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weasel out of #5

Open nasnoisaac opened 2 years ago

nasnoisaac commented 2 years ago


To back out of a situation or commitment in a sneaky or cowardly manner. 逃脱,推诿:以一种狡黠或懦怯的方式脱离某种境况或推诿责任


Maybe I can weasel ouf my of this a little (come from Linux video)


To weasel out means to avoid an obligation, especially in a sneaky or dishonorable way. The expression was first seen in the early 1900s, and it alludes to the stealthy way a weasel pursues its prey. Their narrow bodies and high metabolism allow them to chase mice (and other small creatures) “through holes and crevices, under dense herbage, up trees, or into water.”

weasel 是黄鼠狼, weasel out 暗指他们偷偷摸摸的捕猎.