nasa / openmct-tutorial

A tutorial for OpenMCT that guides you through integrating historical and realtime telemetry.
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Telemetry Format in Object Provider #18

Closed evenstensberg closed 7 years ago

evenstensberg commented 7 years ago

Hi! Doing some work on the Yamcs plugin and have some questions about the format the telemetry need to be. From the tut, I've seen the telemetry registered as in the screenshot below:

skjermbilde 2017-08-04 kl 04 45 30

With the Yamcs plugin, the types coming in from the Rest API is a bit different, and I'm getting some errors when trying to log stuff in the realTimePlugin/historicalPlugin because the telemetry data isn't fully cooperating yet:

skjermbilde 2017-08-04 kl 04 46 57

If you run this branch you can see the telemetry getting logged in the console. My question is as follows:

Do the telemetry data need to be similar to the openmct-tutorial dictionary.json or is there some docs on that?

skjermbilde 2017-08-04 kl 04 50 28

evenstensberg commented 7 years ago

Would be a bit of a problem to convert too, as not all the incoming data from Yamcs is the same as in OpenMCT. Also getting empty data blocks, dunno what to plot instead of that

larkin commented 7 years ago


You will need to translate the YAMCS Parameter Info into an object understood by Open MCT, and you will need to translate the YAMCS Parameter Value into a telemetry datum. This is why this sort of plugin is known as a Telemetry Adapter. There may be some differences between YAMCS formats and Open MCT formats but most information should translate directly. If you have questions in how the data should be mapped, let me know.

The reason you're seeing empty data blocks is because you're requesting the wrong data (Parameter Values) when what you need is Parameter Info. In fact, you're making two requests: List Parameter Info and then List Parameter Values, but you don't need the second request.

Your YamcsObjectProvider must transform the YAMCS parameter info into a domain object with telemetry metadata. The telemetry metadata for values must properly describe the telemetry datums generated by your historical and realtime providers.

Your YamcsHistoricalProvider will need to make a YAMCS List Parameter Data request for historical data and transform the results into a telemetry datum-- a flat javascript object (no nesting).

Let me know if that helps or if you have any questions.

evenstensberg commented 7 years ago

Exactly what I was looking for, and I know that my question was a bit vague composed. Thanks for elaborating @larkin ! 💯

evenstensberg commented 7 years ago

FWIW -- Thought that the initial telemetry needed some initial data, when in fact it's just plot settings ( If I've understood correctly)?

Your YamcsObjectProvider must transform the YAMCS parameter info into a domain object with telemetry metadata.

Wouldn't it be better to use "List Parameter Info", when the information is the same?

for "Get Paramerer Info" you'd need two requests to figure out namespace and name, /api/mdb/:instance/parameters/:namespace/:name

evenstensberg commented 7 years ago

Basic functionality is up if you want to test @larkin . Need to change some of the incoming dataTypes and fix timestamps before its ready for a draft

larkin commented 7 years ago

@ev1stensberg List vs Get: makes sense.

The initial is metadata is used by plots, image views, time controls, etc. The providers get the actual telemetry values.

I briefly looked through your code, some things I noticed:

Feel free to open an issue on your repository and @ mention me (e.g. @larkin) and I can respond there with feedback.