nasa / ominas

Opensource Multi-INstrument Analysis Software
15 stars 5 forks source link

Installing and testing OMINAS #6

Open penteado-jpl opened 6 years ago

penteado-jpl commented 6 years ago

From @ppenteado on June 5, 2017 18:10

Here is a typical output of installing OMINAS on a fresh account (that never had OMINAS, Icy or any IDL libraries setup before), for the 3 main packages (Core, Demo and Icy):

[ominas_test_8@cmp ~]$ git clone
Cloning into 'ominas'...
Username for '': ppenteado
Password for '': 
remote: Counting objects: 13377, done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (85/85), done.
remote: Total 13377 (delta 51), reused 71 (delta 34), pack-reused 13258
Receiving objects: 100% (13377/13377), 200.48 MiB | 8.10 MiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (7628/7628), done.
Checking connectivity... done.
Checking out files: 100% (3479/3479), done.
[ominas_test_8@cmp ~]$ cd ominas/
[ominas_test_8@cmp ominas]$ source 
Detecting .bash_profile...
.bash_profile detected!
Detecting .bashrc...
.bashrc detected!
Using IDL at /usr/local/bin/idl
IDL Version 8.5.1 (linux x86_64 m64). (c) 2015, Exelis Visual Information Solutions, Inc., a subsidiary of Harris Corporation.
Installation number: 5502667.
Licensed for use by: NASA - Jet Propulsion Laboratory

Creating ~/.ominas directory
Creating ~/ominas_data directory
The setup will guide you through the installation of OMINAS
OMINAS files located in /home/ominas_test_8/ominas

IDL Version 8.5.1 (linux x86_64 m64). (c) 2015, Exelis Visual Information Solutions, Inc., a subsidiary of Harris Corporation.
Installation number: XXXXX.
Licensed for use by: XXXXX

% Compiled module: OMINAS_ICY_TEST.
Icy: Icy not found
        Current OMINAS configuration settings
        1) OMINAS Core  . . . . . . . . . . . . .  NOT CONFIGURED
           Contains the OMINAS code. If you select only one 
           of the other packages, this will be included.                                                                                                                                                                  
Optional packages:                                                                                                                                                                                                        
        2) Demo package . . . . . . . . . . . . .  NOT CONFIGURED                                                                                                                                                         
           Contains the demo scripts and the data required                                                                                                                                                                
           to run then.                                                                                                                                                                                                   
           These files are always present (in ominas/demo),                                                                                                                                                               
           this option is to set up the environment so that                                                                                                                                                               
           the demos can be run.                                                                                                                                                                                          
        3) SPICE Icy  . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  NOT CONFIGURED                                                                                                                                                         
           Library maintained by JPL's NAIF (Navigation and Ancillary                                                                                                                                                     
           Information Facility,,                                                                                                                                             
           required to use spacecraft / planetary kernel files.                                                                                                                                                           

Mission Packages:                                                                                                                                                                                                         
           Kernels used for each mission's position and 
           pointing data. If you do not already have them,
           an option to download them from PDS will be provided.
           If you already have them, you will need to provide
           the path to your kernel files.
           Note: the NAIF Generic Kernels (one of the optional 
           data packages) are not required for the missions, they
           already contain a copy the subset of the generic kernel
           files they need.
        4) Cassini . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . NOT CONFIGURED
           Subsetted, about 16 GB as of Dec/2016
        5) Galileo (GLL) . . . . . . . . . . . . . NOT CONFIGURED
           About 833 MB as of Dec/2016
        6) Voyager . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . NOT CONFIGURED
           About 163 MB as of Dec/2016
        7) Dawn  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . NOT CONFIGURED
           Subsetted, about 8 GB as of Jan/2017
        8) NAIF Generic Kernels . . . . . . . . .  NOT CONFIGURED
           About 22 GB as of Dec/2016
        9) SEDR image data . . . . . . . . . . . . NOT CONFIGURED
       10) TYCHO2 star catalog . . . . . . . . . . NOT CONFIGURED
           About 161 MB download, 665 MB unpacked
       11) SAO star catalog . . . . . . . . . . . NOT CONFIGURED
           About 19 MB download, 70 MB unpacked
       12) GSC star catalog . . . . . . . . . . . NOT CONFIGURED
       13) UCAC4 star catalog . . . . . . . . . . NOT CONFIGURED
           About 8.5 GB download
For more information, see
Modify Current OMINAS configuration (Exit/Auto/Uninstall 1 2 ...)?  1 2 3
Settiing OMINAS Core...
OMINAS requires the NAIF Icy toolkit to process SPICE kernels.
Would you like to install Icy from the internet now? [y] ~/ominas_data/icy.tar.Z --localdir=/home/ominas_test_8/ominas_data/

IDL Version 8.5.1 (linux x86_64 m64). (c) 2015, Exelis Visual Information Solutions, Inc., a subsidiary of Harris Corporation.
Installation number: XXXXX.
Licensed for use by: XXXXX

% Compiled module: PP_WGETCL.
% Compiled module: PP_COMMAND_LINE_ARGS_PARSE.
% Loaded DLM: URL.
% Compiled module: PP_WGET__DEFINE.
% Compiled module: PARSE_URL.
% Compiled module: PP_READABLESIZE.
Content Length:  276.00000 B
% Compiled module: PP_PARSE_DATE.
% Compiled module: JULDAY.
Content Length:  43.669736 MB
% Compiled module: CALDAT.
Extracting Icy source files...
Compiling Icy...
Icy compiled. Log is at ~/.ominas/icy_make.log
writing /home/ominas_test_8/.ominas/
‘/home/ominas_test_8/.ominas/’ -> ‘/home/ominas_test_8/.ominas/’

done with writing /home/ominas_test_8/.ominas/
IDL Version 8.5.1 (linux x86_64 m64). (c) 2015, Exelis Visual Information Solutions, Inc., a subsidiary of Harris Corporation.
Installation number: XXXXX.
Licensed for use by: XXXXX

% Compiled module: OMINAS_PATHS_ADD.
Checking to see if IDL paths need to be changed...
% Compiled module: IDLASTRO_DOWNLOAD.
% Compiled module: ROUTINE_EXISTS.
There are missing IDLAstro routines.
Auto installing
git clone /home/ominas_test_8/ominas_data/idlastro
Cloning into '/home/ominas_test_8/ominas_data/idlastro'...
remote: Counting objects: 1400, done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (7/7), done.
remote: Total 1400 (delta 1), reused 3 (delta 1), pack-reused 1392
Receiving objects: 100% (1400/1400), 11.63 MiB | 4.85 MiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (556/556), done.
Checking connectivity... done.
IDLAstro path set in preferences:  <IDL_DEFAULT>:+/home/ominas_test_8/ominas_data/idlastro/pro
OMINAS paths set in IDL preferences
Icy path set in IDL preferences
OMINAS aliase set in /home/ominas_test_8/.bashrc.
OMINAS aliase set in /home/ominas_test_8/.bash_profile.
IDL Version 8.5.1 (linux x86_64 m64). (c) 2015, Exelis Visual Information Solutions, Inc., a subsidiary of Harris Corporation.
Installation number: XXXXX.
Licensed for use by: XXXXX

% Compiled module: OMINAS_ICY_TEST.
% Loaded DLM: ICY.
Icy: /home/ominas_test_8/ominas_data/icy/lib/
        Current OMINAS configuration settings
        1) OMINAS Core  . . . . . . . . . . . . .  CONFIGURED
           Contains the OMINAS code. If you select only one 
           of the other packages, this will be included.
Optional packages:
        2) Demo package . . . . . . . . . . . . .  CONFIGURED
           Contains the demo scripts and the data required 
           to run then.
           These files are always present (in ominas/demo), 
           this option is to set up the environment so that
           the demos can be run.
        3) SPICE Icy  . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  CONFIGURED
           Library maintained by JPL's NAIF (Navigation and Ancillary
           Information Facility,,
           required to use spacecraft / planetary kernel files.

Mission Packages:
           Kernels used for each mission's position and 
           pointing data. If you do not already have them,
           an option to download them from PDS will be provided.
           If you already have them, you will need to provide
           the path to your kernel files.
           Note: the NAIF Generic Kernels (one of the optional 
           data packages) are not required for the missions, they
           already contain a copy the subset of the generic kernel
           files they need.
        4) Cassini . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . NOT CONFIGURED
           Subsetted, about 16 GB as of Dec/2016
        5) Galileo (GLL) . . . . . . . . . . . . . NOT CONFIGURED
           About 833 MB as of Dec/2016
        6) Voyager . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . NOT CONFIGURED
           About 163 MB as of Dec/2016
        7) Dawn  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . NOT CONFIGURED
           Subsetted, about 8 GB as of Jan/2017
        8) NAIF Generic Kernels . . . . . . . . .  NOT CONFIGURED
           About 22 GB as of Dec/2016
        9) SEDR image data . . . . . . . . . . . . NOT CONFIGURED
       10) TYCHO2 star catalog . . . . . . . . . . NOT CONFIGURED
           About 161 MB download, 665 MB unpacked
       11) SAO star catalog . . . . . . . . . . . NOT CONFIGURED
           About 19 MB download, 70 MB unpacked
       12) GSC star catalog . . . . . . . . . . . NOT CONFIGURED
       13) UCAC4 star catalog . . . . . . . . . . NOT CONFIGURED
           About 8.5 GB download
For more information, see
Modify Current OMINAS configuration (Exit/Auto/Uninstall 1 2 ...)?  e
Setup has completed. It is recommended to restart your terminal session before using OMINAS.
You may want to try some of the tutorials at

Copied from original issue: ppenteado/ominas#8

penteado-jpl commented 6 years ago

From @ppenteado on June 5, 2017 18:11

And here is the output of a few tests after completing this installation:

[ominas_test_8@cmp ominas]$ which ominas
alias ominas='/home/ominas_test_8/.ominas/ominas'
[ominas_test_8@cmp ominas]$ which ominasde
alias ominasde='/home/ominas_test_8/.ominas/ominasde'
[ominas_test_8@cmp ominas]$ cat ~/.ominas/ 
#!/usr/bin/env bash
alias ominas=~/.ominas/ominas
alias ominasde=~/.ominas/ominasde
export OMINAS_DIR=/home/ominas_test_8/ominas
export DFLAG=true
source /home/ominas_test_8/ominas/config/
unset NV_Generic_kernels_DATA
[ominas_test_8@cmp ominas]$ ominas -e 'spawn,"env | grep NV"'
IDL Version 8.5.1 (linux x86_64 m64). (c) 2015, Exelis Visual Information Solutions, Inc., a subsidiary of Harris Corporation.
Installation number: XXXXX.
Licensed for use by: XXXXX

[ominas_test_8@cmp ominas]$ ominas -e 'print,pref_get("IDL_PATH")'
IDL Version 8.5.1 (linux x86_64 m64). (c) 2015, Exelis Visual Information Solutions, Inc., a subsidiary of Harris Corporation.
Installation number: XXXXX.
Licensed for use by: XXXXX

[ominas_test_8@cmp ominas]$ ominas -e 'print,pref_get("IDL_DLM_PATH")'
IDL Version 8.5.1 (linux x86_64 m64). (c) 2015, Exelis Visual Information Solutions, Inc., a subsidiary of Harris Corporation.
Installation number: XXXXX.
Licensed for use by: XXXXX

penteado-jpl commented 6 years ago

From @ppenteado on June 14, 2017 21:9

I just pushed a new routine, ominas_env_info. It prints out (to the terminal, if called with no arguments, or to a file, if a filename is provided) the most commonly useful stuff for me to debug problems with the OMINAS envinronment. A typical use:

[user@cmp ~]$ ominas
IDL Version 8.5.1 (linux x86_64 m64). (c) 2015, Exelis Visual Information Solutions, Inc., a subsidiary of Harris Corporation.
Installation number: XXXXXX.
Licensed for use by: XXXXXX

