Closed An1th closed 1 year ago
Hi @An1th it looks like your reference data environment variables are not set. The instructions to do so are here. If you have followed these steps and aren't seeing the variables set, here are some trouble shooting steps:
>>> import os
>>> os.environ['pandeia_refdata']
If you get back a blank file path, then your environment will return a NoneType and lead to the problem you are seeing.
>>> import os
>>> os.environ['pandeia_refdata'] = '/Users/nbatalh1/Documents/data/pandeia_data-2.0'
>>> from pandexo.engine import justdoit
Make sure that you reset your kernel, and set the environment before importing pandexo.
Try these out and let me know what you find!
Hi @natashabatalha ,
Great ! It worked.. Thank you so much for the quick response !
Hi, Can someone please help me out.
If I call run_pandexo() using instrument type as string, I get the below error:
result = jdi.run_pandexo(exo_dict, "NIRSpec Prism")
Instrument input is not dict so must be list. Enter in format ["NIRSpec G140M"] or ["NIRISS SOSS","MIRI LRS"]
If I give it as array, I get this following error:
result = jdi.run_pandexo(exo_dict, ["NIRSpec Prism"])