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Generic Software Architecture for Prognostics (GSAP)
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Battery - Ambient Correlation Factor #145

Open teubert opened 3 years ago

teubert commented 3 years ago

Add some sort of account for the batteries environment?

For example: If two batteries are being modeled, one is inclosed in a chamber the other exposed to space, the first battery's temperature would likely increase much more with the same loading than the one exposed to space (due to higher ambient temperature, or an ambient temperature highly correlated to the battery temperature).

This task is to add this affect to the model.

Perhaps some sort of ambient correlation factor (tCorr), such that

double Tamb = (1.0d-parameters.tCorr) * parameters.x0.Tb + parameters.tCorr * Tb;
double Tbdot = ((voltage_eta*i/mC) + ((Tamb - Tb)/tau));

This way correlation of 0 would use the ambient temperature of space, 1 would use the temperature of the battery, and in between would use some proportion

chetankul commented 3 years ago

Currently working on this issue. We are planning to conduct experiments to calculate this variability which can then be added to the battery model.