nasa / GeneLab_Data_Processing

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Updating pipeline to process Arabidopsis thaliana studies #24

Closed J-81 closed 1 year ago

asaravia-butler commented 1 year ago

@J-81 , at the end under this section:

Generate normalized expression matrix that includes annotations

norm_data_matrix_annotated <- oligo::exprs(norm_data) %>%

the last three lines of that command should be this:

dplyr::left_join(annot, by = c("ENSEMBL" = map_primary_keytypes[[unique(df_rs$organism)]])) %>% # Join with GeneLab Reference Annotation Table using key name expected in organism specific annotation table dplyr::mutate( count_ENSEMBL_mappings = ifelse(, 0, count_ENSEMBL_mappings) ) %>% # Convert NA mapping to 0 dplyr::rename( !!map_primary_keytypes[[unique(df_rs$organism)]] := ENSEMBL )

Please make that change to this PR

J-81 commented 1 year ago

@asaravia-butler Changed last three lines (c362fa5)