Closed IbraheemYSaleh closed 2 years ago
The code required to handle the incrementing non-transmitted IV portion is horrendous. The code required to handle non-incrementing non-transmitted IVs isn't so bad.
Here is a rough diff of a terrible solution to the non-transmitted IV portion:
--- a/src/src_main/crypto_tc.c
+++ b/src/src_main/crypto_tc.c
@@ -875,6 +875,8 @@ int32_t Crypto_TC_ProcessSecurity(uint8_t* ingest, int *len_ingest, TC_t* tc_sdl
printf(KYEL "TC PDU Calculated Length: %d \n" RESET, tc_sdls_processed_frame->tc_pdu_len);
+ uint8_t static_iv_rollover_flag = CRYPTO_FALSE;
if(sa_service_type != SA_PLAINTEXT && ecs_is_aead_algorithm == CRYPTO_TRUE)
status = cryptography_if->cryptography_aead_decrypt(tc_sdls_processed_frame->tc_pdu, // plaintext output
@@ -897,6 +899,48 @@ int32_t Crypto_TC_ProcessSecurity(uint8_t* ingest, int *len_ingest, TC_t* tc_sdl
sa_ptr->acs // authentication cipher
+ if(status == CRYPTO_LIB_ERR_MAC_VALIDATION_ERROR && crypto_config->crypto_increment_nontransmitted_iv == SA_INCREMENT_NONTRANSMITTED_IV_TRUE)
+ {
+ static_iv_rollover_flag = CRYPTO_TRUE;
+ Crypto_increment(sa_ptr->iv, sa_ptr->iv_len);
+ // Retrieve non-transmitted portion of IV from SA (if applicable)
+ memcpy(tc_sdls_processed_frame->tc_sec_header.iv, sa_ptr->iv, sa_ptr->iv_len-sa_ptr->shivf_len);
+ uint8_t* temp_inc_frame_iv = malloc(sa_ptr->iv_len);
+ memcpy(temp_inc_frame_iv,tc_sdls_processed_frame->tc_sec_header.iv,sa_ptr->iv_len);
+ Crypto_increment(temp_inc_frame_iv,sa_ptr->iv_len);
+ status = Crypto_Check_Anti_Replay(sa_ptr, tc_sdls_processed_frame->, temp_inc_frame_iv);
+ if(status != CRYPTO_LIB_SUCCESS)
+ {
+ return status;
+ }
+ status = cryptography_if->cryptography_aead_decrypt(tc_sdls_processed_frame->tc_pdu, // plaintext output
+ (size_t)(tc_sdls_processed_frame->tc_pdu_len), // length of data
+ &(ingest[tc_enc_payload_start_index]), // ciphertext input
+ (size_t)(tc_sdls_processed_frame->tc_pdu_len), // in data length
+ NULL, // Key
+ Crypto_Get_ECS_Algo_Keylen(*sa_ptr->ecs),
+ sa_ptr, // SA for key reference
+ tc_sdls_processed_frame->tc_sec_header.iv, // IV
+ sa_ptr->iv_len, // IV Length
+ tc_sdls_processed_frame->tc_sec_trailer.mac, // Frame Expected Tag
+ sa_ptr->stmacf_len, // tag size
+ aad, // additional authenticated data
+ aad_len, // length of AAD
+ (sa_ptr->est), // Decryption Bool
+ (sa_ptr->ast), // Authentication Bool
+ (sa_ptr->ast), // AAD Bool
+ sa_ptr->ecs, // encryption cipher
+ sa_ptr->acs // authentication cipher
+ );
+ if(status == CRYPTO_LIB_SUCCESS)
+ {
+ memcpy(sa_ptr->iv + (sa_ptr->iv_len - sa_ptr->shivf_len), tc_sdls_processed_frame->tc_sec_header.iv + (sa_ptr->iv_len - sa_ptr->shivf_len), sa_ptr->shivf_len);
+ }
+ }
}else if (sa_service_type != SA_PLAINTEXT && ecs_is_aead_algorithm == CRYPTO_FALSE) // Non aead algorithm
// TODO - implement non-AEAD algorithm logic
@@ -938,7 +982,8 @@ int32_t Crypto_TC_ProcessSecurity(uint8_t* ingest, int *len_ingest, TC_t* tc_sdl
// Now that MAC has been verified, check IV & ARSN if applicable
if (crypto_config->ignore_anti_replay == TC_IGNORE_ANTI_REPLAY_FALSE && status == CRYPTO_LIB_SUCCESS)
- status = Crypto_Check_Anti_Replay(sa_ptr, tc_sdls_processed_frame->, tc_sdls_processed_frame->tc_sec_header.iv);
+ if(static_iv_rollover_flag != CRYPTO_TRUE)
+ status = Crypto_Check_Anti_Replay(sa_ptr, tc_sdls_processed_frame->, tc_sdls_processed_frame->tc_sec_header.iv);
Handled the non-incrementing non-transmitted portion rollover case in
Given the amount of code to handle this tiny corner case, I do not recommend handling the incrementing non-transmitted portion rollover case. (see the incomplete atrocity above)
Note, a similar issue may happen for ARSN rollover, but the mac validation check won't fail like it does for IV. It may be easier to fix the ARSN rollover case.
So I slept on this... I think it may be a lot easier to solve this problem if we move the ARSNW check to before CryptoLib authenticates & decrypts the SDLS wrapped frame. That is probably the correct place to put it in the first place, and where we have it now is arguably wrong.
There are still a lot of subsequent edge cases to consider and get right though!
I couldn't help myself:
Seems clean enough to accept.
For example, if we have the condition as follows:
Since 000000000000ffffffffffff should roll-over to 000000000000000000000000 (or 000000000001000000000000 if incrementing the static portion), this Crypto Window status failure shouldn't happen.
To reproduce, see TC_PROCESS.HAPPY_PATH_PROCESS_STATIC_IV_ROLLOVER unit test case. (See the commented out checks!)