The NASA Prognostic Python Packages is a Python framework focused on defining and building models and algorit for prognostics (computation of remaining useful life) of engineering systems, and provides a set of models and algorithms for select components developed within this framework, suitable for use in prognostic applications.
Requirement Text
Allow the setting of composed model parameters in a CompositeModel
Background Information
Right now the composite model expects that you set the parameters either before creation or by accessing m.parameters['models'].parameters. This is 1. messy and 2. doesn't work with prog_server.
Suggested Solution
Parse parameters using 'model_name.parameter' so m.parameters['abc.def'] would set m.parameters['model'].parameters['def'].
Requirement Text Allow the setting of composed model parameters in a CompositeModel
Background Information Right now the composite model expects that you set the parameters either before creation or by accessing m.parameters['models'].parameters. This is 1. messy and 2. doesn't work with prog_server.
Suggested Solution Parse parameters using 'model_name.parameter' so m.parameters['abc.def'] would set m.parameters['model'].parameters['def'].