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Get Auth0 login working for Codespaces #78

Closed simonw closed 1 year ago

simonw commented 1 year ago

One thing I couldn't figure out: how to get Auth0 login working. That requires that your redirect URI is configured on the Auth0 website, but with GitHub Codespaces you get a new URL every time you launch a development environment.

May have to solve that with a special mechanism on production where hits to are redirected to the right place - but need to make sure that scheme is secure.

Maybe the GitHub Codespaces developer environment uses a signed string such that the production environment knows that the redirect is safe to follow.

Originally posted by @simonw in

simonw commented 1 year ago

I'm going to do this with a shared secret between the development environments on Codespaces and the production website.

Then I'll construct a special auth0 callback URL like this:


Relevant code:

That weird string in the path is a URL-safe base64 encoded signed string with the URL that everything should be forwarded BACK to once the authentication has completed.

Console exploration:

>>> from django.core import signing
>>> import base64
>>> msg = signing.Signer(key='shared').sign("hello there")
>>> msg
'hello there:U7afM79lC5RsAsbO6-ihYegbTpRzlrHNYpxgymWPMLk'
>>> base64.urlsafe_b64encode(msg.encode()).decode()
simonw commented 1 year ago shows how to set secrets for Codespaces.

simonw commented 1 year ago

Started work on a test:

def test_auth0_login_with_forward_url(client, settings):
    forward_url = ""
    settings.AUTH0_FORWARD_URL = forward_url
    settings.AUTH0_FORWARD_SECRET = "my-secret"

    response = client.get("/login/")
    assert response.status_code == 302
    location = response.headers["location"]
    # Should redirect to auth0 with ?redirect_uri=AUTH0_FORWARD_URL with a base64 extension
    assert location.startswith(
    # Use parse_qs to extract the redirect_uri
    qs = parse_qs(urllib.parse.urlparse(location).query)
    redirect_uri = qs["redirect_uri"][0]

    assert redirect_uri.startswith(forward_url)
    base64bit = redirect_uri[len(forward_url) :]
    assert base64bit
    # Decode that as URL safe base64
    decoded = base64.urlsafe_b64decode(base64bit.encode()).decode()

    # That should be a signed message - unsign it with the secret
    signer = signing.Signer(key="my-secret")
    unsigned = signer.unsign(decoded)

    # And that should contain our original redirect URL
    assert unsigned == "http://testserver/auth0-callback/"

    del settings.AUTH0_FORWARD_URL
    del settings.AUTH0_FORWARD_SECRET
simonw commented 1 year ago

The following settings should now implement half of what's needed:

AUTH0_FORWARD_SECRET = "some-special-secret"

These settings, implemented in a test environment, will cause the login link to direct the user to Auth0 such that it redirects BACK to

The next step is to teach /auth0-callback/... to decode that some-base64-signed-value, check its signature against the AUTH0_FORWARD_SECRET setting and, if it verifies, redirect the user to that location.

simonw commented 1 year ago

Looks like /auth0-callback/... is rejected as an invalid redirect_uri by Auth0. But this works:

redirect_uri = forward_url + '?forward=' + signed_base64(
    redirect_uri, settings.AUTH0_FORWARD_SECRET

That resulted in a redirect to:

Which then tried to redirect back to:

Which threw a 500 error saying "state check failed, your authentication request is no longer valid" - because I haven't yet taught the production instance how to redirect back to that decoded forward URL.

simonw commented 1 year ago

I've created a secret token called PILLARPOINTSTEWARDS_AUTH0_FORWARD_SECRET and saved it in 1Password.

I've assigned it as an environment variable in Fly like this:

fly secrets set AUTH0_FORWARD_SECRET=xxx -a pillarpointstewards
simonw commented 1 year ago

Now I'm setting it in my Codespaces secrets:

image image
simonw commented 1 year ago

I destroyed my Codespace and created a brand new one.

In that new one I ran this:

env | grep AUTH

Which confirmed that my AUTH0_FORWARD_SECRET was available.

Then I ran:

AUTH0_FORWARD_URL='' python pillarpointstewards/ runserver

I tried signing in... but I ended up signed into without being redirected back to my dev environment.

The network panel in my browser seemed to indicate that the ?forward= parameter did not survive all the way through the auth0 redirects.

Actually no I think it's my bug - the /login/ page redirected to:

It looks like it forgot the ?forward= option there.

simonw commented 1 year ago

The first reason it didn't work is that clicking the "Login" link in the dev environment was hard-coded to this:

But when I did login I got an error, which was caused by this bit:

It needs the redirect_uri AGAIN, but I need to make sure I send it the fake one from AUTH0_FORWARD_URL

Also I needed to start the dev server like this:

  python pillarpointstewards/ runserver

It needs that Auth0 secret in order to do the rest of the steps.

simonw commented 1 year ago

That worked! I had to start the server with the correct AUTH0_CLIENT_SECRET (I had copied and pasted only part of it the first time) but I have now successfully logged in via SSO on a dev environment in GitHub Codespaces.