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Transformation to Open Science
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Create a Centralized Open Science Job Board #141

Open reeseIngraham opened 2 years ago

reeseIngraham commented 2 years ago

Using web scraping and natural language processing, create a centralized job board for job postings in open science.

SALONICONTRACTOR commented 1 year ago

I am attending GHC'22, and want to contribute to OSD22. I am interested in this issue. Can this issue be assigned to me?

SALONICONTRACTOR commented 1 year ago

I thought of two approaches (Please let me know which one should I proceed with ?):

  1. Searching Job Boards (like Indeed, Linkedin, GlassDoor, etc.) with Open Science keywords or
  2. Searching some Organization that follows Open Science Principles and scraping their jobs. And can you please provide me with those organization names in order to scrape their websites?
Earth2Ivey commented 1 year ago

Here's a few keywords to get you started: Open science, open data, open source, open access, interdisciplinary, equitable, citizen science, open research, open scholarship, reproducibility and replicability, peer-review, FAIR principles, metrics [in context of scientific merit], openness, transparency, rigor, computational provenance, Virtual research environments (VRE), SMART goals, advocacy, metadata, data repository, executable papers, Permanent URLs (PURLs) or Digital Object Identifiers (DOIs), open-source software, source vs. compiled code, permissive vs. non-permissive license, version control, README, documentation, code repository vs. software repository, Copyright, license, CC-BY and CC0 license, data management plan, metadata, machine-readable persistent identifiers (PID), findable (data), accessible (data), interoperable, reusable (data), privacy, sensitivity, de-identification, mediated access, crawl and mine [research articles], analytical reproducibility, dataflow, Virtual research environments (VRE), SMART goals, advocacy, metadata, data repository, executable papers, Permanent URLs (PURLs) or Digital Object Identifiers (DOIs), open-source software, source vs. compiled code, permissive vs. non-permissive license, version control, README, documentation, code repository vs. software repository, Copyright, license, CC-BY and CC0 license, data management plan, metadata, machine-readable persistent identifiers (PID), findable (data), accessible (data), interoperable, reusable (data), privacy, sensitivity, de-identification, mediated access, crawl and mine [research articles], analytical reproducibility, dataflow

axi0m commented 1 year ago

Here is a nice tutorial (Python only) for using BeautifulSoup library to parse Indeed jobs.


SALONICONTRACTOR commented 1 year ago

Thank you so much. I will have a look.