At present, our e2e tests can take at least 9 minutes to finish for the following reasons:
Limited to 4 parallel workers
Increased number of tests marked a stable (good thing)
Test retries and flaky tests
Parallelization of test suites now use # of files instead of # of testcases
We've recently implemented DeploySentinel to keep track of our retries and flaky tests to better track #3. Attempting to increase the number of workers didn't have the intended affect because of #4, above.
After some investigation, it turns out that the only path forward is to start splitting large test files: playwright/test parallelizes by test file and not testsuite/testcases
At present, our e2e tests can take at least 9 minutes to finish for the following reasons:
We've recently implemented DeploySentinel to keep track of our retries and flaky tests to better track #3. Attempting to increase the number of workers didn't have the intended affect because of #4, above.