IDL> ominas_env_info,'~/ominas_env_info.txt'

Which produces

OMINAS variables:
NV variables:
#!/usr/bin/env bash
alias ominas=~/.ominas/ominas
alias ominasde=~/.ominas/ominasde
export OMINAS_DIR=/home/user/ominas
export OMINAS_DATA=/home/user/ominas_data
export OMINAS_RC=/home/user/.ominas
export DFLAG=true
source /home/user/ominas/config/
unset NV_Generic_kernels_DATA

** Structure !VERSION, 8 tags, length=104, data length=100:
   ARCH            STRING    'x86_64'
   OS              STRING    'linux'
   OS_FAMILY       STRING    'unix'
   OS_NAME         STRING    'linux'
   RELEASE         STRING    '8.5.1'
   BUILD_DATE      STRING    'Nov 14 2015'
   MEMORY_BITS     INT             64
                   INT             64
environment IDL_PATH

environment IDL_DLM_PATH

preferences IDL_PATH
preferences IDL_DLM_PATH

** ICY - IDL/CSPICE interface from JPL/NAIF (not loaded)
    Version: 1.8.0, Build Date: 05-JAN-2017, Source:
    Path: /home/user/ominas_data/icy/lib/
0 loaded kernels:

OMINAS repository:
On branch master
Your branch is up-to-date with 'origin/master'.
Last commit:
b373f70 Paulo Penteado Wed Jun 14 14:03:42 2017 -0700
mattietigges commented 6 years ago

I’m having trouble testing the installation of the basic ominas system


; 1. Please ensure that OMINAS has been properly downloaded from the ; Github repository <> by creating a ; directory for the installation and entering the following command at the terminal::

git clone

; A local copy of the OMINAS source will be cloned automatically.

From here, I followed instructions from the PIRL wiki:

Here is what it looks like so far:

Running 'idl85' Setup..
*** This is IDL version 8.5 ***
*** Type "idl82" or "idl" for (default) IDL version 8.2 ***
mkdir: Not a directory
mkdir: Not a directory
mkdir: Not a directory
mkdir: Not a directory
mkdir: Not a directory
mkdir: Not a directory
mkdir: Not a directory
mkdir: Not a directory
Running 'idl85' Setup..
*** This is IDL version 8.5 ***
*** Type "idl82" or "idl" for (default) IDL version 8.2 ***
        Current OMINAS configuration settings
        1) OMINAS Core  . . . . . . . . . . . . .  CONFIGURED
           Contains the OMINAS code. If you select only one 
           of the other packages, this will be included.
Optional packages:
        2) Demo package . . . . . . . . . . . . .  CONFIGURED
           Contains the demo scripts and the data required 
           to run then.
           These files are always present (in ominas/demo), 
           this option is to set up the environment so that
           the demos can be run.
        3) SPICE Icy  . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  NOT CONFIGURED
           Library maintained by JPL's NAIF (Navigation and Ancillary
           Information Facility,,
           required to use spacecraft / planetary kernel files.

Mission Packages:
           Kernels used for each mission's position and 
           pointing data. If you do not already have them,
           an option to download them from PDS will be provided.
           If you already have them, you will need to provide
           the path to your kernel files.
           Note: the NAIF Generic Kernels (one of the optional 
           data packages) are not required for the missions, they
           already contain a copy the subset of the generic kernel
           files they need.
        4) Cassini . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . NOT CONFIGURED
           Subsetted, about 16 GB as of Dec/2016
        5) Galileo (GLL) . . . . . . . . . . . . . NOT CONFIGURED
           About 833 MB as of Dec/2016
        6) Voyager . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . NOT CONFIGURED
           About 163 MB as of Dec/2016
        8) NAIF Generic Kernels  . . . . . . . . .  NOT CONFIGURED
           About 22 GB as of Dec/2016
        9) Tycho2 star catalog . . . . . . . . . . NOT CONFIGURED
           About 161 MB download, 665 MB unpacked
       10) SAO star catalog  . . . . . . . . . . . NOT CONFIGURED
           Already provided with OMINAS, no download needed
       11) Maps
           Map library created for use with OMINAS NOT CONFIGURED
           About 813 MB as of August/2017
       12) UCAC4 star catalog  . . . . . . . . . . NOT CONFIGURED
           About 8.5 GB download
       13) GSC star catalog  . . . . . . . . . . . NOT CONFIGURED

For more information, see
Modify Current OMINAS configuration (Exit/Auto/Uninstall 1 2 ...)? 

; 4. Verify that the installation of the basic OMINAS system has been completed correctly ; by running the override example script from the demo/ directory (we recommend using a ; different terminal window rather than switching back-and-forth between demos and the installer)::


This is where I get the error message:

raga:../~ 16:55 % cd ominas/demo/
raga:../demo 16:55 % bash
bash-3.2$ ominas
/home/pirl/mdtigges/.ominas/ominas: line 103: syntax error near unexpected token `"$foo"'
/home/pirl/mdtigges/.ominas/ominas: line 103: `switch ("$foo")'
ppenteado commented 6 years ago


Given what you posted and what is in the wiki, could you post the output of running, from a terminal,


I expect this will start an IDL session. From that session, get the initial startup message (is it " This is IDL version 8.5 Type "idl82" or "idl" for (default) IDL version 8.2 " ? Is that everything?)

and the outputs of

IDL>print,pref_get('IDL_DIR') IDL>print,pref_get('IDL_PATH') IDL>print,filepath('') IDL>help,!version

Also, my guess is that /opt/local/sh/idl85 is a script doing something when starting IDL. Would it be possible to post the contents of /opt/local/sh/idl85 (if it is really a script, not a binary file)?

ppenteado commented 6 years ago


I checked, and the problems come from the OMINAS setup script ( not knowing how to handle the environment with the custom idl scripts (such as /opt/local/sh/idl and /opt/local/sh/idl85). I have a general fix to that in the works, but, in the meantime, here is a guide that allowed me to run OMINAS in a computer with that environment:

1) Erase any potentially broken configuration files made by previous OMINAS installer runs that might have failed:

$ rm -vRf ~/.ominas/ ~/ominas_data

2) If your ~/.bash_profile or ~/.bashrc file has a line . ~/.ominas/ominasrc remove it (from both .bashrc and .bash_profile), then exit the current bash shell (if any)

3) Start a new bash shell, if not already in one


4a) If you do not have OMINAS downloaded: get it with $git clone

which will create a directory called ominas in the current directory (if one does not already exist; git will refuse to use an exisiting directory with something already in it)

4b) If you already have downloaded OMINAS, go into the directory where you put OMINAS (from Github), and make sure there are no modified files. In my case, I downloaded OMINAS into ~/ominas

$cd ~/ominas $git status On branch master Your branch is up-to-date with 'origin/master'. nothing to commit, working directory clean

If the status is not "clean", as above, and you are not familiar with how to make it clean using git, the simplest general way would be to remove/move/rename the entire ominas directory and download it again, with

$git clone

5) This is the key step to get the current to understand what to do in the PIRL environment:

Choosing to use IDL 8.5, set $ export IDL_DIR=/opt/rsi/idl_8.5/idl/

6) Then, go into the OMINAS directory (in my case, ~/ominas) and run the setup script. From here on, the regular instructions on the install guide ( should work:

$ cd ~/ominas $ source ./

7) If all works well, OMINAS should then be available from a bash shell, by using either




to start it. You can start by running a demo, such as to test it.

I chose to let the installer set up my own copy of Icy, for now. I am looking into how to make the installer see the one already present at /opt/naif/icy automatically, if it is not already in the user's IDL_PATH and IDL_DLM_PATH.

mattietigges commented 6 years ago

Still unable to get ICY:

raga:../~ 12:09 % nedit .bash_profile 
raga:../~ 12:10 % nedit .bashrc 
raga:../~ 12:10 % bash
bash-3.2$ git clone https://github/nasa/ominas
Cloning into 'ominas'...
fatal: unable to access 'https://github/nasa/ominas/': Could not resolve host: github
bash-3.2$ git clone
Cloning into 'ominas'...
remote: Counting objects: 29058, done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (121/121), done.
remote: Total 29058 (delta 97), reused 116 (delta 58), pack-reused 28878
Receiving objects: 100% (29058/29058), 354.35 MiB | 12.22 MiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (21749/21749), done.
Checking out files: 100% (4623/4623), done.
bash-3.2$ cd ominas/
bash-3.2$ git status
On branch master
Your branch is up to date with 'origin/master'.

nothing to commit, working tree clean
bash-3.2$ cd
bash-3.2$ export IDL_DIR=/opt/rsi/idl_8.5/idl
bash-3.2$ cd ominas/
bash-3.2$ source ./
Detecting .bash_profile...
.bash_profile detected!
Detecting .bashrc...
.bashrc detected!
IDL_DIR found, /opt/rsi/idl_8.5/idl, using it
IDL Version 8.5, Mac OS X (darwin x86_64 m64).
(c) 2015, Exelis Visual Information Solutions, Inc., a subsidiary of Harris Corporation.
Installation number: 219862.
Licensed for use by: HiRISE Co-i Workstation

Creating ~/.ominas directory
Creating ~/.ominas/config directory
config/ -> /home/pirl/mdtigges/.ominas/config/
config/strcat/ -> /home/pirl/mdtigges/.ominas/config/
config/cas/ -> /home/pirl/mdtigges/.ominas/config/
config/dawn/ -> /home/pirl/mdtigges/.ominas/config/
config/gll/ -> /home/pirl/mdtigges/.ominas/config/
config/vgr/ -> /home/pirl/mdtigges/.ominas/config/
Creating ~/ominas_data directory
Copying default grimrc to /home/pirl/mdtigges/.ominas
config/grimrc -> /home/pirl/mdtigges/.ominas/grimrc
Copying default Xdefaults-grim to /home/pirl/mdtigges/.ominas
config/Xdefaults-grim -> /home/pirl/mdtigges/.ominas/Xdefaults-grim
/home/pirl/mdtigges/.ominas/ -> /home/pirl/mdtigges/.ominas/
The setup will guide you through the installation of OMINAS
More help is in the Install Guide, at
OMINAS files located in /home/pirl/mdtigges/ominas

Icy: Icy not found


 Current OMINAS configuration settings
        1) OMINAS Core  . . . . . . . . . . . . .  NOT CONFIGURED
           Contains the OMINAS code. If you select only one 
           of the other packages, this will be included.
Optional packages:
        2) Demo package . . . . . . . . . . . . .  NOT CONFIGURED
           Contains the demo scripts and the data required 
           to run then.
           These files are always present (in ominas/demo), 
           this option is to set up the environment so that
           the demos can be run.
        3) SPICE Icy  . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  NOT CONFIGURED
           Library maintained by JPL's NAIF (Navigation and Ancillary
           Information Facility,,
           required to use spacecraft / planetary kernel files.

