nashamri / spacemacs-theme

Light and dark theme for spacemacs that supports GUI and terminal
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Customization NOT automatically reloaded #123

Closed ianyepan closed 4 years ago

ianyepan commented 5 years ago

I really love this theme on my GNU Emacs, however I noticed whenever I restart Emacs, these two lines in my custom-set-variables:

 '(spacemacs-theme-comment-bg nil)
 '(spacemacs-theme-comment-italic t)

would not be read and would require me to manually reload my .emacs file. After manual reloading the customization would then take place. It doesn't bother me "that" much, after all it's just a few extra keystrokes, however it would be perfect if someone could fix this bug.

nashamri commented 5 years ago

Hey @ianpan870102 thanks for the kind words :smile: This might be related to this issue I'll try to investigate this later today.

nashamri commented 5 years ago

@ianpan870102 I just tried this snippet below and it works fine. If you are using use-package, can you please try it in your config and let me know if it works with you or not?

(use-package spacemacs-common
  :ensure spacemacs-theme
  :init (setq spacemacs-theme-comment-bg nil
          spacemacs-theme-keyword-italic t)
  :config (load-theme 'spacemacs-dark t))
ianyepan commented 5 years ago

You're welcome :) The syntax highlight support is hands-down the best I've come across. Keep me updated while you investigate the 'bug'! p.s. I'm using the default package manager with the require keyword and I'm not planning to migrate to use-package yet (though I might in the future, I've heard good things about it).

nashamri commented 5 years ago

Hey @ianpan870102, can you check if this fixes the issue?

nashamri commented 5 years ago

@ianpan870102 I just merged #144. Just wait a bit for MELPA to reflect the new update and you can easily test it.

30atm commented 4 years ago

My Package directory is in D drive. '(package-user-dir "d:\Users\admin.emacs.d\elpa")) I am not using spacemacs full set up. I have plain emacs and trying to install this theme. Everytime I restart emacs , I have to enable this again manually

I noticed that spacemacs-common.el was not getting compiled and there was no .elc file created. I pasted all that file contents into spacemacs-dark-theme.el.

This time, the theme got loaded fine.

ianyepan commented 4 years ago

Hi @nashamri I must have missed your previous year ago 😓 I've since migrated to using use-package, and this issue no longer exists. Here's a sample config snippet I'm using right now:

(use-package spacemacs-common
  :ensure spacemacs-theme
  (setq spacemacs-theme-comment-bg nil)
  (setq spacemacs-theme-comment-italic t)
  (setq spacemacs-theme-org-height nil)
  (load-theme 'spacemacs-light t))

@emelens I'm using vanilla emacs as well, if it helps, does my snippet above solve your issue? I'll close this issue for now but feel free to reopen a new one if you find something lacking.