nasa / RHEAS

Regional Hydrologic Extremes Assessment System
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Name of nowcast.conf #18

Closed AdamJDuncan closed 8 years ago

AdamJDuncan commented 8 years ago

Here's a weird one...


model: vic
startdate: 2005-1-1
enddate: 2005-12-31
name: basin112
basin:  /media/mrc/91413921-20fa-49f6-a9f3-5cef68ef67b8/RHEAS/data/tests/basin.shp
resolution: 0.25

precip: chirps
temperature: ncep
wind: ncep
save to: db
save: runoff
initialize: off

If given a new name like 'nowcasttest.conf' runs perfectly. But if I switch the name to 'nowcast.conf' I get this:

mrc@mrc-VPCZ114GX:/media/mrc/91413921-20fa-49f6-a9f3-5cef68ef67b8/RHEAS/bin$ ./rheas nowcast.conf
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "./rheas", line 17, in <module>
  File "/media/mrc/91413921-20fa-49f6-a9f3-5cef68ef67b8/RHEAS/src/", line 81, in run
    nowcast.execute(dbname, options)
  File "/media/mrc/91413921-20fa-49f6-a9f3-5cef68ef67b8/RHEAS/src/", line 187, in execute
    runVIC(dbname, options)
  File "/media/mrc/91413921-20fa-49f6-a9f3-5cef68ef67b8/RHEAS/src/", line 29, in runVIC
    runDeterministicVIC(dbname, options)
  File "/media/mrc/91413921-20fa-49f6-a9f3-5cef68ef67b8/RHEAS/src/", line 76, in runDeterministicVIC
    model.writeForcings(prec, tmax, tmin, wind)
  File "/media/mrc/91413921-20fa-49f6-a9f3-5cef68ef67b8/RHEAS/src/vic/", line 380, in writeForcings
    tmin) == len( * ndays and len(wind) == len( * ndays

It's fine now that I know, but I guess the system has a memory? An exception would be useful.

AdamJDuncan commented 8 years ago

(ie I've run the nowcast.conf file on another basin before and now it won't accept that name... I've tried other variables, and it really is the name of the .conf file. Odd.)

kandread commented 8 years ago

Not sure what the issue is. I just tried your config file and everything worked. Closing for now.