific. For enhancements, use N/A>

Operating System: <e.g. OS X 10.14.6, Windows 10, Ubuntu 16.04>

Python environment: <e.g. Anaconda Python 3.7.1>

Packages: <versions of PeTaL, and other pertinent Python packages. You can just paste the output of pip freeze or conda list here.>