Mission Packages:
           Kernels used for each mission's position and 
           pointing data. If you do not already have them,
           an option to download them from PDS will be provided.
           If you already have them, you will need to provide
           the path to your kernel files.
           Note: the NAIF Generic Kernels (one of the optional 
           data packages) are not required for the missions, they
           already contain a copy the subset of the generic kernel
           files they need.
        4) Cassini . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . NOT CONFIGURED
           Subsetted, about 16 GB as of Dec/2016
        5) Galileo (GLL) . . . . . . . . . . . . . NOT CONFIGURED
           About 833 MB as of Dec/2016
        6) Voyager . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . NOT CONFIGURED
           About 163 MB as of Dec/2016
        8) NAIF Generic Kernels  . . . . . . . . .  NOT CONFIGURED
           About 22 GB as of Dec/2016
        9) Tycho2 star catalog . . . . . . . . . . NOT CONFIGURED
           About 161 MB download, 665 MB unpacked
       10) SAO star catalog  . . . . . . . . . . . NOT CONFIGURED
           Already provided with OMINAS, no download needed
       11) Maps
           Map library created for use with OMINAS NOT CONFIGURED
           About 813 MB as of August/2017
       12) UCAC4 star catalog  . . . . . . . . . . NOT CONFIGURED
           About 8.5 GB download
       13) GSC star catalog  . . . . . . . . . . . NOT CONFIGURED

For more information, see
Modify Current OMINAS configuration (Exit/Auto/Uninstall 1 2 ...)?  1 2 3
Settiing OMINAS Core...
Settiing OMINAS Core...
Settiing OMINAS Core...
Settiing OMINAS Core...
Settiing OMINAS Core...
Settiing OMINAS Core...
Settiing OMINAS Core...
Settiing OMINAS Core...
Settiing OMINAS Core...
writing /home/pirl/mdtigges/.ominas/
/home/pirl/mdtigges/.ominas/ -> /home/pirl/mdtigges/.ominas/

done with writing /home/pirl/mdtigges/.ominas/
IDL Version 8.5, Mac OS X (darwin x86_64 m64).
(c) 2015, Exelis Visual Information Solutions, Inc., a subsidiary of Harris Corporation.
Installation number: 219862.
Licensed for use by: HiRISE Co-i Workstation

% Compiled module: OMINAS_PATHS_ADD.
Checking to see if IDL paths need to be changed...
% Compiled module: IDLASTRO_DOWNLOAD.
% Compiled module: ROUTINE_EXISTS.
There are missing IDLAstro routines:
cntrd not found
minmax not found
Auto installing
git clone /home/pirl/mdtigges/ominas_data/idlastro
Cloning into '/home/pirl/mdtigges/ominas_data/idlastro'...
remote: Counting objects: 1717, done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (16/16), done.
remote: Total 1717 (delta 9), reused 14 (delta 5), pack-reused 1696
Receiving objects: 100% (1717/1717), 11.71 MiB | 7.91 MiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (787/787), done.
Checking out files: 100% (524/524), done.
IDLAstro path set in preferences: 
OMINAS paths set in IDL preferences
writing /home/pirl/mdtigges/.ominas/
/home/pirl/mdtigges/.ominas/ -> /home/pirl/mdtigges/.ominas/

done with writing /home/pirl/mdtigges/.ominas/
Icy: Icy not found


 Current OMINAS configuration settings
        1) OMINAS Core  . . . . . . . . . . . . .  CONFIGURED
           Contains the OMINAS code. If you select only one 
           of the other packages, this will be included.
Optional packages:
        2) Demo package . . . . . . . . . . . . .  CONFIGURED
           Contains the demo scripts and the data required 
           to run then.
           These files are always present (in ominas/demo), 
           this option is to set up the environment so that
           the demos can be run.
        3) SPICE Icy  . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  NOT CONFIGURED
           Library maintained by JPL's NAIF (Navigation and Ancillary
           Information Facility,,
           required to use spacecraft / planetary kernel files.

Mission Packages:
           Kernels used for each mission's position and 
           pointing data. If you do not already have them,
           an option to download them from PDS will be provided.
           If you already have them, you will need to provide
           the path to your kernel files.
           Note: the NAIF Generic Kernels (one of the optional 
           data packages) are not required for the missions, they
           already contain a copy the subset of the generic kernel
           files they need.
        4) Cassini . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . NOT CONFIGURED
           Subsetted, about 16 GB as of Dec/2016
        5) Galileo (GLL) . . . . . . . . . . . . . NOT CONFIGURED
           About 833 MB as of Dec/2016
        6) Voyager . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . NOT CONFIGURED
           About 163 MB as of Dec/2016
        8) NAIF Generic Kernels  . . . . . . . . .  NOT CONFIGURED
           About 22 GB as of Dec/2016
        9) Tycho2 star catalog . . . . . . . . . . NOT CONFIGURED
           About 161 MB download, 665 MB unpacked
       10) SAO star catalog  . . . . . . . . . . . NOT CONFIGURED
           Already provided with OMINAS, no download needed
       11) Maps
           Map library created for use with OMINAS NOT CONFIGURED
           About 813 MB as of August/2017
       12) UCAC4 star catalog  . . . . . . . . . . NOT CONFIGURED
           About 8.5 GB download
       13) GSC star catalog  . . . . . . . . . . . NOT CONFIGURED

For more information, see
Modify Current OMINAS configuration (Exit/Auto/Uninstall 1 2 ...)? 
penteado-jpl commented 6 years ago


Can you tell me the output of running ominas_env_info, from a OMINAS session. That is, doing something like

$ ominas IDL Version 8.5.1 (linux x86_64 m64). (c) 2015, Exelis Visual Information Solutions, Inc., a subsidiary of Harris Corporation. Installation number: XXXX Licensed for use by: XXXX

% Compiled module: OMINAS_VERSION. OMINAS version v1.0.0-70-gd492a OMINAS> ominas_env_info

mattietigges commented 6 years ago
bash-3.2$ ominas
IDL Version 8.5, Mac OS X (darwin x86_64 m64).
(c) 2015, Exelis Visual Information Solutions, Inc., a subsidiary of Harris Corporation.
Installation number: 219862.
Licensed for use by: HiRISE Co-i Workstation

% Compiled module: OMINAS_VERSION.
OMINAS version  v1.0.0
OMINAS version:


OMINAS variables:


Demo variables:


NV variables:


SPICE variables:


PG variables:


IDL variables:

# !/usr/bin/env bash
# We recommend you do not edit this file
# It is automatically generated and overwritten by OMINAS'
# If you need to add commands to be executed before starting OMINAS,
# we suggest placing them either in your ~/.bashrc or ~/.profile (in
# which case they will be executed before ~/.ominas/, or
# in ~/.ominas/ (which is executed after ~/.ominas/, 
# thus it can make use of other OMINAS variables).
# ~/.ominas/ is never overwritten by

#The following line, to load the new Xdefaults definition, is commented to avoid problems in systems where xrdb is not available.
#If you would like to enable it, copy this line to you ~/.bashrc  /  ~/.bash_profile
#Uncommenting that line here n is not recommended, as this file will be overwritten the next time you use
#xrdb -merge /home/pirl/mdtigges/.ominas/Xdefaults-grim
export OMINAS_DIR=/home/pirl/mdtigges/ominas
export OMINAS_DATA=/home/pirl/mdtigges/ominas_data
export OMINAS_RC=/home/pirl/mdtigges/.ominas
export OMINAS_TMP=/var/folders/zz/zyxvpxvq6csfxvn_n0000lj00004w8/T/_mdtigges_ominas
if [ ! -w /var/folders/zz/zyxvpxvq6csfxvn_n0000lj00004w8/T/_mdtigges_ominas ]; then mkdir -p /var/folders/zz/zyxvpxvq6csfxvn_n0000lj00004w8/T/_mdtigges_ominas; fi
unset NV_Generic_kernels_DATA
export DFLAG=true
. /home/pirl/mdtigges/.ominas/config/
if [ `echo "$NV_TYCHO2_DATA" | grep -Eco "${OMINAS_DIR}/demo/data(/?)$"` == 0 ]; then unset NV_TYCHO2_DATA; fi
if [ `echo "$NV_SAO_DATA" | grep -Eco "${OMINAS_DIR}/demo/data(/?)$"` == 0 ]; then unset NV_SAO_DATA; fi
if [ `echo "$NV_MAPS_DATA" | grep -Eco "${OMINAS_DIR}/demo/data(/?)$"` == 0 ]; then unset NV_MAPS_DATA; fi
if [ `echo "$NV_UCAC4_DATA" | grep -Eco "${OMINAS_DIR}/demo/data(/?)$"` == 0 ]; then unset NV_UCAC4_DATA; fi
if [ `echo "$NV_GSC_DATA" | grep -Eco "${OMINAS_DIR}/demo/data(/?)$"` == 0 ]; then unset NV_GSC_DATA; fi
. ~/.ominas/


** Structure !VERSION, 8 tags, length=104, data length=100:
   ARCH            STRING    'x86_64'
   OS              STRING    'darwin'
   OS_FAMILY       STRING    'unix'
   OS_NAME         STRING    'Mac OS X'
   RELEASE         STRING    '8.5'
   BUILD_DATE      STRING    'Jul  7 2015'
   MEMORY_BITS     INT             64
                   INT             64




environment IDL_PATH


environment IDL_DLM_PATH

preferences IDL_PATH


preferences IDL_DLM_PATH









IDLAstro routines:
% Compiled module: FILE_WHICH.




OMINAS repository:
On branch master
Your branch is up to date with 'origin/master'.
Last commit:
1bf01164 Paulo Penteado Thu Dec 21 00:11:10 2017 -0800



% Unknown dynamically loadable module: icy.

Not found
RichardGFrench commented 6 years ago

I'm trying to install ominas on MAC OS X - at the stage of getting Cassini spice kernels, I keep getting the following error: TZ=UTC: Command not found.

Do you need to download the Cassini kernels from PDS? [y]y Please enter the location where the downloaded Cassini kernel pool will be placed: [~/ominas_data/Cassini] This script will download a subset of kernels from the PDS Cassini archive ( As of November/2016, this adds to 16GB. Continue?[y] --localdir=/Users/rfrench/ominas_data/Cassini/fk/ --absolute --timestamps=/Users/rfrench/.ominas/timestamps/ /Users/rfrench/ominas_data/Cassini -lm --quiet=1

IDL 8.7.0 (darwin x86_64 m64). (c) 2018, Harris Geospatial Solutions, Inc.

Licensed for use by: Wellesley College License: MNT-5509101:--****-D3A9 Creating directory /Users/rfrench/ominas_data/Cassini/fk/ downloading downloading downloading aareadme.txt TZ=UTC: Command not found. downloading TZ=UTC: Command not found. downloading TZ=UTC: Command not found.

RichardGFrench commented 6 years ago

I'm trying to run the demos - none of them seem to work. I get the following error messages:

2061 rfrench@achilles> pwd /Users/rfrench/Dropbox/ominas-master 2062 rfrench@achilles> cd demo 2063 rfrench@achilles> ls graphics data outputs defunct 2064 rfrench@achilles> idl IDL 8.7.0 (darwin x86_64 m64). (c) 2018, Harris Geospatial Solutions, Inc.

Licensed for use by: Wellesley College License: MNT-5509101:--****-D3A9 IDL> % Variable is undefined: DAT_READ. % Execution halted at: $MAIN$
% Attempt to call undefined procedure: 'GRIM'. % Execution halted at: $MAIN$
% Attempt to call undefined procedure: 'GRIM'. % Execution halted at: $MAIN$
% Attempt to call undefined procedure: 'GRIM'. % Execution halted at: $MAIN$
% Attempt to call undefined procedure: 'GRIM'. % Execution halted at: $MAIN$
% Attempt to call undefined procedure: 'GRIM'. % Execution halted at: $MAIN$
=== Auto-example complete. Use cut & paste to continue. % Prematurely closing batch file: /Users/rfrench/Dropbox/ominas-master/demo/ IDL> .run SAR file needed for the demo not found. Downloading it from PDS... % Attempt to call undefined function: 'PP_WGET'. % Execution halted at: $MAIN$ 68 /Users/rfrench/Dropbox/ominas-master/demo/ IDL> .run % Attempt to call undefined function: 'DAT_READ'. % Execution halted at: $MAIN$ 54 /Users/rfrench/Dropbox/ominas-master/demo/ IDL> .run SAR file needed for the demo not found. Downloading it from PDS... % Attempt to call undefined function: 'PP_WGET'. % Execution halted at: $MAIN$ 84 /Users/rfrench/Dropbox/ominas-master/demo/

penteado-jpl commented 6 years ago

Hello Richard,

What you posted suggests you were trying to run OMINAS code from a regular IDL session. That is, an IDL session started with either the idl or idlde command. OMINAS uses it own IDL startup script, called ominas (command line) / ominasde (for the IDLDE), which sets up paths and environment variables needed for OMINAS. One indicator that you are in an OMINAS IDL session is the different prompt. Ex:

$ ominas
IDL Version 8.5.1 (linux x86_64 m64). (c) 2015, Exelis Visual Information Solutions, Inc., a subsidiary of Harris Corporation.
Installation number: XXXX.
Licensed for use by: XXXX

% Compiled module: OMINAS_VERSION.
OMINAS version  v1.0.0-75-g03b074

The OMINAS IDL session should work like a regular IDL session, any other regular IDL code would still be functional in the same way. The OMINAS script just takes care of setting up the environment OMINAS needs, based on the configuration files made by the installer (


RichardGFrench commented 6 years ago

Daer Paulo, This was indeed the problem I had the first time I ran the demos, but I still get errors when I run it using ominas:

bash-3.2$ ominas

IDL 8.7.0 (darwin x86_64 m64).

