nasa / CryptoLib

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Crypto_TC_ProcessSecurity with Anti-Replay Checking can not handle edge case where IV Rollover Happens #96

Closed IbraheemYSaleh closed 2 years ago

IbraheemYSaleh commented 2 years ago

For example, if we have the condition as follows:

Received IV (in Frame) is
SA IV is
ARSNW is: 5
Crypto_Window return status is: -1
/home/isaleh/git/KMC/CryptoLib-IbraheemYSaleh/util/src_util/ut_tc_process.c:307: Failure
Expected : 0
Actual : -23

Since 000000000000ffffffffffff should roll-over to 000000000000000000000000 (or 000000000001000000000000 if incrementing the static portion), this Crypto Window status failure shouldn't happen.

To reproduce, see TC_PROCESS.HAPPY_PATH_PROCESS_STATIC_IV_ROLLOVER unit test case. (See the commented out checks!)

IbraheemYSaleh commented 2 years ago

IbraheemYSaleh commented 2 years ago

The code required to handle the incrementing non-transmitted IV portion is horrendous. The code required to handle non-incrementing non-transmitted IVs isn't so bad.

Here is a rough diff of a terrible solution to the non-transmitted IV portion:

--- a/src/src_main/crypto_tc.c
+++ b/src/src_main/crypto_tc.c
@@ -875,6 +875,8 @@ int32_t Crypto_TC_ProcessSecurity(uint8_t* ingest, int *len_ingest, TC_t* tc_sdl
     printf(KYEL "TC PDU Calculated Length: %d \n" RESET, tc_sdls_processed_frame->tc_pdu_len);

+    uint8_t static_iv_rollover_flag = CRYPTO_FALSE;
     if(sa_service_type != SA_PLAINTEXT && ecs_is_aead_algorithm == CRYPTO_TRUE)
         status = cryptography_if->cryptography_aead_decrypt(tc_sdls_processed_frame->tc_pdu,       // plaintext output
@@ -897,6 +899,48 @@ int32_t Crypto_TC_ProcessSecurity(uint8_t* ingest, int *len_ingest, TC_t* tc_sdl
                                                             sa_ptr->acs  // authentication cipher

+        if(status == CRYPTO_LIB_ERR_MAC_VALIDATION_ERROR && crypto_config->crypto_increment_nontransmitted_iv == SA_INCREMENT_NONTRANSMITTED_IV_TRUE)
+        {
+            static_iv_rollover_flag = CRYPTO_TRUE;
+            Crypto_increment(sa_ptr->iv, sa_ptr->iv_len);
+            // Retrieve non-transmitted portion of IV from SA (if applicable)
+            memcpy(tc_sdls_processed_frame->tc_sec_header.iv, sa_ptr->iv, sa_ptr->iv_len-sa_ptr->shivf_len);
+            uint8_t* temp_inc_frame_iv = malloc(sa_ptr->iv_len);
+            memcpy(temp_inc_frame_iv,tc_sdls_processed_frame->tc_sec_header.iv,sa_ptr->iv_len);
+            Crypto_increment(temp_inc_frame_iv,sa_ptr->iv_len);
+            status = Crypto_Check_Anti_Replay(sa_ptr, tc_sdls_processed_frame->, temp_inc_frame_iv);
+            if(status != CRYPTO_LIB_SUCCESS)
+            {
+                return status;
+            }
+            status = cryptography_if->cryptography_aead_decrypt(tc_sdls_processed_frame->tc_pdu,       // plaintext output
+                                                                (size_t)(tc_sdls_processed_frame->tc_pdu_len),   // length of data
+                                                                &(ingest[tc_enc_payload_start_index]), // ciphertext input
+                                                                (size_t)(tc_sdls_processed_frame->tc_pdu_len),    // in data length
+                                                                NULL, // Key
+                                                                Crypto_Get_ECS_Algo_Keylen(*sa_ptr->ecs),
+                                                                sa_ptr, // SA for key reference
+                                                                tc_sdls_processed_frame->tc_sec_header.iv, // IV
+                                                                sa_ptr->iv_len, // IV Length
+                                                                tc_sdls_processed_frame->tc_sec_trailer.mac, // Frame Expected Tag
+                                                                sa_ptr->stmacf_len,                           // tag size
+                                                                aad,    // additional authenticated data
+                                                                aad_len, // length of AAD
+                                                                (sa_ptr->est), // Decryption Bool
+                                                                (sa_ptr->ast), // Authentication Bool
+                                                                (sa_ptr->ast), // AAD Bool
+                                                                sa_ptr->ecs, // encryption cipher
+                                                                sa_ptr->acs  // authentication cipher
+            );
+            if(status == CRYPTO_LIB_SUCCESS)
+            {
+                memcpy(sa_ptr->iv + (sa_ptr->iv_len - sa_ptr->shivf_len), tc_sdls_processed_frame->tc_sec_header.iv + (sa_ptr->iv_len - sa_ptr->shivf_len), sa_ptr->shivf_len);
+            }
+        }
     }else if (sa_service_type != SA_PLAINTEXT && ecs_is_aead_algorithm == CRYPTO_FALSE) // Non aead algorithm
         // TODO - implement non-AEAD algorithm logic
@@ -938,7 +982,8 @@ int32_t Crypto_TC_ProcessSecurity(uint8_t* ingest, int *len_ingest, TC_t* tc_sdl
     // Now that MAC has been verified, check IV & ARSN if applicable
     if (crypto_config->ignore_anti_replay == TC_IGNORE_ANTI_REPLAY_FALSE && status == CRYPTO_LIB_SUCCESS)
-        status = Crypto_Check_Anti_Replay(sa_ptr, tc_sdls_processed_frame->, tc_sdls_processed_frame->tc_sec_header.iv);
+        if(static_iv_rollover_flag != CRYPTO_TRUE)
+            status = Crypto_Check_Anti_Replay(sa_ptr, tc_sdls_processed_frame->, tc_sdls_processed_frame->tc_sec_header.iv);
IbraheemYSaleh commented 2 years ago

Handled the non-incrementing non-transmitted portion rollover case in

Given the amount of code to handle this tiny corner case, I do not recommend handling the incrementing non-transmitted portion rollover case. (see the incomplete atrocity above)

IbraheemYSaleh commented 2 years ago

Note, a similar issue may happen for ARSN rollover, but the mac validation check won't fail like it does for IV. It may be easier to fix the ARSN rollover case.

IbraheemYSaleh commented 2 years ago

So I slept on this... I think it may be a lot easier to solve this problem if we move the ARSNW check to before CryptoLib authenticates & decrypts the SDLS wrapped frame. That is probably the correct place to put it in the first place, and where we have it now is arguably wrong.

There are still a lot of subsequent edge cases to consider and get right though!

IbraheemYSaleh commented 2 years ago

I couldn't help myself:

Seems clean enough to accept.