nash1111 / nash1111-tech-blog

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feat: add OGP #84

Closed nash1111 closed 5 days ago

nash1111 commented 5 days ago

User description


Closes #82


PR Type

enhancement, other


Changes walkthrough ๐Ÿ“

Relevant files
Create module for managing blog posts data                             

  • Created a new module to manage blog posts data.
  • Added functions to retrieve post data by path.
  • +14/-0   
    Add OGP metadata integration for blog posts                           

  • Integrated Open Graph Protocol (OGP) metadata for blog posts.
  • Updated loader function to fetch post data.
  • Added OGP meta tags in the component.
  • +17/-3   
    Refactor blog index to use posts module                                   

    app/routes/blog_._index.tsx - Refactored to use the new posts module for blog post data.
    Update last updated timestamp                                                       

    public/lastUpdated.ts - Updated the last updated timestamp.
    Update current issues JSON data                                                   

    public/currentIssues.json - Updated the current issues JSON data.

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    cloudflare-pages[bot] commented 5 days ago

    Deploying nash1111-tech-blog with  Cloudflare Pages  Cloudflare Pages

    Latest commit: c1b03b4
    Status:โšก๏ธ  Build in progress...

    View logs

    github-actions[bot] commented 5 days ago

    PR Reviewer Guide ๐Ÿ”

    โฑ๏ธ Estimated effort to review [1-5] 3
    ๐Ÿงช Relevant tests No
    ๐Ÿ”’ Security concerns No
    โšก Key issues to review Possible Bug:
    The use of window.location.href in app/routes/blog.tsx is commented out. If this is required for the Open Graph URL meta tag, it should be implemented correctly or removed if not needed.
    Code Quality:
    The logging statements like console.log(path) and console.log("thumbnail") in app/routes/blog.tsx should be removed or replaced with a more robust logging mechanism before merging to production.
    Refactoring Opportunity:
    The getPostDataByPath function in app/lib/posts.ts could be optimized to handle cases where the post is not found more gracefully.
    github-actions[bot] commented 5 days ago

    PR Code Suggestions โœจ

    CategorySuggestion                                                                                                                                    Score
    Possible issue
    Add error handling to improve function robustness ___ **Add error handling for the scenario where getPostDataByPath does not find a matching post.
    This will improve the robustness of the function by handling null or undefined values
    gracefully.** [app/lib/posts.ts [13]]( ```diff -return post ? : null; +if (!post) { + console.error(`Post not found for path: ${path}`); + return null; +} +return; ```
    Suggestion importance[1-10]: 8 Why: Adding error handling for the scenario where `getPostDataByPath` does not find a matching post improves the robustness of the function by handling null or undefined values gracefully. This is a significant improvement.
    Clean up or implement the commented-out code ___ **Remove the commented-out meta tag for 'og:url' or implement it correctly to avoid
    confusion and maintain clean code.** [app/routes/blog.tsx [28-29]]( ```diff -{ - // -} + ```
    Suggestion importance[1-10]: 7 Why: Removing or implementing the commented-out meta tag for 'og:url' helps maintain clean code and avoids confusion. This is a good practice for maintainability.
    Enhance logging for better debugging and context ___ **Use a more descriptive logging statement than "thumbnail" to provide better context in the
    console output, which can be helpful for debugging.** [app/routes/blog.tsx [19]]( ```diff -console.log("thumnbnail"); +console.log(`Loading thumbnail for post: ${post.title}`); ```
    Suggestion importance[1-10]: 6 Why: Using a more descriptive logging statement provides better context in the console output, which can be helpful for debugging. This is a minor but useful enhancement.
    Improve module imports to enhance tree shaking and reduce bundle size ___ **Consider using a more specific import method rather than importing everything as a module.
    This can help with tree shaking and potentially reduce the bundle size if only specific
    parts of the module are used.** [app/lib/posts.ts [1]]( ```diff -import * as postFirst from "~/routes/blog.nexttoremix.mdx"; +import { specificComponent } from "~/routes/blog.nexttoremix.mdx"; ```
    Suggestion importance[1-10]: 5 Why: While using specific imports can help with tree shaking and potentially reduce bundle size, the suggestion does not consider the actual components being used from the modules. The suggestion is valid but not crucial.