nasa / trick

Trick Simulation Environment. Trick provides a common set of simulation capabilities and utilities to build simulations automatically.
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update to new trick issue #1665

Closed dpham1227 closed 4 months ago

dpham1227 commented 4 months ago

Hi, I am ugrading trick 17.4.0 to the latest trick version 19.7.1, got trick to build fine, no issues there, but when I try to run our simulation with the new trick , encountered this issue below

Error in /home/lander/code/packages/trick_cfs/osal/src/os/Trick-posix/osapi.c:949, Error calling pthread_create for Task ID = 0, reported "Operation not permitted."

  1. does trick_cfs have to be upgrade too? or it is independent of trick?
  2. what would be the recommendation to resolve this issue?

Thanks, Adrienne Pham Simulation Software Developer

dpham1227 commented 4 months ago

resolved by issuing a sudo command for the S_main executable before running the simulation