(c) 2018, Harris Geospatial Solutions, Inc.

Licensed for use by: Wellesley College

License: MNT-5509101:--****-D3A9

OMINAS version 0aef

OMINAS> .run

% Attempt to call undefined function: 'CLEAN'.

% Execution halted at: ADDEOBJ 82 /Users/rfrench/Dropbox/ominas-master/config/pds/Readpds_4.4/

% HEADPDS 135 /Users/rfrench/Dropbox/ominas-master/config/pds/Readpds_4.4/

% DH_READ_PDS 15 /Users/rfrench/Dropbox/ominas-master/config/pds/

% DRD_READ 214 /Users/rfrench/Dropbox/ominas-master/nv/obj/dat/

% DAT_READ 429 /Users/rfrench/Dropbox/ominas-master/nv/obj/dat/

% $MAIN$ 76 /Users/rfrench/Dropbox/ominas-master/demo/

When I try to run a batch version, I get:


% CSPICE_SPKGEO: SPICE(SPKINSUFFDATA): [spkgeo_c->SPKGEO] Insufficient ephemeris data has been loaded to compute the state of -82 (CASSINI) relative to 0 (SOLAR SYSTEM

              BARYCENTER) at the ephemeris epoch 2017 AUG 21


% Execution halted at: SPICE_GET_CAMERAS 24 /Users/rfrench/Dropbox/ominas-master/config/spice/icy/

% SPICE_CAMERAS 46 /Users/rfrench/Dropbox/ominas-master/config/spice/icy/

% CAS_ISS_SPICE_CAMERAS 168 /Users/rfrench/Dropbox/ominas-master/config/cas/iss/

% SI_GET 749 /Users/rfrench/Dropbox/ominas-master/config/spice/

I think this error comes about because after running source and setting DEMO to CONFIGURED, it automatically sets 4) Cassini to NOT CONFIGURED, even though I have downloaded all the kernel files.


On Mon, Mar 19, 2018 at 8:29 AM, Paulo Penteado wrote:

Hello Richard,

What you posted suggests you were trying to run OMINAS code from a regular IDL session. That is, an IDL session started with either the idl or idlde command. OMINAS uses it own IDL startup script, called ominas (command line) / ominasde (for the IDLDE), which sets up paths and environment variables needed for OMINAS. One indicator that you are in an OMINAS IDL session is the different prompt. Ex:

$ ominas IDL Version 8.5.1 (linux x86_64 m64). (c) 2015, Exelis Visual Information Solutions, Inc., a subsidiary of Harris Corporation. Installation number: XXXX. Licensed for use by: XXXX

% Compiled module: OMINAS_VERSION. OMINAS version v1.0.0-75-g03b074 OMINAS>

The OMINAS IDL session should work like a regular IDL session, any other regular IDL code would still be functional in the same way. The OMINAS script just takes care of setting up the environment OMINAS needs, based on the configuration files made by the installer (


— You are receiving this because you commented. Reply to this email directly, view it on GitHub, or mute the thread .


Richard G. French

McDowell and Whiting Professor of Astrophysics

Chair of the Astronomy Department, Wellesley College

Director of the Whitin Observatory

Cassini Mission to Saturn Radio Science Team Leader

Wellesley, MA 02481-8203

(781) 283-3747

penteado-jpl commented 6 years ago


Indeed, setting the demo package to configured causes all the mission packages to be set to not configured. This is because the demo package contains a small set of kernels, those needed to run the demos, so that the user does not need to setup any mission packages to run the examples. The demo package causes OMINAS to use only the demo kernels, and that is the reason it sets any mission packages to unconfigured, and vice-versa. All examples can be run having just core, demo and Icy setup. In addition, the examples relative to one mission can also be run when that mission's package is setup.

Note that when a mission package is unconfigured because demo was configured, the kernel files are not deleted. This is so that one can quickly switch between using demo and using mission packages, by running

So, to run the Cassini demos, you can either have just demo configured, or have Cassini configured.

Now, to figure out why the demos are not working, can you tell me

1) Which you currently have configured. This can be seen by running, it will show the current state.

2) The output of ominas_env_info, called from an OMINAS IDL session, as in

$ ominas
IDL Version 8.5.1 (linux x86_64 m64). (c) 2015, Exelis Visual Information Solutions, Inc., a subsidiary of Harris Corporation.
Installation number: XXXX.
Licensed for use by: XXXX,

% Compiled module: OMINAS_VERSION.
OMINAS version  v1.0.0-74-gb399
OMINAS> ominas_env_info
% Compiled module: OMINAS_ENV_INFO.
OMINAS version:
OMINAS variables:
Demo variables:
NV variables:
SPICE variables:
PG variables:
IDL variables:
penteado-jpl commented 6 years ago

Hello all,

I just pushed an update that should fix both the Icy not getting installed issue (reported by @mattietigges) and the TZ=UTC errors (reported by @RichardGFrench). Thank you both for catching those.

So, if you update the code, by doing a

$git pull

from your main OMINAS directory (the same where lives), you should get the update. In case you are wondering if you got it or not, you can see it when starting OMINAS:

$ ominas
IDL Version 8.5.1 (linux x86_64 m64). (c) 2015, Exelis Visual Information Solutions, Inc., a subsidiary of Harris Corporation.
Installation number: XXXX.
Licensed for use by: XXXX

% Compiled module: OMINAS_VERSION.
OMINAS version  v1.0.1

Or, at any time in an OMINAS IDL session:

OMINAS> print,ominas_version()

Once you have the update, I suggest trying again the installer. In the case of those using the PIRL environment, note that you will still need to be in a bash shell (not the PIRL default), and do something like

$export IDL_DIR=/opt/rsi/idl_8.5/idl/

Before running, as noted above ( I have a partially working update that will remove that need, but that is not finished yet.


RichardGFrench commented 6 years ago

Thanks, Paulo - I tried git pull from the directory containing and got:

bash-3.2$ pwd


bash-3.2$ git pull

fatal: Not a git repository (or any of the parent directories): .git

On Mon, Mar 19, 2018 at 2:03 PM, Paulo Penteado wrote:

Hello all,

I just pushed an update that should fix both the Icy not getting installed issue (reported by @mattietigges and the TZ=UTC errors (reported by @RichardGFrench Thank you both for catching those.

So, if you update the code, by doing a

$git pull

from your main OMINAS directory (the same where lives), you should get the update. In case you are wondering if you got it or not, you can see it when starting OMINAS:

$ ominas IDL Version 8.5.1 (linux x86_64 m64). (c) 2015, Exelis Visual Information Solutions, Inc., a subsidiary of Harris Corporation. Installation number: XXXX. Licensed for use by: XXXX

% Compiled module: OMINAS_VERSION. OMINAS version v1.0.1

Or, at any time in an OMINAS IDL session:

OMINAS> print,ominas_version() v1.0.1

Once you have the update, I suggest trying again the installer. In the case of those using the PIRL environment, note that you will still need to be in a bash shell (not the PIRL default), and do something like

$export IDL_DIR=/opt/rsi/idl_8.5/idl/

Before running, as noted above (#6 (comment) I have a partially working update that will remove that need, but that is not finished yet.


— You are receiving this because you were mentioned. Reply to this email directly, view it on GitHub, or mute the thread .


Richard G. French

McDowell and Whiting Professor of Astrophysics

Chair of the Astronomy Department, Wellesley College

Director of the Whitin Observatory

Cassini Mission to Saturn Radio Science Team Leader

Wellesley, MA 02481-8203

(781) 283-3747

penteado-jpl commented 6 years ago

Hello Richard,

The directory name, /Users/rfrench/Dropbox/ominas-master, suggests it was made from the zip file, instead of setup through git (doing a git clone When git populates a directory from a repository, it creates a directory .git, which is where it keeps the files it needs to work. That error message indicates the .git directory is not present, which is what happens when the zip file is used instead of doing a git clone.

In that case, the two simplest options to get updates are

1) Delete / move the current /Users/rfrench/Dropbox/ominas-master, then download the zip again (the zip file from Github always has the current version) and extract it. The reason not to simply extract the zip over the current directory is that some updates might include removing or moving old files.

2) Delete / move the current /Users/rfrench/Dropbox/ominas-master, then use git to create a new directory, $git clone Once that is done, any future updates will be obtainable by doing a git pull.

RichardGFrench commented 6 years ago

I reinstalled and reconfigured to be able to run DEMOs. Now I get the following error message for the first demo:

bash-3.2$ ominas

IDL 8.7.0 (darwin x86_64 m64).

(c) 2018, Harris Geospatial Solutions, Inc.

Licensed for use by: Wellesley College

License: MNT-5509105:--****-9937

OMINAS version v1.0.1

OMINAS> .run

SAR file needed for the demo not found. Downloading it from PDS...


Creating directory /Users/rfrench/ominas_data/sar/


Content Length: 0.0000000 B

dif: -3492.1756

Content Length: 201.98373 MB

ZIP file downloaded, decompressing it...

% Time elapsed: 3.4506359 seconds.

% Attempt to call undefined function: 'CLEAN'.

% Execution halted at: ADDEOBJ 82 /Users/rfrench/Dropbox/ominas/config/pds/Readpds_4.4/

% HEADPDS 135 /Users/rfrench/Dropbox/ominas/config/pds/Readpds_4.4/

% DH_READ_PDS 15 /Users/rfrench/Dropbox/ominas/config/pds/

% DRD_READ 225 /Users/rfrench/Dropbox/ominas/nv/obj/dat/

% DAT_READ 437 /Users/rfrench/Dropbox/ominas/nv/obj/dat/

% $MAIN$ 76 /Users/rfrench/Dropbox/ominas/demo/


and then I get this error message for another demo:

bash-3.2$ ominas

IDL 8.7.0 (darwin x86_64 m64).

(c) 2018, Harris Geospatial Solutions, Inc.

Licensed for use by: Wellesley College

License: MNT-5509105:--****-9937

OMINAS version v1.0.1



              ephemeris data has been loaded to compute the state of -82

              (CASSINI) relative to 0 (SOLAR SYSTEM BARYCENTER) at the

              ephemeris epoch 2017 AUG 21 19:01:09.182.

% Execution halted at: SPICE_GET_CAMERAS 24

On Mon, Mar 19, 2018 at 4:54 PM, Paulo Penteado wrote:

Hello Richard,

The directory name, /Users/rfrench/Dropbox/ominas-master, suggests it was made from the zip file, instead of setup through git (doing a git clone When git populates a directory from a repository, it creates a directory .git, which is where it keeps the files it needs to work. That error message indicates the .git directory is not present, which is what happens when the zip file is used instead of doing a git clone.

