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restrict to numpy<2 until our dependencies are ready for it #1607

Closed davemfish closed 3 months ago

davemfish commented 3 months ago

In the end all we need to get passing builds was to restrict numpy. I guess it seems premature to change the pyroject.toml build requirements, but I'm not sure I fully understand how that all works.

This should also fix #1596 . As @emlys mentioned, I observed that conda-forge did not install the latest PyInstaller release, and I think it could be due to the fact that we are stuck on macos-13 rather than macos-latest (see #1586 ).

Using pip to install PyInstaller worked around that problem, maybe because pip does less in the way of version-solving?

Similarly, pygeoprocessing is a "pip-only" install for us, and that is the only way we're able to solve the Python 3.12 environment at the moment.

Fixes #1606
