This branch updates the DSWx-S1 PGE code to accommodate the Final SAS delivery. Updates with this integration include validation of the new GLAD Classification ancillary map and an update to the ISO XML to bring it line with the product metadata available in the Final release.
This branch also fixes several discrepancies between the product metadata (according to the product spec) and the ISO XML template that were identified during testing of the previous release
Lastly, this branch fixes an issue in the Catalog Metadata generation, where paths relative to the PGE container were included with the lists of input and ancillary files
Affected Issues
Resolves #467
Fixes #449
Fixes #461
Unit test suite for DSWx-S1 has been updated to accommodate changes made for Final delivery
Integration test for DSWx-S1 has been run on Jenkins with all product comparisons passing
Affected Issues