In that case, the two simplest options to get updates are


Delete / move the current /Users/rfrench/Dropbox/ominas-master, then download the zip again (the zip file from Github always has the current version) and extract it. The reason not to simply extract the zip over the current directory is that some updates might include removing or moving old files. 2.

Delete / move the current /Users/rfrench/Dropbox/ominas-master, then use git to create a new directory, $git clone Once that is done, any future updates will be obtainable by doing a git pull.

— You are receiving this because you were mentioned. Reply to this email directly, view it on GitHub, or mute the thread .


Richard G. French

McDowell and Whiting Professor of Astrophysics

Chair of the Astronomy Department, Wellesley College

Director of the Whitin Observatory

Cassini Mission to Saturn Radio Science Team Leader

Wellesley, MA 02481-8203

(781) 283-3747

penteado-jpl commented 6 years ago

Can you send me the output of running ominas_env_info, from an OMINAS IDL session?



RichardGFrench commented 6 years ago

Here is the ominas_env_info output and source output. Dick

On Mon, Mar 19, 2018 at 5:24 PM, Paulo Penteado wrote:

Can you send me the output of running ominas_env_info, from an OMINAS IDL session?



— You are receiving this because you were mentioned. Reply to this email directly, view it on GitHub, or mute the thread .


Richard G. French

McDowell and Whiting Professor of Astrophysics

Chair of the Astronomy Department, Wellesley College

Director of the Whitin Observatory

Cassini Mission to Saturn Radio Science Team Leader

Wellesley, MA 02481-8203

(781) 283-3747

Script started on Mon Mar 19 17:22:17 2018 56 rfrench@maxwell> shbash [?1034hbash-3.2$ ominas IDL 8.7.0 (darwin x86_64 m64). (c) 2018, Harris Geospatial Solutions, Inc.

Licensed for use by: Wellesley College License: MNT-5509105:--****-9937 OMINAS version v1.0.1 OMINAS> ominas_env_info OMINAS version: v1.0.1

OMINAS variables: OMINAS_RC=/Users/rfrench/.ominas OMINAS_TMP=/var/folders/fk/blxdrf4537z_sqv9lkkyyywm0000gn/T/_rfrench_ominas OMINAS_DEMO=/Users/rfrench/Dropbox/ominas/demo OMINAS_DIR=/Users/rfrench/Dropbox/ominas OMINAS_DATA=/Users/rfrench/ominas_data

Demo variables: DFLAG=true

NV variables: NV_TRANSLATORS=/Users/rfrench/Dropbox/ominas/config/tab/ NV_CONFIG=/Users/rfrench/Dropbox/ominas/config NV_IO=/Users/rfrench/Dropbox/ominas/config/tab/ NV_SPICE=/Users/rfrench/Dropbox/ominas/config/spice NV_ORBIT_DATA=/Users/rfrench/Dropbox/ominas/config/orb/ NV_SAO_DATA=/Users/rfrench/Dropbox/ominas/demo/data/ NV_ARRAY_DATA=/Users/rfrench/Dropbox/ominas/config/arr/dat/ NV_TRANSFORMS=/Users/rfrench/Dropbox/ominas/config/tab/ NV_STATION_DATA=/Users/rfrench/Dropbox/ominas/config/stn/dat/ NV_RING_DATA=/Users/rfrench/Dropbox/ominas/config/rings/ NV_FTP_DETECT=/Users/rfrench/Dropbox/ominas/config/tab/ NV_SPICE_KER=::/Users/rfrench/Dropbox/ominas/demo/data NV_INS_DETECT=/Users/rfrench/Dropbox/ominas/config/tab/

SPICE variables: DEMO_SPICE_CK=/Users/rfrench/Dropbox/ominas/demo/data/kernels/ck/ DEMO_SPICE_SCK=/Users/rfrench/Dropbox/ominas/demo/data/kernels/sck/ DEMO_SPICE_SPK=/Users/rfrench/Dropbox/ominas/demo/data/kernels/spk/ DEMO_SPICE_LSK=/Users/rfrench/Dropbox/ominas/demo/data/kernels/lsk/ DEMO_SPICE_IK=/Users/rfrench/Dropbox/ominas/demo/data/kernels/ik/ DEMO_SPICE_PCK=/Users/rfrench/Dropbox/ominas/demo/data/kernels/pck/ DEMO_SPICE_FK=/Users/rfrench/Dropbox/ominas/demo/data/kernels/fk/ DEMO_SPICE_XK=/Users/rfrench/Dropbox/ominas/config/spice/ NV_SPICE_KER=::/Users/rfrench/Dropbox/ominas/demo/data

PG variables: PG_MAPS=

IDL variables: IDL_STARTUP=/Users/rfrench/Research/idl_lib/idl.startup IDL_DIR=/Applications/harris/idl87 IDL_DEVICE=X IDL_LIBDIR=/Applications/harris/idl87/lib IDL_LOCAL=/Applications/harris/idl87/local IDL_PATH=/Volumes/dione_raid2/Research/RINGFIT/programs/v1.8/:+/Applications/harris/idl/ IDL_EXAMPLES=/Applications/harris/idl87/examples

!/usr/bin/env bash

We recommend you do not edit this file

It is automatically generated and overwritten by OMINAS'

If you need to add commands to be executed before starting OMINAS,

we suggest placing them either in your ~/.bashrc or ~/.profile (in

which case they will be executed before ~/.ominas/, or

in ~/.ominas/ (which is executed after ~/.ominas/,

thus it can make use of other OMINAS variables).

~/.ominas/ is never overwritten by

This file is overwritten by the OMINAS installer, so we recomend you do not edit this file

if [ echo $IDL_PATH | grep -Eco "/Users/rfrench/Dropbox/ominas/?(:|$)" == 0 ]; then export IDL_PATH="${IDL_PATH:+$IDL_PATH:}+/Users/rfrench/Dropbox/ominas"; fi

The following line, to load the new Xdefaults definition, is commented to avoid problems in systems where xrdb is not available.

If you would like to enable it, copy this line to you ~/.bashrc / ~/.bash_profile

Uncommenting that line here n is not recommended, as this file will be overwritten the next time you use

xrdb -merge /Users/rfrench/.ominas/Xdefaults-grim

export OMINAS_DIR=/Users/rfrench/Dropbox/ominas export OMINAS_DATA=/Users/rfrench/ominas_data export OMINAS_RC=/Users/rfrench/.ominas export OMINAS_TMP=/var/folders/fk/blxdrf4537z_sqv9lkkyyywm0000gn/T/_rfrench_ominas if [ ! -w /var/folders/fk/blxdrf4537z_sqv9lkkyyywm0000gn/T/_rfrench_ominas ]; then mkdir -p /var/folders/fk/blxdrf4537z_sqv9lkkyyywm0000gn/T/_rfrench_ominas; fi unset NV_Generic_kernels_DATA export DFLAG=true . /Users/rfrench/.ominas/config/ if [ echo "$NV_TYCHO2_DATA" | grep -Eco "${OMINAS_DIR}/demo/data(/?)$" == 0 ]; then unset NV_TYCHO2_DATA; fi if [ echo "$NV_SAO_DATA" | grep -Eco "${OMINAS_DIR}/demo/data(/?)$" == 0 ]; then unset NV_SAO_DATA; fi if [ echo "$NV_MAPS_DATA" | grep -Eco "${OMINAS_DIR}/demo/data(/?)$" == 0 ]; then unset NV_MAPS_DATA; fi if [ echo "$NV_UCAC4_DATA" | grep -Eco "${OMINAS_DIR}/demo/data(/?)$" == 0 ]; then unset NV_UCAC4_DATA; fi if [ echo "$NV_GSC_DATA" | grep -Eco "${OMINAS_DIR}/demo/data(/?)$" == 0 ]; then unset NV_GSC_DATA; fi

export PG_MAPS=${NV_MAPS_DATA} . ~/.ominas/

IDL: ** Structure !VERSION, 8 tags, length=104, data length=100: ARCH STRING 'x86_64' OS STRING 'darwin' OS_FAMILY STRING 'unix' OS_NAME STRING 'Mac OS X' RELEASE STRING '8.7.0' BUILD_DATE STRING 'Jan 22 2018 (347767)' MEMORY_BITS INT 64 FILE_OFFSET_BITS INT 64


environment IDL_PATH /Volumes/dione_raid2/Research/RINGFIT/programs/v1.8/:+/Applications/harris/idl/:+/Users/rfrench/Dropbox/ominas

environment IDL_DLM_PATH

preferences IDL_PATH /Volumes/dione_raid2/Research/RINGFIT/programs/v1.8/:+/Applications/harris/idl/:+/Users/rfrench/Dropbox/ominas

