nasa / CCDD

CFS Command and Data Dictionary Tool (CCDDT)
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Import XTCE data error #77

Closed hakuho closed 4 years ago

hakuho commented 4 years ago

When importing an XTCE file that was generated using the XTCE_export.js script, I receive the following CCDD Error:

An unanticipated error occurred; cause 'For input string: "System Path"'

Error trace: CcddFieldHandler: getFieldInformationFromData() line 599 CcddFileIOHandler: importSelectedFileIntoTable() line 2540 CcddTableEditorDialog: performAction() line 742 CcddClassesComponentValidateCellActionListener: actionPerformed() line 181

CCDD Version 2.0.16 Ubuntu 18.04.2 LTS Java 8 PostgreSQL 10.12

The XTCE file used:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
<SpaceSystem xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" name="myproject" shortDescription="myproject" xsi:schemaLocation=" 06-11-06.xsd">
   <LongDescription>Project containing interface definitions</LongDescription>
      <AncillaryData name="XML: Application ID">applicationID</AncillaryData>
      <AncillaryData name="XML: Function Code">functionCode</AncillaryData>
   <Header classification="DOMAIN" date="Fri May 01 09:36:13 PDT 2020" validationStatus="Working" version="1.0">
         <Note>CCDD Version: 2.0.16 (5-1-2020)</Note>
         <Note>Date: Fri May 01 09:36:13 PDT 2020</Note>
         <Note>Project: myproject</Note>
         <Note>Host: localhost:5432</Note>
         <Note>Endianess: big</Note>
   <SpaceSystem name="MyStructure" shortDescription="MyStructure">
      <Header classification="INTERFACE" validationStatus="Working" version="1.0"/>
            <EnumeratedParameterType name="engine_arm_Type">
               <LongDescription>Engine armed Status</LongDescription>
               <IntegerDataEncoding bitOrder="mostSignificantBitFirst" encoding="unsigned" sizeInBits="1"/>
                  <Enumeration label="Off" value="0"/>
                  <Enumeration label="Arm" value="1"/>
            <EnumeratedParameterType name="engine_fire_Type">
               <LongDescription>Engine fire status</LongDescription>
               <IntegerDataEncoding bitOrder="mostSignificantBitFirst" encoding="unsigned" sizeInBits="1"/>
                  <Enumeration label="Off" value="0"/>
                  <Enumeration label="Fire" value="1"/>
            <Parameter name="engine_arm" parameterTypeRef="engine_arm_Type"/>
            <Parameter name="engine_fire" parameterTypeRef="engine_fire_Type"/>
            <SequenceContainer name="MyStructure">
                  <ParameterRefEntry parameterRef="engine_arm"/>
                  <ParameterRefEntry parameterRef="engine_fire"/>
bawi235 commented 4 years ago

CCDD 2.0.16 was having issues with XTCE and EDS import/exports. I just released CCDD 2.0.20 and while using it I was able to perform the import mentioned above. Give that version a try and see if everything works as expected. I will leave this issue open for another week to see if you still encounter problems.

hakuho commented 4 years ago

Thanks for the assistance.

I now can import XTCE files from the command line and from the CCDD main window menu bar Data | Import Data but I still get the same error when I try importing from the Table Editor.

An unanticipated error occurred; cause 'For input string: "System Path" Error trace: CcddFieldHandler: getFieldInformationFromData() line 523 CcddFileIOHandler: importSelectedFileIntoTable() line 2158 CcddTableEditorDialog: performAction() line 691 CcddClassesComponentValidateCellActionListener: actionPerformed() line 175

bawi235 commented 4 years ago

Thanks for the feedback. I will look into the table editor imports and see what is going on.

bawi235 commented 4 years ago

Version 2.0.21 is out. It contains fixes for the table editor imports. Try it out and let me know if you are still having problems. If not I will close this issue in a week or so.