nasa / zarr-eosdis-store

Zarr data store for efficiently accessing NetCDF4 data from NASA’s Earth observing system in the cloud using the Zarr Python library
18 stars 6 forks source link

Harmony 1756 - Use trusted publisher for publishing to PyPi #16

Closed indiejames closed 6 months ago

indiejames commented 6 months ago

Changes GitHub publish action to use trusted publisher token instead of password stored in GitHub secret.

To test:

  1. Click on the 'Releases' link in the main page of this GitHub repo
  2. Click on 'Draft release' button.
  3. Create a dummy tag
  4. Choose this branch instead of 'main'
  5. Fill in title and description with whatever
  6. Choose "pre-production release" checkbox
  7. Click on 'Publish release'
  8. Check to the 'Actions' tab on the page and make sure the publish action succeeds
  9. Go to and search for harmony-service-lib
  10. Check on the releases and verify that your release is there
  11. Delete your test release