preferences IDL_DLM_PATH

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- !path 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Applications/harris/idl/local/TeX2IDL:/Applications/harris/idl/local/user_contrib/esrg_ucsb:/Applications/harris/idl/local/user_contrib/freudenreich:/Applications/harris/idl/local/user_contrib/knight:/Applications/harris/idl/local/user_contrib/landsman:/Applications/harris/idl/local/user_contrib/meron:/Applications/harris/idl/local/user_contrib/thompson/documentation:/Applications/harris/idl/local/user_contrib/thompson/graphics_devices:/Applications/harris/idl/local/user_contrib/thompson/image_display:/Applications/harris/idl/local/user_contrib/thompson/time:/Applications/harris/idl/local/xdemo/examples:/Applications/harris/idl/local/xdemo:/Applications/harris/idl/local/xsig:/Applications/harris/idl/local:/Applications/harris/idl/resource/bridges/import/java/examples:/Applications/harris/idl/resource/itools/styles:/Users/rfrench/Dropbox/ominas/bat:/Users/rfrench/Dropbox/ominas/config/arr:/Users/rfrench/Dropbox/ominas/config/cas/detectors:/Users/rfrench/Dropbox/ominas/config/cas/iss/old:/Users/rfrench/Dropbox/ominas/config/cas/iss:/Users/rfrench/Dropbox/ominas/config/cas/radar:/Users/rfrench/Dropbox/ominas/config/cas/uvis:/Users/rfrench/Dropbox/ominas/config/cas/vims/defunct:/Users/rfrench/Dropbox/ominas/config/cas/vims:/Users/rfrench/Dropbox/ominas/config/cas:/Users/rfrench/Dropbox/ominas/config/dawn/detectors:/Users/rfrench/Dropbox/ominas/config/dawn:/Users/rfrench/Dropbox/ominas/config/detectors:/Users/rfrench/Dropbox/ominas/config/ext:/Users/rfrench/Dropbox/ominas/config/fits:/Users/rfrench/Dropbox/ominas/config/gff:/Users/rfrench/Dropbox/ominas/config/gll/detectors:/Users/rfrench/Dropbox/ominas/config/gll/ssi:/Users/rfrench/Dropbox/ominas/config/gll:/Users/rfrench/Dropbox/ominas/config/include:/Users/rfrench/Dropbox/ominas/config/isis:/Users/rfrench/Dropbox/ominas/config/juno:/Users/rfrench/Dropbox/ominas/config/mask:/Users/rfrench/Dropbox/ominas/config/multi:/Users/rfrench/Dropbox/ominas/config/occ:/Users/rfrench/Dropbox/ominas/config/orb:/Users/rfrench/Dropbox/ominas/config/pds/Readpds_4.4:/Users/rfrench/Dropbox/ominas/config/pds:/Users/rfrench/Dropbox/ominas/config/pds4/code/browse:/Users/rfrench/Dropbox/ominas/config/pds4/code:/Users/rfrench/Dropbox/ominas/config/pds4:/Users/rfrench/Dropbox/ominas/config/rings:/Users/rfrench/Dropbox/ominas/config/sedr/create:/Users/rfrench/Dropbox/ominas/config/sedr:/Users/rfrench/Dropbox/ominas/config/spice/gen/defunct:/Users/rfrench/Dropbox/ominas/config/spice/gen:/Users/rfrench/Dropbox/ominas/config/spice/icy/bug:/Users/rfrench/Dropbox/ominas/config/spice/icy:/Users/rfrench/Dropbox/ominas/config/spice:/Users/rfrench/Dropbox/ominas/config/stn:/Users/rfrench/Dropbox/ominas/config/strcat/common/old:/Users/rfrench/Dropbox/ominas/config/strcat/common:/Users/rfrench/Dropbox/ominas/config/strcat/defunct/gsc:/Users/rfrench/Dropbox/ominas/config/strcat/defunct/gsc2:/Users/rfrench/Dropbox/ominas/config/strcat/defunct/sao:/Users/rfrench/Dropbox/ominas/config/strcat/defunct/tycho:/Users/rfrench/Dropbox/ominas/config/strcat/defunct/ucac4:/Users/rfrench/Dropbox/ominas/config/strcat/defunct/ucact:/Users/rfrench/Dropbox/ominas/config/strcat/tycho2:/Users/rfrench/Dropbox/ominas/config/strcat:/Users/rfrench/Dropbox/ominas/config/tdl:/Users/rfrench/Dropbox/ominas/config/timer:/Users/rfrench/Dropbox/ominas/config/trk:/Users/rfrench/Dropbox/ominas/config/util:/Users/rfrench/Dropbox/ominas/config/vgr/detectors:/Users/rfrench/Dropbox/ominas/config/vgr/iss/old:/Users/rfrench/Dropbox/ominas/config/vgr/iss:/Users/rfrench/Dropbox/ominas/config/vgr/old:/Users/rfrench/Dropbox/ominas/config/vgr:/Users/rfrench/Dropbox/ominas/config/vgr_cd:/Users/rfrench/Dropbox/ominas/config/vicar:/Users/rfrench/Dropbox/ominas/config/w10n_pds:/Users/rfrench/Dropbox/ominas/demo/defunct:/Users/rfrench/Dropbox/ominas/demo:/Users/rfrench/Dropbox/ominas/docs_src:/Users/rfrench/Dropbox/ominas/nv/com/pg:/Users/rfrench/Dropbox/ominas/nv/grim/dred:/Users/rfrench/Dropbox/ominas/nv/grim/interface:/Users/rfrench/Dropbox/ominas/nv/grim/scripts:/Users/rfrench/Dropbox/ominas/nv/grim/tools:/Users/rfrench/Dropbox/ominas/nv/grim:/Users/rfrench/Dropbox/ominas/nv/obj/arr:/Users/rfrench/Dropbox/ominas/nv/obj/bod:/Users/rfrench/Dropbox/ominas/nv/obj/cam:/Users/rfrench/Dropbox/ominas/nv/obj/cor:/Users/rfrench/Dropbox/ominas/nv/obj/dat/dh/util:/Users/rfrench/Dropbox/ominas/nv/obj/dat/dh:/Users/rfrench/Dropbox/ominas/nv/obj/dat:/Users/rfrench/Dropbox/ominas/nv/obj/dsk:/Users/rfrench/Dropbox/ominas/nv/obj/glb:/Users/rfrench/Dropbox/ominas/nv/obj/map:/Users/rfrench/Dropbox/ominas/nv/obj/plt:/Users/rfrench/Dropbox/ominas/nv/obj/pnt:/Users/rfrench/Dropbox/ominas/nv/obj/rng:/Users/rfrench/Dropbox/ominas/nv/obj/sld:/Users/rfrench/Dropbox/ominas/nv/obj/stn:/Users/rfrench/Dropbox/ominas/nv/obj/str:/Users/rfrench/Dropbox/ominas/nv/obj/tools/composite:/Users/rfrench/Dropbox/ominas/nv/obj/tools/icv:/Users/rfrench/Dropbox/ominas/nv/obj/tools/ipt:/Users/rfrench/Dropbox/ominas/nv/obj/tools/orb/old:/Users/rfrench/Dropbox/ominas/nv/obj/tools/orb:/Users/rfrench/Dropbox/ominas/nv/obj/tools/pht:/Users/rfrench/Dropbox/ominas/nv/obj/tools:/Users/rfrench/Dropbox/ominas/nv/sys/event:/Users/rfrench/Dropbox/ominas/nv/sys/state:/Users/rfrench/Dropbox/ominas/nv/sys/util:/Users/rfrench/Dropbox/ominas/omin:/Users/rfrench/Dropbox/ominas/test/bridge:/Users/rfrench/Dropbox/ominas/test:/Users/rfrench/Dropbox/ominas/util/abbrev:/Users/rfrench/Dropbox/ominas/util/colormap:/Users/rfrench/Dropbox/ominas/util/const:/Users/rfrench/Dropbox/ominas/util/ct:/Users/rfrench/Dropbox/ominas/util/data_archive:/Users/rfrench/Dropbox/ominas/util/dd:/Users/rfrench/Dropbox/ominas/util/downloader:/Users/rfrench/Dropbox/ominas/util/gen:/Users/rfrench/Dropbox/ominas/util/idl_parse:/Users/rfrench/Dropbox/ominas/util/image_interp:/Users/rfrench/Dropbox/ominas/util/p:/Users/rfrench/Dropbox/ominas/util/set:/Users/rfrench/Dropbox/ominas/util/str:/Users/rfrench/Dropbox/ominas/util/tag_list:/Users/rfrench/Dropbox/ominas/util/tvgr:/Users/rfrench/Dropbox/ominas/util/tvim:/Users/rfrench/Dropbox/ominas/util/v:/Users/rfrench/Dropbox/ominas/util/vims_src_tmp:/Users/rfrench/Dropbox/ominas/util/w10n:/Users/rfrench/Dropbox/ominas/util:/Users/rfrench/Research/idl_lib/pro -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LD_LIBRARY_PATH: DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH: /Applications/harris/idl87/bin/bin.darwin.x86_64:/opt/X11/lib/flat_namespace/ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- IDLAstro routines: cntrd:/Applications/harris/idl/local/astrolib/pro/idlphot/ minmax:/Applications/harris/idl/local/astrolib/pro/misc/ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- IDL_STARTUP: /Users/rfrench/Research/idl_lib/idl.startup !quiet=1 ; this turns off some error messages !order=0 ; this makes images display from top to bottom ; run local library of procedures so that they are available my_Uranus_program_path='/Volumes/dione_raid2/Research/uranus/uranus_programs' my_ringprofile_program_path1='/Volumes/dione_raid2/Research/ring_profile_IDL/programs/rp_sqw' my_ringprofile_program_path2='/Volumes/dione_raid2/Research/ring_profile_IDL/programs/rp_template' my_ringprofile_program_path3='/Volumes/dione_raid2/Research/ring_profile_IDL/programs/rp_mct' my_ringprofile_program_path4='/Volumes/dione_raid2/Research/ring_profile_IDL/programs/rp_mul' my_ringfit_program_path='/Volumes/dione_raid2/Research/RINGFIT/programs/v1.8' ;my_ringfit_program_path='/Volumes/dione_raid2/Research/RINGFIT/programs/20130323DEVEL' ;my_ringfit_program_path='/Volumes/dione_raid2/Research/RINGFIT/programs/v1.8/20131013' ;my_ringfit_program_path='/Volumes/dione_raid2/Research/RINGFIT/programs/v1.8/20131011PREV' ;my_ringfit_program_path='/Volumes/dione_raid2/Research/RINGFIT/programs/v1.8/20131010PREV' ;my_ringfit_program_path='/Volumes/dione_raid2/Research/RINGFIT/programs/v1.8/20131008 !PATH= my_ringfit_program_path+':'+ $ my_ringprofile_program_path1+':'+ $ my_ringprofile_program_path2+':'+ $ my_ringprofile_program_path3+':'+ $ my_ringprofile_program_path4+':'+ $ my_Uranus_program_path+':'+ $ !PATH+':/Users/rfrench/Research/idl_lib/pro' .run locallib setxstore ; start up in X windows mode ; Liam Gumley device,true_color=24 window,/FREE,/PIXMAP,colors=-10,xsize=10,ysize=10 wdelete,!d.window device,decomposed=0,retain=1 device,get_visual_depth=depth ; run ICG startup file so that variables are defined ; @/usr/local/itt/idl/local/icg/idl_source/idl.all -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- OMINAS repository: On branch master Your branch is up-to-date with 'origin/master'. Last commit: bf7ff5e5 Paulo Penteado Mon Mar 19 10:52:23 2018 -0700 Icy: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ** ICY - IDL/CSPICE interface from JPL/NAIF (not loaded) Version: 1.7.0, Build Date: 25-OCT-2012, Source: Path: /Applications/harris/idl87/bin/bin.darwin.x86_64/ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CSPICE_N0065 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 loaded kernels: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- OMINAS> exit bash-3.2$ source Detecting .bash_profile... .bash_profile detected! Detecting .bashrc... .bashrc detected! IDL_DIR found, /Applications/harris/idl87, using it IDL 8.7.0 (darwin x86_64 m64). (c) 2018, Harris Geospatial Solutions, Inc. Licensed for use by: Wellesley College License: MNT-5509105:****-****-****-9937 ~/.ominas directory already exists ~/.ominas/config directory already exists /Users/rfrench/.ominas/config/ already exists /Users/rfrench/.ominas/config/ -> /Users/rfrench/.ominas/config/ config/ -> /Users/rfrench/.ominas/config/ /Users/rfrench/.ominas/config/ already exists /Users/rfrench/.ominas/config/ -> /Users/rfrench/.ominas/config/ config/strcat/ -> /Users/rfrench/.ominas/config/ /Users/rfrench/.ominas/config/ already exists /Users/rfrench/.ominas/config/ -> /Users/rfrench/.ominas/config/ config/cas/ -> /Users/rfrench/.ominas/config/ /Users/rfrench/.ominas/config/ already exists /Users/rfrench/.ominas/config/ -> /Users/rfrench/.ominas/config/ config/dawn/ -> /Users/rfrench/.ominas/config/ /Users/rfrench/.ominas/config/ already exists /Users/rfrench/.ominas/config/ -> /Users/rfrench/.ominas/config/ config/gll/ -> /Users/rfrench/.ominas/config/ /Users/rfrench/.ominas/config/ already exists /Users/rfrench/.ominas/config/ -> /Users/rfrench/.ominas/config/ config/vgr/ -> /Users/rfrench/.ominas/config/ /Users/rfrench/.ominas/config/ already exists /Users/rfrench/.ominas/config/ -> /Users/rfrench/.ominas/config/ config/juno/ -> /Users/rfrench/.ominas/config/ ~/ominas_data directory already exists grimrc already exists in /Users/rfrench/.ominas, not changing it Xdefaults-grim already exists in /Users/rfrench/.ominas, not changing it /Users/rfrench/.ominas/ -> /Users/rfrench/.ominas/ The setup will guide you through the installation of OMINAS More help is in the Install Guide, at OMINAS files located in /Users/rfrench/Dropbox/ominas Icy: OMINAS_TMP=/var/folders/fk/blxdrf4537z_sqv9lkkyyywm0000gn/T/_rfrench_ominas IDL_PATH: /Volumes/dione_raid2/Research/RINGFIT/programs/v1.8/:+/Applications/harris/idl/:+/Users/rfrench/Dropbox/ominas ============================================================================= Current OMINAS configuration settings Required: 1) OMINAS Core . . . . . . . . . . . . . CONFIGURED Contains the OMINAS code. If you select only one of the other packages, this will be included. Optional packages: 2) Demo package . . . . . . . . . . . . . CONFIGURED Contains the demo scripts and the data required to run then. These files are always present (in ominas/demo), this option is to set up the environment so that the demos can be run. 3) SPICE Icy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CONFIGURED Library maintained by JPL's NAIF (Navigation and Ancillary Information Facility,, required to use spacecraft / planetary kernel files. Mission Packages: Kernels used for each mission's position and pointing data. If you do not already have them, an option to download them from PDS will be provided. If you already have them, you will need to provide the path to your kernel files. Note: the NAIF Generic Kernels (one of the optional data packages) are not required for the missions, they already contain a copy the subset of the generic kernel files they need. 4) Cassini . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . NOT CONFIGURED Subsetted, about 16 GB as of Dec/2016 5) Galileo (GLL) . . . . . . . . . . . . . NOT CONFIGURED About 833 MB as of Dec/2016 6) Voyager . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . NOT CONFIGURED About 163 MB as of Dec/2016 7) Juno . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . NOT CONFIGURED Subsetted, about 22 GB as of Feb/2018 Data: 8) NAIF Generic Kernels . . . . . . . . . NOT CONFIGURED About 22 GB as of Dec/2016 9) Tycho2 star catalog . . . . . . . . . . NOT CONFIGURED About 161 MB download, 665 MB unpacked 10) SAO star catalog . . . . . . . . . . . NOT CONFIGURED Already provided with OMINAS, no download needed 11) Maps Map library created for use with OMINAS NOT CONFIGURED About 813 MB as of August/2017 12) UCAC4 star catalog . . . . . . . . . . NOT CONFIGURED About 8.5 GB download 13) GSC star catalog . . . . . . . . . . . NOT CONFIGURED For more information, see Modify Current OMINAS configuration (Exit/Auto/Uninstall 1 2 ...)? e Setup has completed. It is recommended to restart your terminal session before using OMINAS. You may want to try some of the tutorials at For documentation on how OMINAS works, see the User Guide at bash-3.2$ exit exit 57 rfrench@maxwell> exit exit Script done on Mon Mar 19 17:23:29 2018
mattietigges commented 6 years ago

