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Help .. increase gpt4 model maximum tokens more than 8192 PLEASE #50

Open khanfar opened 1 year ago

khanfar commented 1 year ago

Help .. increase gpt4 model maximum tokens more than 8192 PLEASE in website . need more than 8192 please ... if can make it 16000

khanfar commented 1 year ago

i need more than 8192 and i put long code to edit in nat,dev . the 8192 tokens is not enough for me , please make it twice like 16000 .

khanfar commented 1 year ago


I ask long question and need answer to modify mo python code , the answer is stop and I get this message. Please I pay without get full answer my question in coding , please increase memory side of or increase the gpt4 tokens Maximum length. So we can use

Zhwt commented 1 year ago

When using the API, the gpt-4 model has a limit of 8192 tokens, while gpt-3.5-turbo has a limit of 4096. Those are limited by the model itself, this project can do little about it. It is said that there is a gpt-4-32k model which supports up to 32768 tokens, and that would be around 50000 words. If you have access to it, you can try it as an alternative.

khanfar commented 1 year ago

ok let me access it .. this is my email in :

ralyodio commented 1 year ago

When using the API, the gpt-4 model has a limit of 8192 tokens, while gpt-3.5-turbo has a limit of 4096. Those are limited by the model itself, this project can do little about it. It is said that there is a gpt-4-32k model which supports up to 32768 tokens, and that would be around 50000 words. If you have access to it, you can try it as an alternative.

I'm a total newb, how do I access this?