nataliepina / growers-brains

Client side application for Growers Brains
10 stars 16 forks source link

Add 404 route for all pages that do not exist #32

Closed benloeffel closed 4 years ago

benloeffel commented 4 years ago

On application start the terminal logs the message: webpack output is served from /GrowersBrains.

Create React App assumes the application is hosted at the serving web server's root or a subpath as specified in package.json "homepage": "",.

homepage in the package.json is a requirement for gh-pages and we cannot work around it by serving the same build from different paths

There is a related issue on StackOverflow.

The simplest solution appears to be creating an .env file with PUBLIC_URL=/ in the local development environment.

What do you think of this solution @nataliepina @Gajendra-NL @vyasriday ?

vyasriday commented 4 years ago

Please resolve the Conflicts.