Start or add to existing project:,, requirements.txt and cruddy blueprint directory are things you will need to add to your existing project. Additionally, you should start with some of the content in templates and static folders. Find a pair and work on this together. Ask questions.
Hack 1 Add Phone Number to Sign Up / Authorization screen
Hack 2 Add logout to CRUD screen
Hack 3 Add login_required to another portion of the project
Create Task: 2/2 documentation/write-up with explanation of code, detailed but concise video with runtime and explaination, code commit of create task project is also shown on GitHub page
Accounts and Logins: 2/3- a branch was created and code shows that the pair did attempt to do hacks 1 and 2. Hack 3 was completed and runs on Git hub page.
**Final Score: 4/5 (hack 3 was completed, while other hacks were attempted)
[ ] CB Create Task completed and documented on GH Pages - Prep to submit to CB on or before May, 2nd. (2 Points - Individual)
[ ] Accounts and Logins Challenges/Hacks ( 3 Points - Team)