nasa8x / rss-to-json

RSS and Atom feed generator for Node.js
175 stars 77 forks source link

Category not being parsed #49

Open Shajeel-Afzal opened 1 year ago

Shajeel-Afzal commented 1 year ago


I am using rss-to-json for fetching the RSS from a URL however I am facing a problem with the Category field.

I see that the Category is not being parsed in the JSON that I am getting from this library.

Is there anything that we can do to fix this problem?

I am copy pasting the RSS for reference:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><rss xmlns:content="" version="2.0"><channel><title><![CDATA[All jobs |]]></title><link><![CDATA[;orgUid=424304544539983873&amp;paging=0%3B2&amp;q=&amp;securityToken=0cb40bb13bc3a7fe404a7c99a9bb814a8e47fb371f1ab2e29e6ba451924a7371a8845044b2fc6bf6e652a4dcf4f910db6859488f7be9534fb8b687b4ddb2638b&amp;sort=recency&amp;userUid=424304544535789568]]></link><description><![CDATA[All jobs as of October 11, 2022 19:01 UTC]]></description><language>en-us</language><pubDate>Tue, 11 Oct 2022 19:01:25 +0000</pubDate><copyright>© 2003-2022 Upwork Corporation</copyright><docs></docs><generator>Upwork Corporation</generator><managingEditor> (Upwork Corporation)</managingEditor><image><url></url><title><![CDATA[All jobs |]]></title><link><![CDATA[;orgUid=424304544539983873&amp;paging=0%3B2&amp;q=&amp;securityToken=0cb40bb13bc3a7fe404a7c99a9bb814a8e47fb371f1ab2e29e6ba451924a7371a8845044b2fc6bf6e652a4dcf4f910db6859488f7be9534fb8b687b4ddb2638b&amp;sort=recency&amp;userUid=424304544535789568]]></link></image><item><title><![CDATA[LOGO &amp; BRANDBOOK - Entertainment venue - Upwork]]></title><link></link><description><![CDATA[We are developing a logo for an RC car racing concept. We&#039;re looking for a group that&#039;s able to aid in the brainstorming and development of a company logo, and brand identity kit. We need the logo in a few different styles, as the uses for this will be on digital marketing campaigns, screen prints and other physical advertising. <br /><br />
If interested, message me and we can discuss the project in further detail and I will narrow down the selection to 2-3 people before making a final decision. <br /><br /><br /><b>Budget</b>: $100
<br /><b>Posted On</b>: October 11, 2022 18:57 UTC<br /><b>Category</b>: Brand Identity Design<br /><b>Skills</b>:Logo Design,     Brand Guidelines,     Brand Identity &amp; Guidelines    
<br /><b>Country</b>: United States
<br /><a href="">click to apply</a>
]]></description><content:encoded><![CDATA[We are developing a logo for an RC car racing concept. We&#039;re looking for a group that&#039;s able to aid in the brainstorming and development of a company logo, and brand identity kit. We need the logo in a few different styles, as the uses for this will be on digital marketing campaigns, screen prints and other physical advertising. <br /><br />
If interested, message me and we can discuss the project in further detail and I will narrow down the selection to 2-3 people before making a final decision. <br /><br /><br /><b>Budget</b>: $100
<br /><b>Posted On</b>: October 11, 2022 18:57 UTC<br /><b>Category</b>: Brand Identity Design<br /><b>Skills</b>:Logo Design,     Brand Guidelines,     Brand Identity &amp; Guidelines    
<br /><b>Country</b>: United States
<br /><a href="">click to apply</a>
]]></content:encoded><pubDate>Tue, 11 Oct 2022 18:57:17 +0000</pubDate><guid></guid></item><item><title><![CDATA[Content writer for new YouTube channel for F1 sports - Upwork]]></title><link></link><description><![CDATA[Need someone to write script for my new YouTube video sports F1 (formula 1)<br />
Like this one <br />
Basketball one (but yeah without counting)<br /><br /><br /><br />
F1 video I like<br /><br /><br />
Well if someone know much about F1 this will be better&nbsp;&nbsp;<br />
Am posting this job on cheap price because it&#039;s my starting point surely if we suit will be working together<br /><br /><b>Hourly Range</b>: $13.00-$35.00

<br /><b>Posted On</b>: October 11, 2022 18:57 UTC<br /><b>Category</b>: Other Content Writing<br /><b>Skills</b>:Content Writing,     Search Engine Optimization,     Creative Writing,     Blog Writing,     Article Writing    
<br /><b>Country</b>: United Kingdom
<br /><a href="">click to apply</a>
]]></description><content:encoded><![CDATA[Need someone to write script for my new YouTube video sports F1 (formula 1)<br />
Like this one <br />
Basketball one (but yeah without counting)<br /><br /><br /><br />
F1 video I like<br /><br /><br />
Well if someone know much about F1 this will be better&nbsp;&nbsp;<br />
Am posting this job on cheap price because it&#039;s my starting point surely if we suit will be working together<br /><br /><b>Hourly Range</b>: $13.00-$35.00

<br /><b>Posted On</b>: October 11, 2022 18:57 UTC<br /><b>Category</b>: Other Content Writing<br /><b>Skills</b>:Content Writing,     Search Engine Optimization,     Creative Writing,     Blog Writing,     Article Writing    
<br /><b>Country</b>: United Kingdom
<br /><a href="">click to apply</a>
]]></content:encoded><pubDate>Tue, 11 Oct 2022 18:57:17 +0000</pubDate><guid></guid></item></channel></rss>
lovelldies commented 1 year ago

I could have a look at this and try to push a fix.

staminna commented 1 year ago

My feed does not contain the guid field. Is it the same? It is fundamental for me.

Shajeel-Afzal commented 1 year ago

Hi, any update on this?