We tried installing packages 1 2 and 3 and this is the output:

IDL Version 8.5, Mac OS X (darwin x86_64 m64). (c) 2015, Exelis Visual Information Solutions, Inc., a subsidiary of Harris Corporation. Unknown directive "user:FFFFEEEE-DDDD-CCCC-BBBB-AAAA00000059:_spotlight:89:al low,inherited:read,execute,readattr,readextattr,readsecurity" on line 2 of dynamically loadable module definition file: /home/pirl/mdtigges/ominas_data/icy/lib/._icy.dlm. Dynamically loadable module definition file lacks a MODULE directive: /home/pirl/mdtigges/ominas_data/icy/lib/._icy.dlm. Segmentation fault: 11

mattietigges commented 6 years ago

Hey Paulo, still no luck with Icy. I logged out of my account after wiping everything, logged back in and tried installing. Here's what I got

raga:../~ 15:43 % bash
bash-3.2$ git clone
Cloning into 'ominas'...
remote: Counting objects: 30158, done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (1033/1033), done.
remote: Total 30158 (delta 331), reused 1080 (delta 238), pack-reused 28878
Receiving objects: 100% (30158/30158), 415.93 MiB | 13.40 MiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (21983/21983), done.
Checking out files: 100% (4623/4623), done.
bash-3.2$ cd ominas/
bash-3.2$ git status
On branch master
Your branch is up to date with 'origin/master'.

nothing to commit, working tree clean
bash-3.2$ export IDL_DIR=/opt/rsi/idl_8.5/idl/
bash-3.2$ source ./ 
Detecting .bash_profile...
.bash_profile detected!
Detecting .bashrc...
.bashrc detected!
IDL_DIR found, /opt/rsi/idl_8.5/idl/, using it
IDL Version 8.5, Mac OS X (darwin x86_64 m64).
(c) 2015, Exelis Visual Information Solutions, Inc., a subsidiary of Harris Corporation.
Installation number: 219862.
Licensed for use by: HiRISE Co-i Workstation

Creating ~/.ominas directory
Creating ~/.ominas/config directory
config/ -> /home/pirl/mdtigges/.ominas/config/
config/strcat/ -> /home/pirl/mdtigges/.ominas/config/
config/cas/ -> /home/pirl/mdtigges/.ominas/config/
config/dawn/ -> /home/pirl/mdtigges/.ominas/config/
config/gll/ -> /home/pirl/mdtigges/.ominas/config/
config/vgr/ -> /home/pirl/mdtigges/.ominas/config/
Creating ~/ominas_data directory
Copying default grimrc to /home/pirl/mdtigges/.ominas
config/grimrc -> /home/pirl/mdtigges/.ominas/grimrc
Copying default Xdefaults-grim to /home/pirl/mdtigges/.ominas
config/Xdefaults-grim -> /home/pirl/mdtigges/.ominas/Xdefaults-grim
/home/pirl/mdtigges/.ominas/ -> /home/pirl/mdtigges/.ominas/
The setup will guide you through the installation of OMINAS
More help is in the Install Guide, at
OMINAS files located in /home/pirl/mdtigges/ominas

Icy: Icy not found
IDL_PATH: <IDL_DEFAULT>:+~/projects:+~/ominas_pro
    Current OMINAS configuration settings
    1) OMINAS Core  . . . . . . . . . . . . .  NOT CONFIGURED
           Contains the OMINAS code. If you select only one 
           of the other packages, this will be included.
Optional packages:
        2) Demo package . . . . . . . . . . . . .  NOT CONFIGURED
           Contains the demo scripts and the data required 
           to run then.
           These files are always present (in ominas/demo), 
           this option is to set up the environment so that
           the demos can be run.
        3) SPICE Icy  . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  NOT CONFIGURED
           Library maintained by JPL's NAIF (Navigation and Ancillary
           Information Facility,,
           required to use spacecraft / planetary kernel files.

Mission Packages:
           Kernels used for each mission's position and 
           pointing data. If you do not already have them,
           an option to download them from PDS will be provided.
           If you already have them, you will need to provide
           the path to your kernel files.
           Note: the NAIF Generic Kernels (one of the optional 
           data packages) are not required for the missions, they
           already contain a copy the subset of the generic kernel
           files they need.
    4) Cassini . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . NOT CONFIGURED
           Subsetted, about 16 GB as of Dec/2016
    5) Galileo (GLL) . . . . . . . . . . . . . NOT CONFIGURED
           About 833 MB as of Dec/2016
    6) Voyager . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . NOT CONFIGURED
           About 163 MB as of Dec/2016
        8) NAIF Generic Kernels  . . . . . . . . .  NOT CONFIGURED
           About 22 GB as of Dec/2016
        9) Tycho2 star catalog . . . . . . . . . . NOT CONFIGURED
           About 161 MB download, 665 MB unpacked
       10) SAO star catalog  . . . . . . . . . . . NOT CONFIGURED
           Already provided with OMINAS, no download needed
       11) Maps
           Map library created for use with OMINAS NOT CONFIGURED
           About 813 MB as of August/2017
       12) UCAC4 star catalog  . . . . . . . . . . NOT CONFIGURED
           About 8.5 GB download
       13) GSC star catalog  . . . . . . . . . . . NOT CONFIGURED

For more information, see
Modify Current OMINAS configuration (Exit/Auto/Uninstall 1 2 ...)?  1 2 3
Settiing OMINAS Core...
Settiing OMINAS Core...
Settiing OMINAS Core...
Settiing OMINAS Core...
Settiing OMINAS Core...
Settiing OMINAS Core...
Settiing OMINAS Core...
Settiing OMINAS Core...
Settiing OMINAS Core...
writing /home/pirl/mdtigges/.ominas/
/home/pirl/mdtigges/.ominas/ -> /home/pirl/mdtigges/.ominas/

done with writing /home/pirl/mdtigges/.ominas/
IDL Version 8.5, Mac OS X (darwin x86_64 m64).
(c) 2015, Exelis Visual Information Solutions, Inc., a subsidiary of Harris Corporation.
Installation number: 219862.
Licensed for use by: HiRISE Co-i Workstation

% Compiled module: OMINAS_PATHS_ADD.
Checking to see if IDL paths need to be changed...
% Compiled module: IDLASTRO_DOWNLOAD.
% Compiled module: ROUTINE_EXISTS.
There are missing IDLAstro routines:
cntrd not found
minmax not found
Auto installing
git clone /home/pirl/mdtigges/ominas_data/idlastro
Cloning into '/home/pirl/mdtigges/ominas_data/idlastro'...
remote: Counting objects: 1721, done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (20/20), done.
remote: Total 1721 (delta 11), reused 15 (delta 5), pack-reused 1696
Receiving objects: 100% (1721/1721), 11.71 MiB | 9.11 MiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (789/789), done.
Checking out files: 100% (524/524), done.
IDLAstro path set in IDL_PATH: 
OMINAS paths added to IDL_PATH
writing /home/pirl/mdtigges/.ominas/
/home/pirl/mdtigges/.ominas/ -> /home/pirl/mdtigges/.ominas/

done with writing /home/pirl/mdtigges/.ominas/
Icy: Icy not found
IDL_PATH: <IDL_DEFAULT>:+~/projects:+~/ominas_pro:+/home/pirl/mdtigges/ominas_data/idlastro/pro:+/home/pirl/mdtigges/ominas
    Current OMINAS configuration settings
    1) OMINAS Core  . . . . . . . . . . . . .  CONFIGURED
           Contains the OMINAS code. If you select only one 
           of the other packages, this will be included.
Optional packages:
        2) Demo package . . . . . . . . . . . . .  CONFIGURED
           Contains the demo scripts and the data required 
           to run then.
           These files are always present (in ominas/demo), 
           this option is to set up the environment so that
           the demos can be run.
        3) SPICE Icy  . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  NOT CONFIGURED
           Library maintained by JPL's NAIF (Navigation and Ancillary
           Information Facility,,
           required to use spacecraft / planetary kernel files.

Mission Packages:
           Kernels used for each mission's position and 
           pointing data. If you do not already have them,
           an option to download them from PDS will be provided.
           If you already have them, you will need to provide
           the path to your kernel files.
           Note: the NAIF Generic Kernels (one of the optional 
           data packages) are not required for the missions, they
           already contain a copy the subset of the generic kernel
           files they need.
    4) Cassini . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . NOT CONFIGURED
           Subsetted, about 16 GB as of Dec/2016
    5) Galileo (GLL) . . . . . . . . . . . . . NOT CONFIGURED
           About 833 MB as of Dec/2016
    6) Voyager . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . NOT CONFIGURED
           About 163 MB as of Dec/2016
        8) NAIF Generic Kernels  . . . . . . . . .  NOT CONFIGURED
           About 22 GB as of Dec/2016
        9) Tycho2 star catalog . . . . . . . . . . NOT CONFIGURED
           About 161 MB download, 665 MB unpacked
       10) SAO star catalog  . . . . . . . . . . . NOT CONFIGURED
           Already provided with OMINAS, no download needed
       11) Maps
           Map library created for use with OMINAS NOT CONFIGURED
           About 813 MB as of August/2017
       12) UCAC4 star catalog  . . . . . . . . . . NOT CONFIGURED
           About 8.5 GB download
       13) GSC star catalog  . . . . . . . . . . . NOT CONFIGURED

For more information, see
Modify Current OMINAS configuration (Exit/Auto/Uninstall 1 2 ...)?
mattietigges commented 6 years ago

This error occurred today when installing packages 1 and 2 on the dev branch (in Pirl)

done with writing /home/pirl/mdtigges/.ominas/
/home/pirl/mdtigges/ominas /home/pirl/mdtigges/.ominas/

Running 'idl' Setup..
*** This is IDL version 8.2 ***
*** Type "idl71" or "idl-" for IDL version 7.1 ***
*** Type "idl85" or "idl+" for IDL version 8.5 ***
dyld: Symbol not found: _inflateReset2
  Referenced from: /System/Library/Frameworks/ImageIO.framework/Versions/A/Resources/libPng.dylib
  Expected in: /opt/rsi/idl_8.2_SP1/idl/bin/bin.darwin.x86_64/libz.1.dylib
 in /System/Library/Frameworks/ImageIO.framework/Versions/A/Resources/libPng.dylib
Abort trap: 6
/home/pirl/mdtigges/ominas /home/pirl/mdtigges/.ominas/
writing /home/pirl/mdtigges/.ominas/
/home/pirl/mdtigges/.ominas/ -> /home/pirl/mdtigges/.ominas/
mattietigges commented 6 years ago

Hi Paulo, looks like there are some issues concerning IDL.

raga:../~ 04:06:10 $ export IDL_DIR=/opt/rsi/idl_8.7/idl/

raga:../~ 04:06:23 $ git clone

Cloning into 'ominas'...

remote: Counting objects: 30449, done.

remote: Compressing objects: 100% (184/184), done.

remote: Total 30449 (delta 156), reused 174 (delta 98), pack-reused 30166

Receiving objects: 100% (30449/30449), 415.99 MiB | 13.36 MiB/s, done.

