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Crystalline Node #1

Open radicaldeepscale opened 3 years ago

radicaldeepscale commented 3 years ago

For Curly Bracket Wall Power and AI Engine GPU Graphing


(^*/+-) <---- PEMDAS, Please excuse my dear aunt sally. Order of operations.

Square from pen and paper to real world radical and back. The Radical is equal to to PEMDAS itself based on measurement containers, Volume, Temperature, Weight, mass etc.

The key to all algorithms is knowing geometry in life naturally comes before photosynthesis which is a physic there for is contained in the radical second to the square which is part of geometry. So A = 40lbs, B = 30 Gallons C = Salt: (A*(B^2)) = (√C)

Always Solve the side or Variable with the most geometry/parentheses.

In this Algorithm you will Convert A to gallons. The Salt can be used or is a result before or after photosynthesis depending on the containers of A and B, Your call for the rest of the Example

The square root of C is how the first function will cause C to operate depending on what you want to do, use it or have it be the result of a D or D and H?

Now the Square's early derivative in existence is this rule:

One square per Algorithms, which can be many functions and variables will be the Root of operation to the entire set, if there are other square in various functions of the same algorithm then they are bi-products of the root square. If one function's square does not solve for usage the algorithm is wrong and there is a miss use.

Squares Across multiple algorithmS can serve independently but if each project works together what ever the goal is the operator needs to be a great furniture maker like the Amish.

The rule is due to square is the context of a single line, point a to b, in basic natural primitives despite a pyramid or cube having more than one line. In school you should look back and check your basic math work, you will realize you only used one square per project. All other squares are sub congruent and report back to the project opening lead square. This is where results and variables come together of the Algorithm's sub functions.

Trigonometry is the opposite of Algebra, the inverse much like a spanned walkway across to skyscrapers on the same street, the calculation of blank space, the nothing inverse to the buildings algebra themselves.

Trigonometry can be used entirely in place of Algebra and will be more efficient but mind your PEMDAS.

An Algorithm is equal to a *.dll a dongle/driver as well equal to a game engine and an AI Engine.

In Coding: Brackets organize Parentheses but serve no other purpose. Curly Brackets are the top level geometry to organize all code and tie directly to wall power. When you hear about frying your computer and calling the fire department, this is for real but mostly back in the early days.

Square Illustration

You do left it to right because square^ = PEMDAS And the radical = the real world PEMDAS therefore geometry before photosynthesis. (Exp^multpli,dic,add,sub) <--- √ the radical as one item(smell, taste,touch,etc. is equal to all that geometry and pipes in and out via square by order of physics: volume, mass, density weight, motion, temperature. = √

To use with PEMDAS with the radical: Algebra,Trig. You must know does the material in lab reside as geometry before or after photosynthesis?

Why a and b shows in equations of many styles is because of the order of geometry before or after photosynthesis

Hughes decimals or scientific notation can always be achieved down to the exact number alternativly with a fraction by 1/10ths or hundreds due to the order of geometry before or after photosynthesis. Due know geometry comes first so to solve a before or after problem research the material or measures in hand.

Natural geometry, primitives, volumes always have an equal half. Therefore alternate solutions can break back down from equations to basic math such as a matrix or the square primitive If using fractions as an alternative to break down scientific notation use no larger than hundredths even for enormous numbers, the achievement here is done again knowing if measures were carried out solving with each subject's entry as before or after photosynthesis.

Articren Space Suit/DART Edge Systems

Vacuum Maneuver Method by Crystalline Division of Pathscale

A = Material

B = (a/2)^2

C = Crystalline


This algorithm cycles the crystalline in it's intermittent phase nature so measurements of (a)q and (b) will always equal with endless dynamics of (c).

radicaldeepscale commented 3 years ago

The Algorithm Procedure is natural in Crystalline just as PEMDAS itself is natural for the existence of language and numbers.

You can reshape it however you please for it caters greatly to photosynthesis and in terms where a project does not involve Photosynthesis.