Resolving deltas: 100% (22403/22403), done.

Checking out files: 100% (4682/4682), done.

raga:../~ 04:07:51 $ cd ominas/


raga:../ominas 04:08:38 $ git status

On branch master

Your branch is up to date with 'origin/master'.

nothing to commit, working tree clean

raga:../ominas 04:09:01 $ source

Detecting .bash_profile...

.bash_profile detected!

Detecting .bashrc...

.bashrc detected!

IDL_DIR found, /opt/rsi/idl_8.7/idl/, using it

(null): [1,7E1,8,0[73000041,D,400703F3]]

Failed file open. : Failed file open. (code : 1929379905) (cll_internal.cpp : 498) (code : 1929379905) (CLLFloatingLicenseThread.cpp : 473)

CLLFloatingLicenseInitialize failed to start the license thread.

(null): [1,7E1,8,0[73000041,D,400703F3]]

Failed file open. : Failed file open. (code : 1929379905) (cll_internal.cpp : 498) (code : 1929379905) (CLLFloatingLicenseThread.cpp : 473)

CLLFloatingLicenseInitialize failed to start the license thread.

Unable to obtain an IDL license.

Creating ~/.ominas directory

Creating ~/.ominas/config directory

config/ -> /home/pirl/mdtigges/.ominas/config/

config/strcat/ -> /home/pirl/mdtigges/.ominas/config/

config/cas/ -> /home/pirl/mdtigges/.ominas/config/

config/dawn/ -> /home/pirl/mdtigges/.ominas/config/

config/gll/ -> /home/pirl/mdtigges/.ominas/config/

config/vgr/ -> /home/pirl/mdtigges/.ominas/config/

config/juno/ -> /home/pirl/mdtigges/.ominas/config/

Creating ~/ominas_data directory

Copying default grimrc to /home/pirl/mdtigges/.ominas

config/grimrc -> /home/pirl/mdtigges/.ominas/grimrc

Copying default Xdefaults-grim to /home/pirl/mdtigges/.ominas

config/Xdefaults-grim -> /home/pirl/mdtigges/.ominas/Xdefaults-grim

/home/pirl/mdtigges/.ominas/ -> /home/pirl/mdtigges/.ominas/

The setup will guide you through the installation of OMINAS

More help is in the Install Guide, at

OMINAS files located in /home/pirl/mdtigges/ominas

/home/pirl/mdtigges/ominas /home/pirl/mdtigges/.ominas/


usage: mkdir [-pv] [-m mode] directory ...




    Current OMINAS configuration settings


    1) OMINAS Core  . . . . . . . . . . . . .  NOT CONFIGURED

           Contains the OMINAS code. If you select only one 

           of the other packages, this will be included.

Optional packages:

        2) Demo package . . . . . . . . . . . . .  NOT CONFIGURED

           Contains the demo scripts and the data required 

           to run then.

           These files are always present (in ominas/demo), 

           this option is to set up the environment so that

           the demos can be run.

        3) SPICE Icy  . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  NOT CONFIGURED

           Library maintained by JPL's NAIF (Navigation and Ancillary

           Information Facility,,

           required to use spacecraft / planetary kernel files.

Mission Packages:

           Kernels used for each mission's position and 

           pointing data. If you do not already have them,

           an option to download them from PDS will be provided.

           If you already have them, you will need to provide

           the path to your kernel files.

           Note: the NAIF Generic Kernels (one of the optional 

           data packages) are not required for the missions, they

           already contain a copy the subset of the generic kernel

           files they need.

    4) Cassini . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . NOT CONFIGURED

           Subsetted, about 16 GB as of Dec/2016

    5) Galileo (GLL) . . . . . . . . . . . . . NOT CONFIGURED

           About 833 MB as of Dec/2016

    6) Voyager . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . NOT CONFIGURED

           About 163 MB as of Dec/2016

        7) Juno  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . NOT CONFIGURED

           Subsetted, about 22 GB as of Feb/2018


        8) NAIF Generic Kernels  . . . . . . . . . NOT CONFIGURED

           About 22 GB as of Dec/2016

        9) Tycho2 star catalog . . . . . . . . . . NOT CONFIGURED

           About 161 MB download, 665 MB unpacked

       10) SAO star catalog  . . . . . . . . . . . NOT CONFIGURED

           Already provided with OMINAS, no download needed

       11) Maps

           Map library created for use with OMINAS NOT CONFIGURED

           About 813 MB as of August/2017

       12) UCAC4 star catalog  . . . . . . . . . . NOT CONFIGURED

           About 8.5 GB download

       13) GSC star catalog  . . . . . . . . . . . NOT CONFIGURED

For more information, see

Modify Current OMINAS configuration (Exit/Auto/Uninstall 1 2 ...)?  1 2 3

OMINAS requires the NAIF Icy toolkit to process SPICE kernels.

Would you like to install Icy from the internet now? [y]y --localdir=

(null): [1,7E1,8,0[73000041,D,400703F3]]

Failed file open. : Failed file open. (code : 1929379905) (cll_internal.cpp : 498) (code : 1929379905) (CLLFloatingLicenseThread.cpp : 473)

CLLFloatingLicenseInitialize failed to start the license thread.

(null): [1,7E1,8,0[73000041,D,400703F3]]

Failed file open. : Failed file open. (code : 1929379905) (cll_internal.cpp : 498) (code : 1929379905) (CLLFloatingLicenseThread.cpp : 473)

CLLFloatingLicenseInitialize failed to start the license thread.

Unable to obtain an IDL license.

Extracting Icy source files...

-bash: cd: icy: No such file or directory

Trying to use precompiled binaries...

Precompiled binary failed: 

Trying to build Icy...

Icy compiled. Log is at ~/.ominas/icy_make.log

Settiing OMINAS Core...

Settiing OMINAS Core...

Settiing OMINAS Core...

Settiing OMINAS Core...

Settiing OMINAS Core...

Settiing OMINAS Core...

Settiing OMINAS Core...

Settiing OMINAS Core...

Settiing OMINAS Core...

Settiing OMINAS Core...

writing /home/pirl/mdtigges/.ominas/

/home/pirl/mdtigges/.ominas/ -> /home/pirl/mdtigges/.ominas/

done with writing /home/pirl/mdtigges/.ominas/

/home/pirl/mdtigges/ominas /home/pirl/mdtigges/.ominas/

(null): [1,7E1,8,0[73000041,D,400703F3]]

Failed file open. : Failed file open. (code : 1929379905) (cll_internal.cpp : 498) (code : 1929379905) (CLLFloatingLicenseThread.cpp : 473)

CLLFloatingLicenseInitialize failed to start the license thread.

(null): [1,7E1,8,0[73000041,D,400703F3]]

Failed file open. : Failed file open. (code : 1929379905) (cll_internal.cpp : 498) (code : 1929379905) (CLLFloatingLicenseThread.cpp : 473)

CLLFloatingLicenseInitialize failed to start the license thread.

Unable to obtain an IDL license.

/home/pirl/mdtigges/ominas /home/pirl/mdtigges/.ominas/

writing /home/pirl/mdtigges/.ominas/

/home/pirl/mdtigges/.ominas/ -> /home/pirl/mdtigges/.ominas/

done with writing /home/pirl/mdtigges/.ominas/

/home/pirl/mdtigges/ominas /home/pirl/mdtigges/.ominas/

-bash: /home/pirl/mdtigges/.bashrc: Permission denied

-bash: /home/pirl/mdtigges/.bash_profile: Permission denied

/home/pirl/mdtigges/ominas /home/pirl/mdtigges/.ominas/


usage: mkdir [-pv] [-m mode] directory ...




    Current OMINAS configuration settings


    1) OMINAS Core  . . . . . . . . . . . . .  CONFIGURED

           Contains the OMINAS code. If you select only one 

           of the other packages, this will be included.

Optional packages:

        2) Demo package . . . . . . . . . . . . .  CONFIGURED

           Contains the demo scripts and the data required 

           to run then.

           These files are always present (in ominas/demo), 

           this option is to set up the environment so that

           the demos can be run.

        3) SPICE Icy  . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  NOT CONFIGURED

           Library maintained by JPL's NAIF (Navigation and Ancillary

           Information Facility,,

           required to use spacecraft / planetary kernel files.

Mission Packages:

           Kernels used for each mission's position and 

           pointing data. If you do not already have them,

           an option to download them from PDS will be provided.

           If you already have them, you will need to provide

           the path to your kernel files.

           Note: the NAIF Generic Kernels (one of the optional 

           data packages) are not required for the missions, they

           already contain a copy the subset of the generic kernel

           files they need.

    4) Cassini . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . NOT CONFIGURED

           Subsetted, about 16 GB as of Dec/2016

    5) Galileo (GLL) . . . . . . . . . . . . . NOT CONFIGURED

           About 833 MB as of Dec/2016

    6) Voyager . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . NOT CONFIGURED

           About 163 MB as of Dec/2016

        7) Juno  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . NOT CONFIGURED

           Subsetted, about 22 GB as of Feb/2018


        8) NAIF Generic Kernels  . . . . . . . . . NOT CONFIGURED

           About 22 GB as of Dec/2016

        9) Tycho2 star catalog . . . . . . . . . . NOT CONFIGURED

           About 161 MB download, 665 MB unpacked

       10) SAO star catalog  . . . . . . . . . . . NOT CONFIGURED

           Already provided with OMINAS, no download needed

       11) Maps

           Map library created for use with OMINAS NOT CONFIGURED

           About 813 MB as of August/2017

       12) UCAC4 star catalog  . . . . . . . . . . NOT CONFIGURED

           About 8.5 GB download

       13) GSC star catalog  . . . . . . . . . . . NOT CONFIGURED

For more information, see

Modify Current OMINAS configuration (Exit/Auto/Uninstall 1 2 ...)? 

After the install, I tried


and got the error

-bash: ominas: command not found

I checked that the file ominas exists in the ~/.ominas/ directory and it was there so I went into the .ominas directory and attempted to run ominas from there

raga:../demo 04:43:02 $ cd ~/.ominas/
raga:../.ominas 04:46:08 $ ominas
-bash: ominas: command not found
ppenteado commented 6 years ago


The problem with a license not being found could be due to the use of IDL 8.7 - the installer will look for the highest IDL version it can find, and use it by default. Since IDL 8.7 uses a different license server than versions up to 8.5. So, my suggestion is first to try to run IDL 8.7 from the command line, and see if the license issue is resolved. If not, you can try to use the license server for older versions, by setting IDL_DIR, as mentioned above. For instance, to use IDL 8.5:

$export IDL_DIR=/opt/rsi/idl_8.5/idl/

This will suppress the auto detection, and will cause the installer to use 8.5.

Let me know how it goes.

mattietigges commented 6 years ago

Icy won't configure using IDL 8.7, but I did have success using 8.5. Thanks